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Introduction to Academic ESL Name: Jose Kerkebe

ESLA 3180 Date: Oct 2023

Born A Crime Chapter 5
I. Summary. Write a 2 to 3 sentence summary of Chapter 5. Think about the most important events in
Chapter 5. You can use your notes and reading packet for help.

As a child Patricia was a difficult girl, but very convinced of her values and her own rules.
She decided to live life the way she wanted and did everything possible to achieve her goals.
Patricia raised Trevor the way she lived and believed.

II. Predictions. Make some predictions about what you think Trevor might write about after reading the
preface to Chapter 5 Born A Crime. Remember that it’s not important if your predictions are right or
wrong. However, it’s important to think about your predictions while you are reading.

1. Who do you think the second girl is from the title of chapter 5?
Trevor’s Girlfriend? Patricia Koko Frances Someone else

2. Do you think the story in Chapter 5 will be a happy story or sad story?
Happy story.

3. What is a significant moment changed your life or your thoughts about your future?

III. Significant Events. As you annotate, pay careful attention to significant events in the story. Use your
annotations from Chapter 5 to complete the chart below. Include 5 significant events.

Significant Why is this event important?

Choosing Patricia wanted to be different than her relatives also in that action.
Patricia They started a new kind or style of life.
decided they
needed to
They got a For Trevor, having a car meant freedom, going everywhere and seeing different and
car. new things that opened his mind.
Patricia took Patricia refused to be bound by ridiculous ideas of what black people couldn’t or
Trevor to this shouldn’t do.
epic drive-in
Patricia That moment was when Patricia began to live in a way that taught her a lot, as a girl
decided to and as a woman, and she realized exactly what she did not want for her future.
live with her

Introduction to Academic ESL Name: Jose Kerkebe
ESLA 3180 Date: Oct 2023

IV. Connection. Look in the chapter where Trevor describes his childhood

In what ways was his life “good”? He always was a happy kid; he didn’t understand what was happen
around him and his mom.

In what ways was his life “hard”? He didn’t like go church so many times on Sunday … apart if that …
nothing !!!

Reading Analysis

1. What do you think about Patricia’s parenting methods? Do you agree or disagree with her style.
Refer to the candy apple incident and the letter writing.
I do not agree with the "Candy Apple" system, I do not think that fear is a good way to educate
children, I prefer the second system "Letter Writing", with which you can exchange points of view,
and it does not leave sequelae in your child.
2. Do you think Trevor is guilty regarding the fire? Explain why or why not.
Yes, he is guilty but without intention, for this reason he he should have had a light fine or
3. What do you think about how the incident at Catholic school was handled? Do you agree with
Patricia and Trevor, or do you agree with the school? Explain your answer.

I think Trevor was a terrible kid and because of the incident at the Catholic school he should have
been expelled.

V. Vocabulary. As you re-read chapter 5 & 6 , write down 5–10 important words that you highlighted.
You should choose words that make it hard for you to understand a sentence, paragraph or story. Do not
write down EVERY word you don’t know. Write down words that you think will help you understand the
important events in the story.

1. swatted: Patricia was always being swatted away by his girlfriends.

2. bearer: Patricia’s brother was the only son, bearer of the family name.

3. overgrazed : The black lands were overpopulated and overgrazed.

4. sewing: Patricia worked on a sewing machine making school uniforms.

5. self-fulfilling : That meaning has a way of becoming self-fulfilling.

6. chased: Trevor loved to be chased.

Introduction to Academic ESL Name: Jose Kerkebe
ESLA 3180 Date: Oct 2023

7. spoiled: Trevor wasn’t whiny and spoiled.

8. prankster: Trevor prided himself on being the ultimate prankster.

9. gunpowder: Trevor could take the gunpowder out of all the fireworks.

10. to rein: Trevor’s mom was forever trying to rein him in.

Homework. After we make the class list of vocabulary, use the 10 words to write sentences about the novel.
Don’t write the definition of the word.

VII. Questions. Write down any questions you have about chapter 5 These questions could be right
here, here and there, inside/outside or outside questions. Ask your group members the questions
you wrote to see if they can answer them. If they can’t, we can discuss your questions as a class.

1. What kind of relationship had Trevor with his cousin?

2. Did Patricia feel fear sometimes?

3. Why Trevor never wrote about his brother?

4. Trevor’s brother came from the same father?

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