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Second Part: Animal behavior (Ethology) (50 marks) Answer the following questions: I-Discuss in detail each of the following: (25 marks) i-The molecular mechanism of the circadian clock. ii- The genetic and environmental effects on animal behavior (lustrate the answer with an example). iii-The mechanism of the cricket song. I-Complete the following: (10 marks) i-The worm shape stimulates the... .warea of frog brain and elicit.. ii-The advantage of the ethological method is. while the advantage of the comparative psychology method is.... thyroxin in the migration behavior of sticklebacks is iii-The role of animal helps other animals without direct benefit to it. ..means that ive. y-Sex differences in frog calls result from... n correct it. (10 marks) Jl-Write (t) for true sentences and (f) for false one the rhythm of melatonin ( ) i-Photoperiod generates the circadian osure during early night( ) si-Delayed sleep phase disorder is treated by light exp siicThe mating behavior of male drosophila is changed after specific gene is Knocked out ( ) jive After puberty the hormonal effect is reversible ) vy-Restricted feeding entrains the central clock ( ) IV- Define: Imprinting, habituation (5 marks) Best Wishes pr. Rehab Essam LDin Scanned with CamScanner I- Describe the methods of studying single gene effect on animal behavior and discuss one of them. (6 marks) Il- Define each of the following: (8 marks) Altruism, Habituation, Biological rhythm, Insight learning, III- Complete the following: (11 marks) 1-Hormones affect animal behavior by its effect OM ..ssscssssey sssssseen eo ni and 2-The advantages of non-familial community are. the disadvantages are... 3. "are neurons that detect prey. 4- The cockroach feel the danger by its... "and respond by escaping. 5. Animals feel with the changes in day length through the changes in ..... +. Secretion. while IV -Write (T) in front of true sentences and (F) in front of false one (10 marks) and correct it. 1-The ethological method study habitat selection, feeding, and reproduction. ¢ ) ) 2- Exercise is one of the zeitgeber that reset the biological clock. 3: In trial and error learning, the animal associate irrelevant stimulus with relevant stimulus and respond to it. () 4- Sexual behavior is mainly controlled by hormones. () $. Diumality in animals depends on the change in the light-dark cycle. ©) GOOD LUCK Prof. Dr/ Nabil Ahmed El-Yamany Dr/ Rehab Essam El-Hennamy fe i 7 Scanned with CamScanner ‘Animal Behavior (35M) O1 Diem in brief: eae barusea mechanism of the circadian clock. ‘on ‘genes in the hygienic behavior of honey bees. pa Q2- Write true (1) or false (F) and correct th vette , J false sentences: oe Ligh pe dr ss tavane the cradian ym. raid ee ee embryonic development isle afer puberty. o) a recognize food by #5 meshanorceptr fund nthe vwattofthe foregut. ( ) uprachasmate mle the ban ares responsible of memory- | Melatonin secretion isthe signs! of hibernation and migration. «) es) awhile the disadvantage Q3- Complete the following: a The advantage of the ethological method is. b- ie smal ta alter .-- "of salinity in sticklebacks on ae “behavior. nd initiate its migratio ‘ion and to fresh water. d- Worm like shape stimulates -+ elicit... behavior while large objects elicit (sm) Q4- Exp! ig sentences by one or two words: Animals learn to ignore harmless stimuli. be The pattern ©! ip and following. ce Animals do 8 favor to another animal witl d- Young anima ify other animals Is identi species. e Animals explore the environment by sense organs. Goo! LU! Nabil Ahmed EL-Yameny PR fhout direct benefit to it. make relationships with the members of ‘the Prof. Dr! ‘Ass. Prof. Dr/ Rehab Essam El-Hennamy Scanned with CamScanner i) Animal Behavior (Ethology) (35M? Ql- Compare the escaping behavior in both the cockroach and the frog. (8M) Q2- Discuss with an example the effect of hormones during development. (6M) Q3-Define each of the following: - Insight learning - Classical conditioning — Altruism. (oy) Q4- Complete'the following: |! ri ¥ (7M) ae onstitute the positive feedback loop of the circadian clock because it activate b- Hibernation entrained b; duration of .. c Cross fostering mean: that cause changes in the secretion, }5- State True (v) or False (X)and correct the false statement: (8M) a- Phase delay sleep disorder treated by light exposure during early evening. ( ) b- Light reset the peripheral clocks directly. e- Transgenic technique used to study single gene effect on animal behaviour. ( ) d- The function of behaviour studied by the ethological method. ¢) GOOD LUCK Prof. Dr! Nabil Ahmed ELYamany —/}/ger{ Ass. Prof. Dr/ Rehab Essam El-Hennamy Rukh I 2 Scanned with CamScanner ‘Animal Behavior (35) Answer the following questions: QI- Compare between the transgenic technique and the mutation as different methods of studying single gene effect on animal behavior. (™) ~ Q2- Discuss with an example how the animal behaviour changes by implanting hormones in different brain areas. (™) Q3-Define each of the following: (6M) Jet lag — imprinting - Altruism. Q4- Write (t) for true sentences and (f) for false one and correct them (10M) ‘- Light exposure early during the subjective night advances the circadian rhythm. ( ) b- The mechanism of behaviour studied by the ethological method. () ¢- Hypothalamus is the central biological clock. c) d+ Cortisol is the physiological signal of ‘changing seasons. () e& The bird song originates in the syrinx. «) Q5- Choose the correct answer: (5M) Le.sssssesseseee. are the negative limb of the molecular clock. = a+ Bmall and Clock b- BMALI and CLOCK ce PER and CRY ) 2- The peripheral clocks entrained directly by... . ~ a- melatonin b- restricted feeding ¢- light 3- The negative limb of the circadian clock degraded by......+.++ a- Reverb-a b- Avp c- Casein kinase le 4- The brain area of toad that responds to worm like shape is... a- tectum b- pretectum ¢- telencephalon 5- The animal learns to explore its surrounding by sense organs is called. o a- Insight learning b- latent learning c-trial and error GOOD LUCK Prof. Dr/ Nabil Ahmed El-Yamany “f — Dr/ Rehab Essam El-Hennamy nh 2 Scanned with CamScanner Animal Behavior (35\f er the following Explain in detail the following: (15 M) 1- The circadian rhythm Persists in the absence of the external factors. 2- Hormonal effects on animal behavior during development, QII -Define the following: (6M) 1-Amprinting 2- Insight learning 3- Habituation QUII- Complete the following: (7M) 1. -is controlled by 2 genes. 2- The disadvantages of the ethological method is 3- The excitation of . -.of the brain of toad stimulate . neurons and elicit prey catching behavior. 4- The blow fly feels with food by by +++..0n the gut wall, saseu Feceptors and feels satiety Qi ’- Put (\) or (*) and correct the wrong sentence. (7 M) 1-The migration behavior is entrained by melatonin (_) 2- The effect of specific gene on animal behavior studied by mutation (_ ) 3+ The bird song originates in syrinx (_ ) 4- Hippocampus is responsible of spatial memory (_ ) Prof. Dr/ Nabil Ahmed El-Yamany Ass. Prof. Dr/ Fatma El-Zahraa Hossein Ass. Prof. Dr / Rehab Essam El-Hennamy Scanned with CamScanner

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