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a. List the MAIN causes of WW1 The leading causes of

WW1 are:
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism.

b. explain each of them.

M-Militarism is when the armies and military

forces/members needed a lot of attention from the
A-Alliances is when an agreement is made between two
or more countries to give each other help if it is needed.
When an alliance is signed, those countries become
known as Allies.
I-Imperialism is when the exploitation of smaller
countries by the big industrialized countries of Europe.
N-Nationalism is when a civilian or person/member of a
country has pride over his/her nation. Due to that other
countries started competing for their nation to be better.
2. The Renaissance men and paste them into a table with
3 of the achievements of each.
Name Picture Achievement
Niccolò Machiavelli ~Discourses on Livy
~The Prince (1532)
~The Art of War (1521)

Leonardo Da Vinci ~conceived the first

~conceptualized a
helicopter, a tank,
concentrated solar
power, a calculator, the
double hull
~ plate tectonics
Nicholas Copernicus ~the first European
scientist to propose that
formulated a model of
the universe that placed
the Sun rather than
Earth at its centre.
~Other planets revolve
around the sun, the
~theory of the solar
Michelangelo ~the massive painting of
the biblical narratives on
the Sistine Chapel
~the 17-foot-tall and
anatomically flawless
~the heartbreakingly
genuine Pietà,
Galileo Galilei ~discovered the laws of
free fall
~ projectile motion
~ the concept of inertia.

Lorenzo de Medici 1.He is most known for

surviving the Pazzi

2. As a patron, he is best
known for his
sponsorship of artists
such as Botticelli and

3. What Lorenzo is most

remembered for,
however, is his
patronage of the arts.

Examine the main terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

The terms of the Treaty:
➭ War Guilt Cause - The treaty's war guilt cause caused
Germany and other central powers to take all the blame
for WW1. This meant a loss of territories, a reduction in
military forces, and reparation payments to allied
powers. ARTICLE 231 was the opening article of the
reparation section of the Treaty of Versailles.
➭ Reparations - Reparation is the act of making up for a
wrong done. It can also be referred to as the money or
materials paid or to be paid by a country losing a war to
the winner to make up for damages done in the war.
➭ Discernment/ Military restrictions - Disarmament was
for Germany to
surrender within 2 months all prohibited war materials
within. Disarmament began under the Inter-Allied
Military Control Commission on 10 January 1920.
➭ Loss of Territory - The Versailles Treaty forced
Germany to give up territory to Belgium, Czechoslovakia
and Poland, return Alsace and Lorraine to France and
cede all of its overseas colonies in China, the Pacific and
Africa to the
Allied nations.
➭ Exclusion from the League of Nations - 49 members
by the 1930s this had become 59. Defeated countries
could not join like Germany. Russia was excluded
because it wasn’t communist. The USA did not join -
isolation from world affairs. A club for the victorious? A
club for the capitalists?
➭ Never to unite with Austria (Anschluss) - “Anschluss”
is a German word that means “connection” or “joining.”
with Austria: These treaties expressly forbade the
unification of Austria and Germany.

3.identify the big three nations that emerged after WW1,

their Leaders and their nicknames.
~ France - George Clemenceau - The tiger
~ America - Woodrow Wilson - The Professor
~ Britain - David Lloyd George - The Welsh Goat

4. Explain Germany's reaction to the Treaty of Versailles

-The Germans were angry at CLAUSE 231 ( War Guilt

Clause ) they said they were not to blame for the war.
-They were angry about REPARATIONS; they said France
and Britain were trying to starve their children to death.
-They complained about their tiny army. They said they
were helpless against other countries.
-The Germans also thought the loss of the territory was
unfair. Germany lost a tenth of its land.

5.Mention 5 German protectorates in Africa taken as

~ Togo and Cameroon in the west
~ Namibia (which was Germany’s southwest)
~ Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi (which were
Germany’s, East Africa)

6. Explain 5 reasons why America did not join the League

of Nations
1 Many Americans did not think the Treaty of Versailles
was fair. As the League was linked with the treaty, they
did not want to be a part of it.
2 Americans wanted to stay out of disputes that might
enter their troops into the kind of carnage of the first
world war.
3 Others wanted to avoid the economic cost of joining
the league.
4 Many Americans were anti-French or Anti-British.
They thought the League would be run by these countries
and did not want to get involved with their affairs.
5 Wilson’s party lost the election in 1919. His opponents
promised to follow a policy of isolationism (staying out
of international affairs). And so America did not join the
League of Nations.

7. League of Nations has an aim; explain them.

There’s an acronym to remember this and it's “KEEPP”
Keep world peace by discouraging aggression from any
Encourage international cooperation in trade and
Enhance working and living conditions for people across
the world
Persuade nations to disarm
Peace Treaty of Versailles, to uphold its terms.

8.Mention the countries in the triple entente and triple alliance.

Triple Alliance Triple Entente

Germany Russia
Italy France
Austria- Hungary Great Britain
Ottoman Empire Serbia
Bulgaria United States (1917)

9.What is Protestant Reformation?

The Protestant Reformation was a religious reform
movement that swept through Europe in the 1500s.

10.What is the name of the man behind the 95 theses?

Martin Luther

11.What were the reasons for the 95 theses?

It was the protest against indulgences. It was the protest

against indulgences. Luther saw nothing in the Bible that
gave the Church the right to charge people for their
salvation. The church was supposed to be a spiritual
sanctuary, not a marketplace. So, Luther set about
writing 95 complaints with the Church's greedy behavior.
These complaints are now called the 95 Theses

12.Define counter-reformation
The Counter-Reformation was a movement or a reaction
that emerged from the Reformation or Martin Luther's
accusation of the Roman Catholic Church.

13.Explain 5 factors that led to the counter reformation

-Humanism~ is a philosophy that believes that man can

be responsible.
-Corruption~ dishonesty and abuse of trust in the
-Luther’s 95 theses~ special queries put together by
martin luther against the catholic church.
-Printing press~ it is a machine by which text and
images are transferred from movable type to paper or
other media by means of ink.
-Indulgence- was a certificate given by the Church that
offered the same spiritual power as the sacrament of
confession and penance: to have one's sins absolved.
Each indulgence promised a certain amount of time that
the individual would not have to spend in purgatory
after death and it goes for a fee
14.List 5 counter reformer
➩Pope Sixtus V.
➩ Pope Pius V.
➩Gregory XIII
➩Ignatius De Loyola
➩The Jesuits

15.Recall the main aim of counter reformation

-Counteract what Martin Luther and his followers are

doing to the Roman Catholic system.
-Reform and improve the Catholic system.
It started in the 1500s the first period was called the
catholic reformation.

16.What is the Council of Trent?

-The Council of Trent was the formal Roman Catholic

Church reply to the doctrinal challenges of the
protestant Reformation. It served to define Catholic
doctrine and made sweeping decrees on self-reform
helping to revitalize the Roman Catholic Church in the
face of Protestant expansion.

17.Examine the achievements of the Council of Trent

➭Removal of indulgences,
➭Bishops were forced to move to their dioceses
which would help them more disciplined
➭Priests were supposed to dress nicer and were
more educated,
➭Financial abuse was curbed
➭and the Church created seminaries where priests
were trained
➭But sustained the superiority of Catholicism above
other denominations

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