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Level 4 Q and A FJ6D Co-ordinating Preparation for Site or Lifting Operations in the

Workplace (711)

Learner Name; Assessor Name:

Ref Question Answer Check

1.3 Explain ways of identifying Before planning any lifting operations, I would review
and using relevant information the contract programme and short term programmes to
relevant to production or see when lifting operations are required. These items
operational planning would also be discussed during the weekly team
meeting or start of shift briefings with all Supervisors.
At this point, I would understand when a lifting
operation is required and also the other interfaces
which may occur if the lifting operation was to take
place on the scheduled date. At this point, the lifting
team, which would consist of the AP, Lift Supervisor
and Slingers, would agree on the best date for the
operation. Once this is agreed, we would obtain details
of the items to be lifted, lifting location and best
possible position for the lifting equipment. This would
be done on site and I would make a sketch at the same
time. We would then review what type of lifting
equipment would be best suited for this operation. I
would use the data sheets of all the cranes, excavators
and other lifting equipment we have in the offices to
make a quick assessment for our requirement. Once
this is agreed, we would speak to our supply chain to
confirm available of the required piece of lifting
equipment and then develop our own lifting schedule.
We would then check that the timescales for procuring
and planning tie into the dates from the contract
programme which would also indicate dates for
procurement, manufacture and delivery of all items
which would require lifting. These interfaces would
then also be agreed with our subcontractors or
supervisors for that particular section of works.
1.4 Explain the possible methods If planning information is not clear, I check Method
and techniques for clarifying Statements and lift plans to ensure I haven’t missed
planning information that is no any details. I will then clarify all i9nformation with
clear the AP. If any changes are needed, I ensure that the
relevant paperwork is amended and all team
members are briefed.
1.5 Give reasons why information If planning information is not clear, I check Method
for production or operational Statements and lift plans to ensure I haven’t missed
planning should be updated, any details. I will then clarify all i9nformation with
and describe ways that this the AP. If any changes are needed, I ensure that the
can be done relevant paperwork is amended and all team
members are briefed.
2.3 Explain the methods and I attend the weekly progress meeting with site
techniques of identifying management and from these meeting I can easily
factors that may affect work or identify factors that may affect work or operational
operational planning programmes. I also attend the daily briefing with
Supervisors and operatives of the site where we
discuss in depth work and programmes.
2.4 Describe ways of accurately I attend the weekly progress meeting with site
describing, summarising and management and from these meeting I can easily
communicating factors about identify factors that may affect work or operational
the proposed works or programmes. I also attend the daily briefing with
operations to people who may Supervisors and operatives of the site where we
be affected
discuss in depth work and programmes.
2.5 Explain the consequences Works could be carried out in the wrong order, at the wrong
should factors that affect work time or by the wrong people, leading to safety implications,
or operational programmes extra cost and programme delays
operational programmes not
be described or summarised
3.3 Explain different ways of Before works start, a site plan is drawn up with designated
identifying and establishing access points for pedestrians and vehicles. A risk assessment is
safe access points for works carried out determining the need for alternative routes. Once
traffic and pedestrians for routes are agreed by all parties, the routes will be signed and
various projects or operations fenced to segregate pedestrians from traffic/plant. I actively
enforce the need to segregate all works
3.4 Explain methods of confirming Before works start, a site plan is drawn up with designated
and agreeing works traffic and access points for pedestrians and vehicles. A risk assessment is
pedestrian access and carried out determining the need for alternative routes. Once
segregation points for various routes are agreed by all parties, the routes will be signed and
projects or operations fenced to segregate pedestrians from traffic/plant. I actively
enforce the need to segregate all works
3.5 Give reasons for segregating I will identify traffic access and egress points by
works traffic and pedestrians determining what works are to be carried out,
and explain why disruption what is the agreed timescale and what other
must be minimised for various works are being carried out around the site.
types of projects or operations
The weekly coordination meeting will be the
discussion place were all relevant trades will
agree to the traffic management arrangements
and plans will be put in place and a traffic
management plan drawn up. We have a legal
duty to ensure that the safety of pedestrians is
paramount. Disruption is minimized to keep
operations running as smoothly as possible.

4.3 Explain the different methods I will identify traffic access and egress points by
and techniques for confirming determining what works are to be carried out, what
arrangements for site safety, is the agreed timescale and what other works are
welfare and security before being carried out around the site.
work starts and whilst working The weekly coordination meeting will be the
on site
discussion place were all relevant trades will agree to
the traffic management arrangements and plans will be
put in place and a traffic management plan drawn up.
We have a legal duty to ensure that the safety of
pedestrians is paramount. Disruption is minimized to
keep operations running as smoothly as possible
5.2 Explain the methods that can I regularly check in advance of an operation starting
confirm that resources are what welfare equipment and recourses are required and
available and correct for after speaking to my works manager I propose
projects or operations equipment and resources for the given task and get an
answer whether it is available and efficient.
Before any new health, safety or welfare equipment is ordered
for the job, and I have any queries, I will ring up a member of
the Safety department to get their opinion and speak to my
works manager with my proposals and agree an amicable
6.3 Explain ways of implementing I will identify traffic access and egress points by
site or working area layouts for determining what works are to be carried out, what
operational purposes is the agreed timescale and what other works are
being carried out around the site.
The weekly coordination meeting will be the
discussion place were all relevant trades will agree to
the traffic management arrangements and plans will be
put in place and a traffic management plan drawn up.
We have a legal duty to ensure that the safety of
pedestrians is paramount. Disruption is minimized to
keep operations running as smoothly as possible
6.4 Explain different ways of This is briefed to all persons before they enter the site during
communicating site or working the site induction. If a task is to be carried out that is different
area plan information to those to what was briefed in the site induction, then this will be
working on the site or briefed by me and other supervisors in the form of a tool box
operations talk
7.3 Explain possible methods and I will identify traffic access and egress points by
procedures for implementing determining what works are to be carried out,
effective storage areas and what is the agreed timescale and what other works
facilities for material supplies are being carried out around the site.
to be effective for various The weekly coordination meeting will be the
types of projects or operations
discussion place were all relevant trades will agree
to the traffic management arrangements and plans
will be put in place and a traffic management plan
drawn up. We have a legal duty to ensure that the
safety of pedestrians is paramount. Disruption is
minimized to keep operations running as smoothly
as possible.
7.4 Describe how to minimise I ensure the store man knows which materials are
material and component surplus and which are not going to be used again or
handling, movement and less frequently so he can place these materials to the
wastage back to save double handling which over time will
damage the materials. We keep a stock take of all
materials so that when ordering materials we can refer
to the list to save double ordering. We have a policy of
reusing all materials where possible and keeping
decent sized materials even if we think they may not
be used again.
All works are properly planned in the correct
sequence to avoid the machine doing unnecessary
works or double moving, thus using less fuel.
8.4 Explain methods that ensure I have gained an SSSTS certificate and we were
relevant notices conform to taught about signage, the Health and Safety (Safety
statutory and site or Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. These
operational requirements regulations require employers to provide specific
safety signs wherever there is a risk that has not been
avoided or controlled by other means. I do checks
before works start to ensure that signage is adequate
before works start. The RAMS details where signage
is needed for a particular task and it is my job to
ensure that the RAMS and lift Plan are complied with
8.5 Explain different ways of This is discussed in detail in the morning meetings, I
maintaining notices and regularly discuss what knock on effects our operations
possible outcomes should the have on other trades.
notices not be maintained The programme meeting that I and other key members of the
regularly team attend also goes into depth about time scales of works
9.2 Explain methods and This is discussed in detail in the morning meetings,
techniques on informing I regularly discuss what knock on effects our
relevant people about time operations have on other trades.
scales of works The programme meeting that I and other key
members of the team attend also goes into depth
about time scales of works

These answers were completed by me the candidate



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