Praise The LORD

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Praise the LORD.


Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.

Praise him for his acts of power;

praise him for his surpassing greatness.

Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,

praise him with the harp and lyre,

praise him with tambourine and dancing,

praise him with the strings and fluet,

praise him with the clash of cymbals,

praise him with resounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD.

Let us bow our heads in prayer:
Lord Our Heavenly Father we thank you for this beautiful day
We thank you for the life of our parents as well as our grandparents here
with us today;
We thank you for the life of my brothers and sisters here today.
Lord as we will lead this service today we ask that you may grant us your
holy spirit, guide us and bless us;
Lord please forgive all our sins;
We come to you in no other name but in Jesus mighty name we pray;
Good Morning To You All;
On behalf of the Wesley Sunday School A very warm welcome to each and
everyone present here this morning.
uest|on What |s a|m Sunday?

Answer a|m Sunday |s the day we remember the tr|umpha| entry of Iesus |nto
Ierusa|em exact|y one week before n|s resurrect|on (Matthew 21111) Some 4S0S00
years ear||er the rophet 2echar|ah had prophes|ed ke[o|ce great|y C daughter of 2|on!
Shout C daughter of Ierusa|em! 8eho|d your k|ng |s com|ng to you ne |s [ust and hav|ng
sa|vat|on Low|y and r|d|ng on a donkey A co|t the foa| of a donkey" (2echar|ah 99)
Matthew 2179 records the fu|f|||ment of that prophecy 1hey brought the donkey and
the co|t |a|d the|r c|othes on them and set n|m on them And a very great mu|t|tude
spread the|r c|othes on the road others cut down branches from the trees and spread
them on the road 1hen the mu|t|tudes who went before and those who fo||owed cr|ed
out say|ng 'nosanna to the Son of Dav|d! 8|essed |s ne who comes |n the name of the
LCkD!' nosanna |n the h|ghest!'" 1h|s event took p|ace on the Sunday before Iesus

In remembrance of th|s event we ce|ebrate a|m Sunday It |s referred to as a|m Sunday
because of the pa|m branches that were |a|d on the road as Iesus rode the donkey |nto
Ierusa|em a|m Sunday was the fu|f|||ment of the rophet Dan|e|s seventy sevens
prophecy know therefore and understand 1hat from the go|ng forth of the command
1o restore and bu||d Ierusa|em Unt|| Mess|ah the r|nce 1here sha|| be seven weeks and
s|xtytwo weeks 1he street sha|| be bu||t aga|n and the wa|| Lven |n troub|esome t|mes
(Dan|e| 92S) Iohn 111 te||s us ne (Iesus) came to n|s own and n|s own d|d not rece|ve
n|m 1he same crowds that were cry|ng out nosanna were cry|ng out cruc|fy n|m f|ve
days |ater (Matthew 272223)

Let us p|ease r|se to our f|rst hymn number 840
kead I|rst verse

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