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Robert Musa

Community Development

Looking for a stimulating role where I can leverage my skills and knowledge to
drive positive change and exceed organizational goals..
Gender: Male
Nationality: Tanzanian
Date of birth: 12.02.1979
Phone: +255764377363

Education Open University Of Tanzania Jul 2021 – Continue

Master of Arts in International Development and Cooperation

Tengeru Institute of Community Development Oct 2003 – Aug 2006

Advanced Diploma in Community Development

Ikizu High School May 2000 – May 2002

Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education

Buswelu Secondary School Jan 1996 – Nov 1999

Certificate of Secondary Education

Experience GEITA TOWN COUNCIL/ Management for Sept 2022 – Dec 2023
Development and Health (MDH)
Clinical Tracker - Afya Shirikishi Project, Geita TC
• 1. Participating in Community Outreach Services and Community ART Refill
for newly identified HIV clients and stable HIV clients for continuam of care
and treatment, follow up of clients with treatment interruptions, eligible for VL
testing and Sputum sample collection. 2. Supporting Community Testers in
identification of high priority areas such as Mining centers, night club, heavy
truck parking; priority, key and vulnerable populations for community HTS and
linkages. 3. Facilitate the provision of Health Education to PLHIV clients on the
importance of Medication Adherence and Nutrition.

Italian Committee for Agricultural Development Aug 2021 – May 2023

Field Supervisor - Nourishing the Future Project, Iringa DC
• 1. Carry out routine field visits and supportive supervision to beneficiaries,
farmers groups and Model/Progressive Farmers and ensure compliance of all
project documents, Planned Activities and Students Club for Nutrition. 2.
Organize and prepare training and workshops on Food Security and proper
Nutrition behavior involving Parents, beneficiaries, CHWs and
Model/Progressive Farmers.. 3. Support the PM/APM in data collection on all
health, nutritional and agricultural activities and manage the Field office in
Iringa DC. 4. Etablish and maintain good working relationship with the Most
Vulnerable Children's Care Givers, LGAs, partners and stakeholders. 5. In
collaboration with the District Nutrition Officer (DNuO), steering and lead
distribution of Nutritios food and agricultural equipments to support the fight
against malnutrition in Iringa DC. 6. Prepare monthly reports concerning field
office activities and issues and submit to PM/APM within the set deadlines.
office activities and issues and submit to PM/APM within the set deadlines.

Tanzania Communication And Development Center Feb 2021 – Apr 2021

Program Coordinator - Lishe Kijinsia Campaign, Chemba DC
• 1. To conduct Mid-Media campaign to raise public awareness on the
negative effects of gender disparities in the health, nutrition and survival of
women and children in Chemba DC. 2. To implement evidence-based
behavior change communication (SBCC) activities to contribute in addressing
Gender disparities. 3. In collaboration with COUNSENUTH team, develop user
friendly key campaign messages and materials by using SBCC approaches
specific for each targeted audience and media channel. 4. Organize and
facilitate events as part of the campaign such as Road shows/ public
announcements, songs, cultural groups, drama, competitions, SMS, bill
boards/posters, wall paintings etc. for the general public, decision makers and
care providers.

Tanzania Communication And Development Sept 2020 – Oct 2020

Center (TCDC)
Program Coordinator - Sitetereki Youth Platform, Ukerewe DC
• 1. In collaboration with CHMT, organize and conduct project introductory
meeting at District and Ward level purposely to share the overview and
activities to be implemented. I2. n collaboration with WEOs and CBHCO,
identify, recruit and select 30 Adolescent Girls aged 15 to 24 years from 10
project wards to be Peer Champions and facilitate Health education to
Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) at their localities. 3. Organize nd
conduct TOTs orientation training to 30 Peer Champions on community FP
methods and modern contraceptive methods to be implemented for AGYW. 4.
Prepare and develop work plan, budget and route plan to facilitate integrated
supportive supervision to 30 PCs in Ukerewe DC. 5. Facilitate Integrated
Supportive Supervision to Peer Champions purposely to monitor quality
implementation of FP activities at community level.

AICT MARA/JHPIEGO Aug 2018 – May 2020

Program Officer - USAID Boresha Afya Project
• 1. Providing technical assistance and supportive supervision to Facility based
supervisors, Field Officers and Community Health Workers on Program
interventions to ensure quality implementation of activities intervention
strategies at community level. 2. Participate in planning, organizing and
implementation of SBCC strategies and campaigns that advocate and
enhance uptake and access of RMNCAH, FP, Nutrition, Gender, Culture and YFS;
Gender dialogue session, MIYCAN groups on the use of National Integrated
SBCC Nutrition Kit Mkoba wa siku 1000, Gulio la Afya, dissemination of RMNCAH
printed materials, Radio Talk Show and cinema shows that address RM2NCAH
services. 3. Carrying out and conduct regular site visits, follow ups, coaching,
mentorship and monitoring of program implementation at community level
through integrated supportive supervision in collaboration with CHMT
members. 4. Review and prepare reports, recommendations, community
Action Plans, Success Stories and ensure deliberations and agreed viable
implementation plans are developed.

AICT MARA/ PACT TANZANIA Feb 2017 – Jul 2018

Case Management Officer - USAID Kizazi Kipya Project, Rorya DC
• 1. Disseminate and ensure adherence to case management, child protection,
referral and linkages, parenting and M & E guidance, standard operating
procedures (SOPs) and other job aids that facilitate holistic case
management at the household/community level. Ensure that Child Case
Management services delivered address the holistic needs of OVCs and
caregivers including health, nutrition, education, protection, livelihoods, social
inclusion and psychosocial well-being. 2. Work in partnership with local
government authorities as appropriate, including but not limited to District
E i Di C il H l h T S i l W lf Offi
Executive Director, Council Health Management Team, Social Welfare Officers
and ward level officials.


Program Officer - Maternal and Child Survival Project, Rorya DC
• 1. Promote positive health seeking behaviors and practices and collaborating
with health care systems, CHWs and broader community. 2. Conduct
monitoring and evaluation activities through joint supportive supervision to
health facility based supervisors, Health Care Providers and CHWs to build
their capacities in implementing quality maternal, malaria, newborn, child and
adolescent health services and community Family Planning services. 3.
Providing technical assistance to CHMT members, supervisors and CHWs on
implementation of quality FP and RM2NCAH service and referrals.

Mwanza Women Development Organization (MWDO) Apr 2012 – Dec 2014

Programmes Coordinator
• 1. Mobilized community resources using PRA approach, facilitated and
monitored the construction of 14 ECD classrooms in Kwimba district. 2. Overall
supervision and coordination of synergies projects namely Community based
Education Improvement (CBEI) and Community Managed Microfinance
(CMMF); Early Childhood Development project (ECD) and Higher Learning
Education Sponsorship for Adolescent and Most Vulnerable Girls. 3. Engaging
Adolescent girls in their development by identifying their needs through FGD
involving parents/caregivers in their school developed clubs so as to survive
and thrive in schools.


Health Worker
• 1. Coordinated and collaborated with health professionals, parents and
partner organizations to ensure that sponsored children with healthy needs
are highly getting care, prevention and cure and prepared monthly
expenditure reports.

Longido ADP/ World Vision International Aug 2009 – Dec 2010

HIV/AIDS Community Facilitator, Longido DC
• 1. Responsible for building ADP level partnership, network and coalition with
Civil Societies, Local Government Institutions. 2. Facilitate capacity building to
community Volunteers, and local Organizations. 3. Provide technical
assistance to health care facilities to implement community
education/mobilization activities to increase uptake of PMTCT and HIV Care
and Treatment services.

PRIDE TANZANIA LTD Aug 2007 – Dec 2010

Branch Manager, Rukwa
• 1. I was accountable for the branch business growth, profitability, human
resource planning and management, risk, control and compliance. 2. I was
responsible and lead person on driving sales, channel outreach, branch staff
performance and development, brand management and community
engagement. 3. Provide leadership to all branch staff in the service of creating
a team that is professional at all times and with a strong compliance
environment including ensuring regular communication of all PRIDE TANZANIA
policies and procedures. 4. Oversee Branch staffing to ensure efficiency,
productivity, and smooth operations. Build and manage a strong team and
develop the capacity of staff members to assume management roles as
evidenced by having a pool of qualified internal candidates available to fill
vacancies. 5. Establish performance plans with all staff under line
management in consistent with the PRIDE Microfinance Bank operating and
strategic plan. Conduct performance evaluations for line staff in accordance
with established procedures.

PRIDE TANZANIA LTD Aug 2006 – Jul 2007

Credit Officer, Mbeya
• 1. Marketing and conduct clients recruitment and orientation to PRIDE
Tanzania loan products. 2. Conduct business evaluation, loan appraisal,
application, disbursement and follow up for repayments. 3. Provide quality
and good customer service to clients this include business counselling. 4.
Advice the Branch Manager on matters related to loan marketing, appraisal,
disbursement and follow up as well as new product, 5. Posting daily loan
transactions and clients' savings to Bankers Realm Microfinance software.

Achievements Achievements
I worked as a Credit Officer for few days and due to Hard Working,
Creativity and Trustworthy I was promoted to a Branch Manager Position
in few days
Successful mobilized Community Members to contribute for 14 Class
Rooms construction in Kwimba DC
Successful facilitated the establishment of 84 Gender Dialogue Groups
in Rorya DC

Skills Project Management

Community Engagement

Demand generation

Ethical Leadership

Financial management

Communication skills (interpersonal, written, and verbal)

Languages English

References Dr. Japheth Simeo

• Regional Medical Officer (RMO)
• Tanga City Council
• +255762698408

Adv.Moses Mabamba
• Principal Human Resources Director
• Tanzania Shipping Agency Cooperation (TASAC)
• +255718388057

Majura Mugeta
• District AIDS Controller Coordinator (DACC)
• Rorya District Council
• +255784530761

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