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Ionic Compound Flame Test Experiment


A. Apparatus
1. Eye protection
2. Bunsen burners/ Lighter
3. Beaker/ glass petri dish
4. Wooden splints/ Cotton Buds
5. Glass bowl
B. Chemicals
1. Ethanol (Optional)
2. Water
a. Ionic Compounds
- Lithium Chloride (LiCl)
- Calcium Dichloride (CaCl2)
- Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
- Copper (II) Dichloride (CuCl2)
- Potassium Chloride (KCl)

1. Set 5 beakers for each element and label them then pour the water into each beaker.
2. Create a solution by mixing the elements and water into their designated beaker.
3. Place the wooden splints or cotton buds on each beaker then soak them for at least a day.
4. When performing the experiment, turn on the Bunsen burner and hover a soaked splint
on top of the burner to reveal the new flame color. It is important not to let the splint
start to burn too vigorously.
5. After performing the experiment, place the burnt splint in a water-filled bowl.

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