Assignment Guidelines Health Legislation and Health Economics

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Summative Assignment

BSc (Hons) Nursing 2016/2017

Module Title: Health legislation and Health economics
Module Code: N4261
Module Co-ordinator: Dr. Enas Aboraya
Submission Date:

Assignment Guidelines

1. This assignment will be marked using the QMU marking criteria for undergraduate
2. You are required to write a 2000 word assignment based on the knowledge you have gained
in this module. This should be supported by literature and evidence from robust sources such
as nursing journals, government reports and current textbooks. DO NOT use reference to
class lecture content or class hand-outs, you must try and find more extensive evidence for
yourselves. Please reference your materials in both the text of your assignment and in the
reference list.
Assignment topic
Select one aspect of health legislation (such as a WHO policy or a local health
ministry policy) and analyse the impact of economic evaluation of health services to upgrade
this aspect of health legislation or policy and the health care system.

You should include in the work

1. An introduction, which sets the context of your choice of a health care service and why you
have chosen it.
2. A critical review of the selected health care service in relation to the evidence base for the
3. An evaluatory discussion of the effect of Economic evaluation of the health services on the
delivery of the policy in your local health care setting. This should include literature to
support your discussion.
4. A short conclusion which allows you to make a conclusion of your main ideas
5. Reference list – using a recognised referencing approach, of the literature you have used in
your written work. If you have read more materials but not referred to them in the text then
they may be added in a bibliography.
Introduction (Attract the reader's interest), which contains:

 General information regarding to selected disease with economic burden or the

selected intervention.(definition for all terms used in the title)
 Give a figures how Importance and size of the problem in Egypt (Arabic countries)
with Rational of selection
 Thesis statement: that includes the topic defined clearly, the purpose of the paper
regarding this topic and the outline of this paper.

Body: (contains the points outlined in your introduction, divided into Paragraphs)

 This part contains the critical analysis of Actual size of the problem or topic of choice
based on sound references and examines closely the available literature.
 More details of selected topic progress.
 Economic burden.
 Burden Mortality, Morbidly, QOL, DALYS. (Lost / Saved).
 Roles and Legislation present to manage the selected topics
 Post studies related to the selected topic
 Alternatives of intervention.
1. Drugs
2. Vaccines
3. Diagnostics
4. Devices
5. Prostheses and equipment
6. Vector control
7. Environmental modification
8. Behavioural, social, and economic change
 Cost and cost effectiveness (allocation of resources).


 Summarize the main themes and draws everything together.

 Your recommendation to be considered.
 States your general reflection. (The experience will have an impact on you in the
future as well as what you will learn in the future.)

The assignment should be submitted by 4pm the date will be allocated


You should submit parts of the assignment on two different dates will be allocated to ensure
feedback and directives for completion of the assignment before the final submission and
give the presentation to be self evaluated and evaluated by your peers.

Assignments will be submitted electronically and in writing. Details of this process are
available on the BUE Faculty of Nursing e learning site

If you have any queries about the submission process, or the handling of assignments in
general, please contact the Faculty administrator and not the teaching team.

Work will be graded in accordance with the QMU undergraduate or post graduate marking
criteria, available on the website It is essential that you adhere to the
assignment referencing, presentation and submission guidelines. Information on all these
can be found at these links:

Assignments will normally be returned to students with provisional grades 4 working weeks
after submission date. If there is a delay for any reason, this will be posted on the e learning
site. Marked assignments and feedback will be posted on the e-learning site. Dates for
collection will be posted on the e learning site.

If you are requesting an extension on the grounds of impaired performance, this should be
formally made through your programme leader and the appropriate application form
completed. Please ensure you include your MATRICULATION NO., on the application
form. This enables us to keep track of where students are in the system. Please also note
that if you are granted an extension, there may be a delay in processing the
assignment through the Examinations Board.

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