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1.Use the appropriate form of gerund or infinitive.

1. Jane is used to (work) alone in her studio.

2. I’m looking forward to (hear) from you soon.
3. I can’t stand (be treated) like a slave.
4. He claims (work) here before.
5. I object to (be told) what to do every now and then.
6. She regrets (spend) so much money on her new dress.
7. I regret (inform) you that your account is blocked.
8. I stopped (pick up) my washing from the laundry on my way home.
9. If the soup is too watery, try (add) more rice or potatoes.
10. Remember (post) these letters, they are very important.
11. I tried (talk) him out of that risky deal, but he just wouldn’t listen to me.
12. During the war, he used (smuggle) basic necessities.
2.Choose the required Oblique Mood form in the following sentences.
1. I’d rather (not to interfere/ not interfere/ don’t interfere) into this business, it might be risky.
2. You had better (left/ should leave/ leave) me in peace.
3. But for a mere coincidence, Kate (didn’t meet/ wouldn’t have met/ would not meet) him!
4. It’s high time you (left/ leave/ had left) us all in peace.
5. I wish I (agreed/ had agreed/ would agree) to that job offer last week.
6. She gave me a long look as if she (were trying/ had tried/ would try) to read my thoughts.
7. He gave instructions that all the papers (to be sent/ would be sent/ should be sent) up to him room.
8. When she suggested that he (retired/ should retire/ would retire), he was frustrated.
9. If I (were/ had been/ was) younger, I (would join/ would have joined/ joined) your party yesterday.
10. I wish he (stops/ stopped/ would stop) interrupting other people’s conversations.
11. Had the police investigated the case more thoroughly, he (will be charged/ would have been charged/ was
charged) with trafficking as well.
3.Paraphrase using the Genitive case.
1. Look at the property of my elder brother John!
2. Ann was one of old Mrs. Branson’s neighbours.
3. The husbands of Lisa and Angela are excellent dentists.
4. Which of these is the best football team in North Africa?
5. There were many colourful magazines for women on the desk.
6. Let’s announce a break that will last 15 minutes.
7. Some friends of Mary gave her a puppy as a birthday present.
8. On our way home we dropped in at the florist shop to buy Mum a bouquet of flowers.
9. These gloves are a present from my daughter-in-law.
4.Choose the correct answer.
1. Not until we have no choice ____ the business down.
a) close we b) we will close c) will we close d) we close
2. At no time _____ I was going to fail the exam.
a) did I think b) thought I c) I thought d) was I thought
3. It was ____ a victory that even Smith’s fans could not believe it.
a) such surprising b) so surprising c) too surprising d) surprising enough
4. So _____ that they actually finished three weeks early.
a) were the builders fast b) fast the builders were c) the builders were fast d) fast were the builders
5. Never ______ complete and utter rubbish.
a) have I heard so b) I heard such c) did I hear so d) have I heard such
6. In no way ____ that people will be prevented from organizing peaceful protests.
a) this law means b) means this law c) does this law mean d) this law does mean
7. If you don’t put the tent up ______, it might be blown away.
a) too carefully b) so carefully c) such carefully d) carefully enough
8. No sooner ______ the tax laws than businesses found a way around them.
a) the government changed b) did the government change c) changed the government d) had the
government changed
9. I can’t stand their servility!
a)Me too. Sickening, isn’t it? b) Neither can I. Sickening, isn’t it? c) so can’t I. Sickening, isn’t
it? d) I can’t too. Sickening, isn’t it?
10. He’s planning to submit his plan of action to the Board.
a) I do too. b) So do I. c) Also I am d) So am I.
5.Choose the right form of predicative construction.
1. He is said ……… 3 goals in the final match.
a) to score b) to be scoring c) to have scored
2. They are believed ……….. in the Middle East now.
a) to be worked b) to have worked c) to be working
3. He desired to let ……. as though nothing had happened.
a) life to go on b) life to have gone on c) life go on
4. The workers are known ……… redundant after the strike, which took place 3 weeks ago.
a) to have been made b) to be made c) to have made
5. Your enthusiasm makes …….. young again.
a) my feeling b) me to feel c) me feel
6. I insist on ……… from this post.
a) him dismissed b) his being dismissed c) his to be dismissed
7. The idea of ………. on the dole sounds appalling
a) us living b) our to live c) our living
8. There is no point in …….. to a job interview, the vacancy has already been filled.
a) me to go b) my going c) for me to go
9. The company has arranged everything ………. good fringe benefits.
a) for our to get b) for our getting c) for us to get
10. I object to ……….. in cash. We should accept only credit cards.
a) our customers’ paying b) our customers to pay c) our customers pay
6.Choose the right option observing the rules of English agreement:
1. The supernatural attracts/attract the attention of many people.
2. More than one patient is/are waiting for the eye-doctor to see to them.
3. The number of road accidents has/have doubled over the past decade.
4. The statistics of that study is/are highly questionable; you’d better use a different source of
5. Either the witnesses or the defendant is/are lying.
6. The school was/were anticipating their Halloween celebration party.
7. 45% of the world’s scientific publications is/are in English.
8. The theme of the novel is/are the experiences of a famous Hollywood writer.

7.Insert the modal verbs and the appropriate form of the infinitive.
1. She _________ (leave). She wasn’t there when I arrived.
2. I’d arranged it to pick John up after school. You ____ (bother).
3. She ________(wear) those shoes more than twice – they look brand new.
4. Money _____ (lend) to friends because it ruins friendship.
5. She _____ (resign) last week but she changed her mind.
6. You _____ (not to leave) your car here, it’s for the staff only.

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