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The life cycle of a green bean, also known as Phaseolus vulgaris, is a fascinating journey that

encompasses several distinct stages. It begins with the seed, a dormant but vital entity harboring the
genetic information required for germination. When the conditions are favorable – adequate soil
moisture, temperature, and sunlight – the seed undergoes germination, breaking through its outer
shell and sending roots downward while shoots emerge above the soil.

As the young green bean plant continues to grow, it enters the vegetative stage. During this phase,
the plant dedicates its energy to developing leaves and establishing a robust root system. The leaves
play a crucial role in photosynthesis, converting sunlight into energy to fuel the plant's growth. As the
green bean plant matures, it eventually transitions to the reproductive stage.

Flowering marks the onset of the reproductive phase. The green bean plant produces delicate white
or lavender flowers that contain both male and female reproductive organs. Pollination occurs when
pollen is transferred from the male stamen to the female stigma, either by wind or pollinators like
bees. Once pollinated, the flowers give way to small pods that gradually swell and mature into the
familiar green beans.

The pod-filling stage is characterized by rapid growth and the development of seeds within the pods.
As the green beans reach maturity, the plant begins to senesce, redirecting its resources from growth
to seed production. The pods change color, signaling that the beans are ready for harvest. Harvesting
green beans at the right moment ensures optimal taste and texture.

After harvest, the life cycle enters its final phase – seed dispersal. If left unharvested, the pods would
eventually dry and split, releasing the seeds into the environment. Alternatively, humans play a role
in this phase by collecting and saving seeds for future plantings.

In conclusion, the life cycle of a green bean is a dynamic process encompassing germination,
vegetative growth, reproduction, pod filling, harvest, and seed dispersal. Understanding these stages
is crucial for cultivating healthy and productive green bean plants.

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