101 Questions 2022

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aay Dermyor ac Ss University of bitaka Department of Suciology (ous.) First Semester Midterm Examination, 2022 Course Code: SOC 101 Course Title: Introduction to Sociology ‘Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 40 r four questions from the following: V1. The sociological imagination requires us, above allt think ourselves away from the familiar routines of our > iene ook a them anew" (Giddens, Anthony. cology. Cambridge: Polity Press. 6), Consider the simple act of having ast. What could we find wo say, fom a sociological point of view (sociological ination), about such an apparenily uninteresting piece of behavior? to Edward T. Hall, From your the Eastern and the Westem inguishes four zones of personal space sec fe experience, identify the difference betw 3. “Corrine May-Chahal and Maria Herezoy's (2003) ‘informed estimate! suggests that 10-20 per cent of children in Europe will be sexually assaulted during their childhood. . Children are sexual beings, of course, and quite often engage in mild sexual play or ‘exploration with one another. But most of the children subjected to sexual contact with ‘adult family members find the experience repugnant, shameful or disturbing. There is now considerable material to indicate that child sexual abuse may have long-term consequences for its sufferers” (Giddens, Anthony. 2009. Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press. pp.346-347). Substaniate this statement with your childhood experience ‘and ascertain the main causes. bout the 2003 war in Iraq, for example, often criticized the American-led wasion because it didnot have explicit authority from the United Nations, so they viewed the war as legitimate ~ a coercive use of power. Most forms of power are not based solely on force, but are legitimated by some form of authority” (Giddens, ‘Anthony. 2009. Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press. 989). In this connection, discuss d ‘of power as espoused by Weber, Lukes and Foucault "See Define worms and values. List five major nrns and five major values of Bangladesh society. In what respect do they differ from the American norms and values? 6-—"Feuerbach uses the term alienation to refer to the establishing of gods or divine forces. distinct from human beings. Humanly creaed values and ideas come to be seen as the product of alien or separate beings ~ tligousforecs and gods” Giddens, Anthony. 009. Sexiology.. Cambridge: Polity Press. p:679). In this context evaluate the impact ‘of Feuerbach on Marx’s ideas of religion. Abmed Facnity: Dr Af Mahbnb Th University of Dhaka Department of Sociol U.S. (Honors) I" Semester Final Examination 2022 Course No. SUC 101 Improvement Course Tile: Introduction to Sociology Duration: 3 hours Full marks: $0 ‘Anwwer any five (5) from the following questions a , a. lefty discuss the Intellectual and material conditions forthe emergence of sociology. “A young woman was physically assaulted by some men and women at Narsingdi {allway sation for wearing what they claimed “indecent elothes”. Narsingd aster ATM Musa told The Daily Star that the ineident happened around 5 am yesterday (May 19, 2022), A seule took place when some women atthe station objected to & >oung woman wearing “indecent clothes" (The Daily Star, May 20, 2022). Discuss how {netlonatisn and feminist perspective would explain differently this same incident. ‘Compare contemporary types of soa interaction with that of Nisbet's typology. Discuss thow soctal Interaction is explaned by Thomas’ Theorem and Merton's Self-fulfiling prophecy, Compare Nancy Chodorow and Carol Gilligan with Sigmund Freud’s theory of gender identity. Give suitable examples from Unngladesh, Compare the nature of domestic violence in the West with that of Bangladesh. Relate personal experience of different types of violence in the family inthe light of Giddens*wxsertion that family isthe most unsafe place for wornen, ‘What does William F. Ogburn mean by cultura log? How would you explain cultural diversities of Bangladesh with functionalist and conflict perspectives? How do different sociological theories of religion explain the effectiveness of religion in ‘ny society, Discuss ‘nd prejudice. Consider our prejudice against the * Define rucialization, ethnic exelusio these by personality, culture and power-hased Hinds and the Adibosis and explain theorles and prejudice,

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