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Life Processes

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 mark each)

Q. 1. A student covered a leaf from a Which one of the following will be the
de­ starched plant with a black paper correct observation?
strip and kept it in the garden outside (a) Whole leaf turned blue-black.
his house in fresh air. In the evening, he (b) Only B and C portions turned blue-
tested the covered portion of the leaf for black.
the presence of starch. By doing so the (c) Only A and B portions remained
student was trying to show that: colourless and the rest of the leaf
(a) CO2 is given out during respiration turned blue-black.
(b) CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis (d)  A, B and C portions remained
(c) Chlorophyll is necessary for photo- colourless and the rest of the leaf
synthesis turned blue-black.
(d) Light is necessary for photosynthesis  [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2015]
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2016] Ans. Only A and B portions remained
Ans. (d) Light is necessary for photosynthesis colourless and the rest of the leaf
turned blue-black.
Q. 2. In the experiment to show that ‘CO2 is
released during respiration’, the small Q. 5. Rina set up the apparatus for demonstra-
test tube of KOH solution is suspen- ting that CO2 is released during respira-
ded inside the conical flask to absorb tion of germinating seeds. After 2 hours
the: when she observed the set up she did not
(a) air of the flask find the water to rise in the bent tube from
(b) moisture of the flask the beaker. The reason could be because:
(c) O2 of the flask
(d) CO2 of the flask released by the seeds
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. (d) CO2 of the flask released by the seeds KCl
Q. 3. Define photosynthesis.
[CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2015] water
Ans. The process by which plants make their
own food using chlorophyll, carbon Germinating seeds
dioxide and water in the presence of (a) the beaker has coloured water.
sunlight is known as photosynthesis. (b) the set-up is air tight.
sunlight (c) no oxygen is available to seeds for
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 respiration.
Q. 4. A destarched leaf on a potted plant was (d) carbon-dioxide is not being absorbed.
covered with black (A), white (B) and  [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2015]
transparent (C) strips of paper as shown Ans. (d) carbon-dioxide is not being absorbed.
in the figure.
Q. 6. In an experiment to show that ‘sunlight
B is necessary for photosynthesis’, the
leaf is boiled in alcohol for few minu-
tes using a water bath. It is essential
(a) Alcohol is highly volatile.
After six hours of exposure to sunlight (b) Steam from the water bath heats the
the leaf was removed from the plant and leaf rapidly.
tested for starch.
(c) Steam from the water dissolves the Q. 7. In the experiment to show that ‘CO2
chlorophyll. is released during respiration’, the
(d) Alcohol is flammable. solution in the test tube is chemically:
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 2, 2015] (a) NaOH (b) KOH
(c) NaCl (d) KCI
Ans. (c) Steam from the water dissolves the
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 2, 2015]
Ans. (b) KOH

Short Answer Type Questions-I (2 marks each)

Q. 1. List four precautions which a student This is an example of Anaerobic
should observe while preparing a Respiration which happens in the
temporary mount of a leaf peel to show absence of oxygen.
stomata in his school laboratory.
 [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019] Q. 4. A student is observing the temporary
mount of a leaf peel under a microscope.
Ans. (i) The leaf peel should be very small.
Draw labelled diagram of the structure
(ii) Peel should be immediately in the
of stomata as seen under the microscope.
drop of water.
 [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
(iii) Place cover slip carefully to avoid the
air bubbles. Ans.
(iv) Peel should be unfolded.
Q. 2. List in proper sequence four steps of
obtaining germinating dicot seeds.
 [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. (i) The root is formed when radicle of
seed grows.
(ii) The root grows downward into the Q. 5. How is O2 and CO2 transported in
soil and absorbs water and minerals human beings?
from the soil.  [CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019]
(iii) The shoot is formed from the upward
growth of plumule. Ans. Oxygenated blood is transported in
(iv) The green leaves are developed when human beings by the arteries or by
shoot comes above the ground. haemoglobin of red blood corpuscles.
The deoxygenated blood is carried by the
Q. 3. Write two different ways in which
veins or by plasma of the blood.
glucose is oxidized to provide energy in
human body. Write the products formed Q. 6. List the steps of preparation of tempo-
in each case. [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019] rary mount of a leaf Peel to observe sto-
mata. [CBSE, 2018]
Ans. Glucose is oxidised in two forms to pro-
vide energy to the body: Ans. (i) Remove a peel from lower surface of
In leaf using forceps and put it in water.
(i) C6H 12 O 6 cytoplasm
 → Pyruvate
(ii) Put few drops of safranin stain in a
watch glass.
→ CO 2 + H 2 O + 38ATP (iii) After 2-3 minutes take out the peel and
put it on a slide.
This is an example of Aerobic Respiration
(iv)  Put a drop of glycerine and put a
that happens in the presence of oxygen.
coverslip over the peel.
(ii) C6H 12 O 6 cytoplasm
 → Pyruvate Q. 7. Draw a labelled diagram of cross
Glucose section of a leaf.
→ C2 H 5OH + CO 2 + 2ATP  [CBSE Term 1, Set 1, 2016]
Ethanol energy
Ans. Q. 10. (i) Name two waste products which are
stored in old xylem in plants.
(ii) Name the process by which plants
get rid of excess water. Name the
pores through which this process
takes place.
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 2, 2015]
Ans. (i) Resin and gums are the two wastes
which are stored in old xylem in plants.
(ii) Transpiration is the process by which
plants get rid of excess water.
Cross Section of Leaf Stomatal pores are the pores through
Q. 8. State where are stomata ideally located. which transpiration takes place.
Are they cellular structures? Q. 11. Identify the observed various parts of
[CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2016] temporary mount of well stained leaf
peel, when focussed under the high
Ans. Stomata are located generally at lower
power of a microscope.
epidermis. Yes, stomata are cellular struc-
tures.  [CBSE, Term 1, Set 2, 2015]
Q. 9. Record your observations when a stained Ans. Parts of temporary mount of well stained
and mounted leaf peel is viewed by you leaf peel are:
under high power (45 X) microscope. (i) Stomatal aperture (opened) or
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2015] (closed)
Ans. (i)  The process (stomatal process) in (ii) Guard cells
which stomatal pores are clearly seen. (iii) Chloroplast
(ii) Each stomata has two kidney shaped (iv) Nucleus
cells (guard cells) having one nucleus (v) Epidermal cells
and many chloroplasts each.

Short Answer Type Questions-II (3 marks each)

Q. 1. (a) 
State the role played by the following proteinases namely pepsin and
in the process of digestion. chymotrypsin, to breakdown
(i) Enzyme trypsin dietary protein into peptides and
(ii) Enzyme lipase amino acids. These amino acids
List two functions of finger like are essential for muscle growth,
projections present in the small hormone production and other
intestine. [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020] important bodily functions.
Lipase enzyme breaks down
Ans. (i) Trypsin is an enzyme that helps
(a)  dietary fats into smaller molecules
in the digestion of proteins. known as glycerol and fatty acids.
In the small intestine, trypsin A little quantity of lipase, known
breaks down proteins, continuing as gastric lipase is produced by the
the process of digestion cells of the stomach. This enzyme
that began in the stomach. mainly digests fat present in the
It may also be referred to as a food. The pancreas is the primary
proteolytic enzyme, or proteinase. source of lipase in the digestive
Trypsin is produced by the tract, which produces pancreatic
pancreas in an inactive form called lipase which acts in the small
trypsinogen. The trypsinogen intestine. The bile produced in the
enters the small intestine through liver and liberated in the intestine
the common bile duct and is transform dietary fat to smaller
converted into active trypsin. fat globules. Pancreatic lipase acts
This active trypsin acts with the on these fat globules and converts
other two principal digestive them into glycerol and fatty acids
that are small, energy molecules. translocation. Translocation is
Glycerol and fatty acids move in essential for plants because without
blood and lymph vessels to move it food prepared by the leaves cannot
in every part of the body. reach other parts of the plant for their
The inner surface of the small
(b)  growth and development.
intestine has numerous finger-like (b)  The substances in plants reach to
projections called villi which increase other tissues in plants from the leaves,
the surface area for rapid absorption fruits, seeds and other growing organs
of digested food. The digested food as a result of translocation.
which is absorbed through the walls Q. 5. List two types of the transport system in
of the small intestine goes into our human beings and write the functions
blood. of any one of these.
Q. 2. List in tabular form three distinguishing  [CBSE OD, Set 2, 2019]
features between autotrophic nutrition Ans. Lymphatic system and blood circulatory
and heterotrophic nutrition. system are the two types of transport
 [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019] system in human beings.
Ans. Functions of blood circulatory system:
S. No. Autotrophic Heterotrophic (i) It carries nutrients and oxygen to all
nutrition nutrition cells in the body.
1. In this mode In this mode of (ii) It removes CO2 from the body cells.
of nutrition nutrition the (iii) It carries digested food from the small
organisms make organisms do not intestine to other parts of the body.
their own food. make their own (iv)  It carries hormones from endocrine
food. glands to different organs of the body.
Q. 6. Write three types of blood vessels. Give
2. CO2 and H2O are They depend on
one important feature of each.
required for the autotrophs for their
 [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
preparation of food food either directly
as raw materials. or undirectly. Ans. The three types of blood vessels are:
(i) Arteries
3. Chlorophyll and Chlorophyll and
(ii) Veins
sunlight are sunlight are not
(iii) Capillaries
essentially needed. needed.
(i) Arteries: They carry oxygenated blood
Q. 3. What is transpiration? List its two from the heart and transport it to organs.
­functions. [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019] (ii) Veins: They carry deoxygenated blood
Ans. The evaporation of water from the aerial from organs and take this blood to the
parts of a plant is called transpiration. heart.
Functions of transpiration: (iii) Capillaries: Arteries and veins divide
to form arterioles and venules. The
(i) It helps in the upward movement of
nutrients, hormones and gases can dif-
water and minerals from root to the
fuse into the tissue cells through the
leaves through the stem and in the
walls of capillaries and vice versa.
(ii) It helps in cooling the plant surface. Q. 7. Define the term transpiration. Design an
It helps in the movement of dissolved experiment to demonstrate this process.
minerals from root to leaves.  [CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019]
Q. 4. (a)  What is translocation? Why is it Ans. Loss of excess water from the leaves of
essential for plants? plants with the help of stomata is called
(b) Where do the substances in plants as transpiration.
reach as a result of translocation?
 [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019] Transpiration Experiment
Ans. (a)  The transport of food from leaves Material Required: A potted plant, A
to other parts of the plant is called polythene, Tape
Ans. The green plants are called autotrophs.
They make their own food by the process
of photosynthesis.
(i) In this process the plants capture the
sun rays by the pigment present in the
leave called as chlorophyll.
(ii) Conversion of light energy to chemical
(iii) Splitting of water molecules into
hydrogen and oxygen.
(i) Take a potted plant and enclose the (iv) Then in the presence of carbon dioxide
leaves of the plant with a big plastic or and water they make food for the
polythene bag. plants in the form of glucose. In this
(ii) Now keep the plant in sunlight for two process oxygen gas is also evolved.
hours. Equation for the mechanism:
(iii) After sometime you will observe the Sunlight
CO 2 + H2 O Chlorophyll
→ C6 H12 O 6 + O 2
water droplets on the polythene sheet. Carbon- Glucose
(iv)  It depicts the loss of water from dioxide

the leaves of the plant depicting

transpiration. Q. 9. List in tabular form three differences
between blood and lymph. [CBSE, 2019]
Q. 8. What is photosynthesis? Explain its
mechanism. [CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019]

Topper’s Answers
Q. 10. Write one function of each of the (i) Makes the acidic food coming from
following components of the transport the stomach alkaline so that pancreatic
system in human beings: enzymes can act on it.
(a) Blood vessels (b) Lymph (ii) Bile salts break the fats present in the
(c) Heart food into small globules making it
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2016] easy for the enzymes to act and digest
Ans. (a) Blood vessels: They carry blood
throughout the body. Q. 12. (a) State reason for the following:
(b) Lymph: It is a clear fluid that travels (i) Rings of cartilage are present in
through the tissues to dense them the trachea.
and keep them firm. (ii) Plants look green in colour.
(c) Heart: It pumps oxygenated blood to (b) Write other names of the following:
the body and deoxygenated blood to (i) Alveolar sac
the lungs for purification. (ii) Voice box
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 2, 2015]
Q. 11. Bile juice does not contain any enzyme
but bile salts are important for digestion Ans. (a) (i) Rings of cartilage are present in
and absorption of fats. State reason. the trachea so that trachea does
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 2, 2015] not collapse even when there is no
air in it.
Ans. Bile is a digestive juice secreted by the
liver. Although it does not contain any (ii) Plants look green in colour because
digestive enzymes, it plays an important of the presence of a green pigment
role in the digestion of fats. called chlorophyll in it.
Bile is alkaline and contains salts which (b) (i) Alveolar sac → Air sac
helps to emulsify or break the fats (or (ii) Voice box → Larynx
lipids) present in the food. Thus, bile
performs two functions:

Long Answer Type Questions (5 marks each)

Q. 1. (a) 
Write the correct sequence of steps the right atrium through superior
followed during journey of oxygen and inferior vena cava.
rich blood from lungs to various (v) The right atrium contract and the
organs of human body. blood flows into right ventricle.
What happens when the system of (vi) The right ventricle relaxes while
blood vessels develop a leak? receiving the deoxygenated blood
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020] then it contracts and the blood
flows into lungs for oxygenation
Ans. (a) (i) Oxygenated blood from lungs
enters through the pulmonary through pulmonary artery.
vein into left atrium. (b) Leakage would lead to a loss of
(ii) The left atrium relaxes while pressure which would reduce the
collecting the oxygenated blood. efficiency of the pumping system. To
Then the left atrium contract and avoid this, the blood has platelet cells
the blood goes into left ventricle. which circulate around the body and
(iii) The left ventricle relaxes while plug these leaks by helping to clot the
receiving the oxygenated blood blood at these points of injury.
then it contracts and the blood Q. 2. (a)  How do leaves of plants help in
flows into different organs and excretion? Explain briefly.
parts of the body. (b) Describe the structure and function
(iv) The deoxygenated blood from of a nephron.
different parts of the body enters [CBSE OD, Set 2, 2020]
Ans. (a) The cellular respiration, photosynthe- called the glomerulus. This capsule
sis, and the other metabolic reactions and glomerulus together constitute
produce a lot of excretory products in the renal corpuscle.
plants. Carbon dioxide, excess water The structure of nephron comprises two
produced during respiration and major portions:
nitrogenous compounds produced (i) Renal Tubule
during protein metabolism are the (ii) Renal Corpuscle
major excretory products in plants. The major function of tubules is
Plants produce two gaseous the waste reabsorption and the process can either
products i.e., oxygen during photosyn- be through active transport or passive
transport. In addition, secretions by
thesis and carbon dioxide during res-
tubules help in the urine formation
piration. Excretion of gaseous waste without affecting the electrolyte balance
in plants takes place through stomatal of the body.
pores on leaves. Oxygen released dur- Function of Nephron:
ing photosynthesis is used for respi- The primary function of nephron is
ration while carbon dioxide released removing all waste products including
during respiration is used for pho- the solid wastes and other excess water
tosynthesis. Excess of water is also from the blood, converting into the urine,
excreted from the plant body through reabsorption, secretion and excretion
the stomatal pores and from the sur- of numerous substances. As the blood
faces of fruits and stems. The process passes through the glomerulus with high
of elimination of water is called tran- pressure, the small molecules are moved
into the glomerular capsules and travel
spiration. Besides these leaves helps
through a winding series of tubules. The
in excretion through a process called cell present in each tube absorbs different
abscission. Abscission is falling off old molecules excluding the glucose, water
and yellow leaves. By the help of this and other beneficial molecules which are
process plants get rid off toxins etc. called as the ultra filtrate. As the ultra-
Many plants store waste materials in filtrate molecules travel down the tubules
the vacuoles of mesophyll cells and they become more and more hypertonic,
epidermal cells. When old leaves fall, which results in more amount of water
the waste materials are excreted along to be extracted from the ultra-filtrate
with the leaves. Other than gaseous before it exits the nephrons. The blood
wastes, metabolism in plants also surrounding the nephron travels back
into the body through the renal blood
generates organic by-products. These
vessels, which are free of toxins and other
wastes are stored in different forms in excess substances. The obtained ultra-
different parts. The gums, oils, latex, filtrate is urine, which travels down via
resins, etc. are some waste products the collecting duct to the bladder, where
stored in plant parts like barks, stems, it will be stored and released through the
leaves, etc. Eventually, plants shed off urethra.
these parts.
(b) A nephron is the basic structural and
functional unit of the kidney. They are
the microscopic structure composed
of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule.
The mammalian nephron is a long tube-
like structure, its length varying from
35–55 mm long. At one end, the tube
is closed, folded and expanded, into
a double-walled, a cup like structure
called the Bowman’s capsule or renal
corpuscular capsule, which encloses
a cluster of microscopic blood vessels
Q. 3. (a) Why is there a difference in the (b) Urine formation is carried out by
rate of breathing between aquatic the excretory system. The nephrons
organisms and terrestrial organisms? play a major role in this. They carry
Explain. out urine formation in various steps
Draw a diagram of human respira- like glomerular filtration, selective
tory system and label — pharynx, reabsorption and tubular secretion.
trachea, lungs, diaphragm and alve- (i) Each nephron has a glomerulus,
olar sac on it. the site of blood filtration. The
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020] glomerulus is a network of
Ans. (a) There is a difference in the rate of capillaries surrounded by a cup like
breathing between the aquatic organ- structure, the glomerular capsule (or
isms and terrestrial organisms because Bowman’s capsule). As blood flows
the amount of dissolved oxygen in the through the glomerulus, blood
water in much less than the amount pressure pushes water and solutes
on land, so they have to breathe more from the capillaries into the capsule
in order to get more oxygen. The through a filtration membrane. This
breathing rate of aquatic animals is glomerular filtration begins the
faster than that of terrestrial animals urine formation process.
because the amount of oxygen avail- (ii) Inside the glomerulus, blood
able in dissolved form is extremely pressure pushes fluid from
low in concentration as compared to capillaries into the glomerular
oxygen available in the air and the capsule through a specialized layer
aquatic animals acquire oxygen that is of cells. In this layer, the filtration
dissolved in water. Oxygen is the nec- membrane, allows water and
essary element for the survival of all
small solutes to pass but blocks
organisms on earth except anaerobes.
blood cells and large proteins.
Those components remain in the
bloodstream. The filtrate flows from
the glomerular capsule further into
the nephron.
(iii) The resulting filtrate contains
waste, but also other substances the
body needs such as essential ions,
glucose, amino acids and smaller
proteins. When the filtrate exits the
glomerulus, it flows into a duct in
the nephron called the renal tubule.
(iv) Waste ions and hydrogen ions
pass from the capillaries into
the renal tubule. This process is
Q. 4. (a) Name the organs that form the called secretion. The secreted ions
excretory system in human beings. combine with the remaining filtrate
(b) Describe in brief how urine is pro- and become urine. The urine flows
duced in human body. out of the nephron tubule into a
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020] collecting duct. It passes out of the
Ans. (a) The human excretory system com- kidney and down to the bladder.
prises of the following structures: Urine is a liquid or water waste
(i) 2 Kidneys product that passes through your
(ii) 2 Ureters urinary tract and is expelled from
(iii) 1 Urinary bladder the body through the urethra. It
(iv) 1 Urethra contains 90-95% water.
Q. 5. (a) A gas is released during photosyn- The opening and closing of stomata
thesis. Name the gas and also state is regulated by the guard cells can be
the way by which the gas is evolved. depicted diagrammatically as follows:
(b) What are stomata ? What governs
the opening and closing of stomata?
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2020]
Ans. (a) Oxygen gas is released during the
process of photosynthesis. Carbon
dioxide and water present in the air
takes the light energy from the sun
and in the presence of the chlorophyll
pigment converts the CO2 and H2O Open and closed stomata
into glucose and oxygen gas is evolved
in the process. Q. 6. (a) 
Draw a diagram of human
The reaction of photosynthesis is as alimentary canal and label – gall
follows: bladder, pancreas, liver and small
intestine on it.
Give two reasons to explain why
absorption of digested food occurs
mainly in the small intestine.
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2020]
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 Ans. (a) Human alimentary canal diagram:
The oxygen during the process of
photosynthesis mainly comes from
the splitting of the water molecule
in the presence of the sunlight and
during the process of photosynthesis
the plants absorb water and carbon
dioxide. The excess oxygen gathered
is released into the atmosphere which
is utilised by the humans for the
(b) The small openings or pores on the
lower surface of the leaves are called
stomata. Stomatal pores in plants
regulate the amount of water and
solutes within them by opening and
closing their guard cells using osmotic
pressure. In order for plants to
produce energy and maintain cellular (b) The small intestine is the most impor-
respiration. The exchange of the gases tant part of the digestive system. Max-
occurs across the surface of the stems, imum absorption occurs in the small
roots and leaves as well. Also the intestine because of the following rea-
large amount of water can also be lost sons:
through the stomata, thus to prevent (i) Digestion is completed in the small
this the plant closes these pores intestine because the inner lining of
when carbon dioxide is not needed the small intestine is provided with
for photosynthesis. The opening and villi which increase the surface area
closing of the pores is the function of for absorption of digested food.
the guard cells. The guard cells swell (ii) Villi of the intestine is richly supplied
when water flows into them, causing with blood vessels which assimilate
the stomatal pore to open similarly the the absorbed food to the other parts
pore closes if the guard cells shrink. of the body.
Q. 7. (a)  Mention any two components of (d) Walls of arteries are thick and they
blood. carry oxygenated blood whereas
(b) Trace the movement of oxygenated walls of vein are thin and they carry
blood in the body. deoxygenated blood.
(c) Write the function of valves present
Q. 8. (a) Define excretion.
in between atria and ventricles.
(b) Name the basic filtration unit
(d) Write one structural difference bet-
present in the kidney.
ween the composition of artery and
Draw excretory system in human
veins. [CBSE, 2018]
beings and label the following
Ans. (a) Red blood cells and white blood cells organs of excretory system which
are the components of blood. perform the following functions:
(b) The oxygenated blood goes into the left (i) forms urine.
atrium from there it goes to the left ven- (ii) is a long tube which collects
tricle and then to all the body organs. urine from kidney.
(c) Valves prevents the backflow of blood (iii) Store urine until it is passed
from the ventricles to the atrium. out. [CBSE, 2018]

Topper’s Answers
Ans. (a) The process of removing toxic waste (b) Why is double circulation of blood
from the human body is called excretion. necessary in humans?
(b) Nephron is the basic filtration unit  [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2015]
present in the kidney. Humans have four chambered heart
Ans. (a) 
(c) which consists of two atria and two ven-
tricles. In a four chambered heart, the left
side and right side of the heart are com-
pletely separated to prevent the oxygen-
ated blood from mixing with deoxygen-
ated blood. Such a separation allows a
highly efficient supply of oxygen to the
body cells which is necessary for pro-
ducing a lot of energy. This energy is
useful for warm blooded animals (like
humans) which have high energy needs
to maintain their body temperature.
All the animals which have four
(i) Kidney, (ii) Ureter, (iii) Urinary Bladder. chambered heart have double
Q. 9. (a) State the form in which the following circulation in which the blood
are stored: passes through the heart ‘twice’ in
(i) Unused carbohydrates in plants. one complete cycle of the body. This
(ii) The energy derived from food in ensures the separation of oxygenated
humans. blood from deoxygenated blood.
(b) Describe the process of nutrition in Explanation:
amoeba with the help of diagram. Double circulation: The blood
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2016] travels twice through the heart in one
Ans. (a) (i) The form of starch. complete cycle of the body and is called
(ii) In the form of ATP or ADP. double circulation. It involves two
(b) Nutrition in Amoeba: Amoeba consumes circulations:
food with the help of pseudopodia. (i) Pulmonary circulation: The
Pseudopodia are temporary finger like pathway of the blood from the heart
projections of the cell surface, which to the lungs and back to the heart
fuse over the food particles. This results is called pulmonary circulation. It
in the formation of food vacuole. is small circulation. Deoxygenated
Inside this food vacuole complex blood in the right ventricle flows
substances are broken down into simple into the vascular system of the
ones. These are then diffused into the cell lungs, becomes oxygenated and
cytoplasm. The remaining undigested returns to the left atrium through
material is thrown out of the cell surface. pulmonary veins.
(ii) Systemic circulation: The path-
way of the blood from the heart
to the rest of the body and back to
the heart is called systemic circu-
lation. It is large circulation. Left
ventricle sends the blood into the
aorta. Aorta divides into arteries,
arterioles and capillaries and sup-
plies oxygenated blood to various
parts of the body. From there the
deoxygenated blood is collected
Q. 10. (a) Explain how the separation of oxy- by venules, which join to form
genated and deoxygenated blood is veins and finally vena cava pours
useful in humans? blood back into right atrium.

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