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B1(b) Week 21 Exchanging opinions

REMINDER: (1) There is a maximum of 3 students in this class.

(2) This class lasts 30 minutes. Please keep your eye on the

1. Introduction – Today we are going to exchange opinions.

2. Present text (WHITEBOARD) See target language at the bottom of the

lesson plan.
Get Ss to read it out. Check vocab and pronunciation.

3. Practice - SS discuss the following statements, using target vocab:

Humans should not eat animals.

Voting should be mandatory, not optional.
Reality television depicts real life.
Summer is better than winter.
People shouldn’t have to go to work on their birthdays.
People rely too much on technology these days.
There is intelligent live on other planets.

4. Feedback


Expressing personal opinion

I reckon that… (Informal)
From my perspective, …
My impression is that…
I hold the view that…
What I mean is…

I agree…. I totally agree…
I couldn’t agree more…
I see your point…

I see your point, but…
That’s one way of looking at it, however…
I completely disagree…
I agree up to a point, but…
You could say that. However, …
I find that very difficult to accept….

Sorry to interrupt, but….
Is it ok if I jump in for a moment….
Excuse me, but in my opinion….
Sorry to cut you off, but….

6. Further study material:

How to Win a Debate, According to a 16-Year-Old Expert

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