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1ransporL ln Lhe 8epubllc of lndla ls an lmporLanL parL of Lhe naLlons economy

1oday ln Lhe counLry we have a wlde varleLy of modes of LransporL by land waLer and alr
owever Lhe relaLlvely low Cu of lndla has meanL LhaL access Lo Lhese modes of LransporL has noL been
lndla's LransporL secLor ls large and dlverse lL caLers Lo Lhe needs of 11 3bllllon people
ln 2007 Lhe secLor conLrlbuLed abouL 33 percenL Lo Lhe naLlon's Cu
lnce Lhe early 1990s lndlas growlng economy has wlLnessed a rlse ln demand for LransporL lnfrasLrucLure
and servlces
1he naLlon has [usL 13 mllllon cars on lLs roads whlch ls [usL over 1 of Lhe counLry's populaLlon
ln addlLlon only 10 of Lhe lndlan households own a moLorcycle
ln lndla publlc LransporL sLlll remalns Lhe prlmary mode of LransporL
Ind|an ra||ways ls Lhe largesL and fourLh mosL heavlly uLlllzed sysLem ln Lhe world

alanquln Cycle 8lckshaws
8ullock carLs and horse carrlages 1rams
8lcycles andpulled rlckshaws

Modern tronsportotion
8oad ways
lr ways
JaLer ways
lndlan 8allways ls one of Lhe largesL rallways under slngle managemenL
lL carrles some 17 mllllon passengers and 2 mllllon Lons of frelghL a day and ls one of Lhe world's largesL employer
1he rallways play a leadlng role ln carrylng passengers and cargo across lndlas vasL LerrlLory

Zonal Railways Headquarters
Central Railway Mumbai CST
Eastern Railway Kolkata
Northern Railway New Delhi
North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur
North-East Frontier Railway Maligaon (Guwahati)
Southern Railway Chennai
South Central Railway Secunderabad
South Eastern Railway Kolkata
Western Railway Church Gate, Mumbai
East Central Railway Hajipur
East Coast Railway Bhubaneswar
North Central Railway Allahabad
North Western Railway Jaipur
South East Central Railway Bilaspur
South Western Railway Hubli
West Central Railway Jabalpur

1he LoLal rouLe lengLh of Lhe rallway neLwork ls 64061 km (39806 ml)
About 46 of the ra||way route |s e|ectr|f|ed
1he lndlan rallways uses 4 gauges broad gauge sLandard gauge meLer gauge narrow gauge

-otob/e troins ond ochievements
1here are Lwo unLCC Jorld erlLage lLes on l8 Lhe ChaLrapaLl hlva[l 1ermlnus and Lhe MounLaln rallways of
1he uar[eellng lmalayan 8allway a narrow gauge rallway ln JesL 8engal
1he nllglrl MounLaln 8allway a meLer gauge rallway ln Lhe nllglrl llls ln 1amll nadu
1he kalkahlmla 8allway a narrow gauge rallway ln Lhe hlvallk mounLalns ln lmachal radesh

Iar|ous 1ra|ns |n Ind|a
8Cu 18nC81
8oads are Lhe domlnanL mode of LransporLaLlon ln lndla Loday
1hey carry almosL 90 percenL of Lhe counLry's passenger Lrafflc and 63 percenL of lLs frelghL
1he denslLy of lndla's hlghway neLwork aL 066 km of hlghway per square kllomeLer of land ls slmllar Lo LhaL of Lhe
unlLed LaLes (063) and much greaLer Lhan Chlnas (016) or 8razlls (020)
owever mosL hlghways ln lndla are narrow and congesLed wlLh poor surface quallLy and 40 percenL of lndla's vlllages
do noL have access Lo allweaLher roads
8oad neLwork of lndla ls Lhe largesL road neLworks(3314 mllllon kllomeLers ) ln Lhe world
lndlas road neLwork conslsLs of naLlonal hlghways sLaLe hlghways dlsLrlcL roads and vlllage roads
%ype of Road ength
Expressways 200 km (120 mi)
National Highways 66,590 km (41,380 mi)
State Highways 131,899 km (81,958 mi)
Major District Roads 467,763 km (290,654 mi)
Rural and Other Roads 2,650,000 km (1,650,000 mi)
%otal ength 3,300,000 km (2,050,000 mi) (Approx)

l8 18nC811lCn
1here are many alrllnes whlch are operaLlng ln lndla
1he lr lndla lndlas flag carrler presenLly operaLes a fleeL of 139 alrcrafL and plays a ma[or role ln connecLlng lndla wlLh
Lhe resL of Lhe world
1he oLher alrllnes such as klngflsher lrllnes lr lndla and !eL lrways are Lhe mosL popular brands ln domesLlc alr Lravel
ln order of Lhelr markeL share
1hese alrllnes connecL more Lhan 80 clLles across lndla and also operaLe overseas rouLes afLer Lhe llberallzaLlon of lndlan
1he rapld growLh ln Lhe economy of lndla has made alr Lravel more affordable now a days
1here are more Lhan 333 (2008 esL) clvlllan alrporLs ln lndla 230 wlLh paved runways and 96 wlLh unpaved runways
and more Lhan 20 lnLernaLlonal alrporLs ln Lhe 8epubllc of lndla
1hese alrllnes connecL more Lhan 80 clLles across lndla and also operaLe overseas rouLes afLer Lhe llberallzaLlon of lndlan
1he rapld growLh ln Lhe economy of lndla has made alr Lravel more affordable now a days
1here are more Lhan 333 (2008 esL) clvlllan alrporLs ln lndla 230 wlLh paved runways and 96 wlLh unpaved runways
and more Lhan 20 lnLernaLlonal alrporLs ln Lhe 8epubllc of lndla
1here are almosL 220 alrporLs ln lndla Lhese lnclude all Lypes of alrporLs
CuL of whlch 27 are lnLernaLlonal alrporLs
CLhers lnclude domesLlc alrporLs alr force based alrporLs and eLc

J1L8 nu L 18nC81

,ar|t|me transportat|on lL has a fleeL of 79 shlps of 27 lacs C1 (48 lacs uJ1) and also manages 33 research survey
and supporL vessels of 12 Lakhs C1 (06 Lakhs uJ1) on behalf of varlous governmenL deparLmenLs and oLher
navlgable waLerways
1ypes of water transport
lnland waLer LransporL
Ccean LransporL
-at|ona| waterways
hlps have Lo walL long for berLhlng
Manual handllng and poor labor producLlvlLy
Cld Lype of equlpmenL
urafL resLrlcLlons
nlghL navlgaLlon unavallable
oor avallablllLy of rallway wagons and road Lrucks
lnsufflclenL warehouslng
1ardy procedure

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