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11th Grade Book Report

:Part 1

Please give a brief description of the main characters and the setting (when and
.where the story takes place)

Write a summary of the story. (No more than a page.)

:Part 2

:Choose 5 of the following questions

Describe the relationship between two characters in the story. Does it change or .1
?develop by the end of the story? How

Who is the hero of the story? Explain why you consider him a hero and describe .2
his/her appearance, personality, behavior and relationship with the other

Interview one of the characters about the events in the story. The interview .3
should include 10 questions about his/her behavior, interaction with the other
.characters and 10 short answers based on the information in the book

:Relate to the title of the story .4

.a. The connection between the title and the plot

.b. The connection between the title and the characters

c. Is the title appropriate for the book? Explain why. If it isn't suggest another one
.and give reasons for your choice

Describe a significant event in the life of ONE of the charactes. Explain why it is .5
.significant and how it affected the character's life

Write a letter to one of the characters and express your opinion about his actions .6
.based on the information in the story

If you could change ONE event in the story which event would you change? Why? .7
?How would you change it? How would it affect the characters involved

.Tehilla Roness

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