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Assignment no 1: Parenting styles and parents

children relationships in Bangladesh

Good parenting is a process where by a parents miss a

child needs according to the cultural standards that change
from generation to generation. Positive parenting helps the
child to face non social or social problem. Positive
parenting is required for early cognitive development,
emotional balance, and the malnutrition of thought. While
negative, hostile parenting leads to depression and social
and cultural problems.
Parenting is the process of supporting and promoting a
child physical, emotional, mental and social development.
Parenting offers support and care to the child is in painful
or stressful situations and gives confidence when child is
in non-distressing or non-stressful conditions. Sensitive
parenting shows effective and behavioral development in
children; it is characterized by responsiveness positive
encouragement for something, giving approval or thinking,
stimulation and lingering. Children's health, behavior,
development and style of parenting are always a cause of
worry for every parent. In such cases, professional help is
required to solve this problem. It is related to family cases,
youth and parenting support, and children’s mental health.
The media is exclusively used to increase parenting
information and awareness. It enhancers parenting skills
and decreases depression, anxiety and stress; it also help
the parents improve the skills of the parent-child
relationship and supports them for the benefit of the child’s
health and well-being.

Problem and accommodation difficulty during infancy,

early childhood and late childhood
• Infancy: Infancy is a time when parents and children
adjust quickly to each other for effort full
development. In the first year of life, the face feeding
problems, digestive discomfort, irregular sleep
patterns and crying. Witnessing the quarrels between
mother and father during the babies physical and
mental growth period makes them hostile and
undertrained in the second year of life. Parents report
that their child’s behavior at this age is stubborn and
they have a temper.
• Early Childhood: Children in preschool have
mobility problems, language related problems and
immature judgement. Studies and service shows that a
common problem in preschool children is due to
representational thinking and fear involving thought
and imagination. Other issues are being asocial; using
physical and herbal power; being overactive; talkative
whining, showing off, arguing with others, demanding
attention, disobedience and resisting bedtime.
• Late Childhood: A child experience is in school can
determine if he or she ‘fits in' academically and
socially. Some students will uncomfortable due to law
socioeconomic status, casteism, and comparison with
friends regarding academic and social matters, leading
to mental retardation, psychological disorder and
intellectual problems. The most common problems in
this age group are arguing with others, showing of,
being talkative and being self conscious (most
common). School phobia is normal anxiety about
school, and it is due to a fear of separation from
Here we can present a figure that contains a brief
description of the problem and the child accommodation
Infancy Feeding problem, GIT Problem, irregular
pattern of sleep, crying, hostile and while
behavior, infantile autism
Early Mobility, language, immature judgement,
childhood and fear involved thought, and imagination
talkative angry attention demanding
Late Not able to feet in academic and social
childhood situation, argues and brags, show off,
talkative and self conscious, internalizing
and externalizing problems, learning

Parenting styles:
They’re four types of parenting styles. They are
authoritative parenting (warm and farm personality),
authoritarian/controlling parenting (minor warm /highly
controlling personality), permissive parenting/indulgent
parenting (amiable and understanding), and uninvolved
parenting/negative to parent (not warm, doesn’t demand
anything). Below table shows the various parenting styles:

Parenting style Parenting Parental Child's

characteri cognition cognitive
sts developm
Authoritative Inspire Understan Healthy
parenting (warm children to ds developme
and firm) be the child’s nt, the self-
independe point of reliant
nt but sets view, child
some practices within
boundaries sensitive parental
and limits parenting, limits,
to control and scolds guidelines,
their a child regulations
actions. when and rules.
required to
Listens to ensure
the child’s proper
point of molding of
view and it the child's
involves in character.
discussions Doesn't use
and phrases
debates that invoke
with them, such
children as
“because I
said you
Authoritarian The parent Children The child
parenting/control takes strict should will turn
ling parenting(a disciplinar accept out to be
little warm and y action in their rebellious,
highly a parents dependent
controlling) restrictive, order and
punitive without aggressive.
style. any
Doesn’t questions.
listen to the Doesn’t
child’s understand
point of the child’s
view and point of
doesn’t get view. They
involved in always is
child scold the
discussions child. “you
and did this
debates. because I
said don’t
do this”
toward the
Permissive Parental The parent Take your
parenting/ involveme doesn’t own
indulgent nt is participate decision
parenting(warm, passive. in active without
undemanding The parenting parental
parenting) parents do to shape knowledge
not say no; the child's . The child
few future. If a doesn’t
boundaries child ask listen to
and for others
regulations something
are not or ask to do
present. If something,
a child get then the
upset then child
parents use depends on
things parents
(childlike) advice or
to make the permission
child feel . Phrases
better. like “you
do what
you want,
no need to
ask” are
Uninvolved There is Parents do Impulsive
parenting/neglect less not want to behaviour,
ed parenting (this interaction bother the self
is not “warm between children. regulation,
parenting; make parents and Parents are do not
no demands.” children. overwhelm listen to
The ed and self anyone,
parents are centered doesn't
uninvolved and a care about
in the engaged anything.
children’s with their
needs and work and
don’t problems.
participate Do not talk
in the to the
experience child. They
of the child use phrases
in school like “I
and with don’t care.
peers Do
you want.
should I
care about

If both the father’s and mother’s parenting styles are

different, like one parent is authoritarian and the other
parent is permissive, then in this condition, they should sit
and discuss with each other the situation faced by the child
and the child’s needs. Cooperative, motivated and
responsible children are as a result of the authoritative
parenting style. Environment and behavioural genetic
patterns also play a role in children's cognitive
development. Parenting styles is determined by the
mother’s and father’s behavior, with internalizing
problems such as sleep and more and externalizing
problems such as social stress and job difficulty. Individual
adolescent characteristics like temperament and
personality also play and essential role in parenting.

Parenting style in Bangladesh:

The parent child relationship in Bangladesh is a rich and
complex tapestry woven from cultural traditions, evolving
and social economic realities. Here is a deeper type into its
• Cultural threads:

1. Respect and obedience: Children’s are expected to

show utmost respect and obedience to their elders,
particularly parents.

2. Collectivism: Parents privatize the will be and

success of the entire family which can sometimes
arrested children’s choice

3. Gender rolls: Traditional gender roles play a part.

Strict discipline for boys of an emphasize courage
and resilience, wild girls are grown for domestic
responsibilities and obedience. Though this is
gradually changing.
• Changing colors:

1. Modernization: Organization, education and

exposure to global media introduce new ideas
about parenting.

2. Child rights awareness: recognition of children’s

rights and emotional needs is growing. More
parents are understanding and the importance of
nurturing trust, respecting individually and
providing emotional support.

3. Individual variations: socio economic factors,

such as parents education levels and family
dynamics, influence parenting practices and
relationships. Urban families with higher
education may adopt more progressive
approaches, while rural community may lean
towards traditional styles.

• Challenges and opportunities

1. Shifting from authoritarianism : Moving away

from Street control towards mutual respect and
open communication is crucial for healthy child

2. Addressing gender bias : Challenging entrenched

gender stereotypes is essential. Parents need to
promote equal opportunities, responsibility and
emotional expression for both boys and girls.

3. Supporting parents : Resources and education on

child development, positive parenting practices
and emotional communication can empower
parents to build stronger relationships with their

The parent child relationship in Bangladesh is evolving.

While respecting cultural values, there is an increasing
focus on open communication, emotional connection, and
respecting individual needs. This shift, fueled by
modernization, changing social norms and education, hold
promise for nurturing stronger, healthier family bonds in
future .

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