Attack On Titan Lore Not Done

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Karl Fritz was the ruler of a small village with a fuck load of slaves, one of them are Ymir Fritz, a 9-
year-old slave that was happy all the time (um how the fuck can someone be happy as a slave) one
she let a pig out of its sty out of kindness. Like A hour later Karl Fritz is sitting on his throne all high
and mighty demanding to know who let the pig out and I kid you fucking not he would take their
eyes out if they didn’t snitch, so they all pointed to Ymir so he sends her “free” while horse riders
shoot her down with arrows. While having arrows in her body she finds a big ass tree, so she runs in
for shelter ends up being a big ass lake, so she fell panicked for her own life starts to drown, lucky for
her a “life” or to be smart sounding a hallucigenia a very very very old worm that was real but died
out before the dinosaurs where alive, but in aot life is “god of all thing” so it sees Ymir fucking dyeing
was like “fuck it I’m about to give her the founding titan powers lmao” attaches itself to Ymir spine
which started the titan history also becoming the founder titan, her to getting this power she return
to the fuck head Karl Fritz to show her loyalty so she use her titan powers to help him become a
worldwide king, so he marries Ymir having three kids all daughters Marria,Rose,Sheena all names of
the walls of Paradis island, after everything there was a assassin there to kill Karl with a spear, so he
throws the spear Ymir throws herself Infront of the spear of coarse this shouldn’t kill her from a
spear (basally how this works is you have to have the will to live) so as she looks up and looks at Karl
Fritz she loses the will to live, After her death he made his kids eat her remines to make sure the
titan power lives on. This creates the paths; the paths are a realm where Ymir went when she died,
he she is responsible for all titans creating every titan with SAND yes, every time a titan shifter would
go titan from, she would have to design them every time. Now time to go to Paradis island, Paradis
was create to keep titans alive to live out the titan powers but to do that you would put everyone in
serrated death so Paradis island was used for that purpose, But Karl Fritz had some Mersey so he
created a bunch of colossus titans, hardened them then ordered titans to build the walls three wall
which is named after his daughters Marria,Rose,Sheena which are also the three path in the paths
are the reason of titans. The nine titans are the beast titan, the female titan, the jaw titan, the
founding, the armored titan, the attack titan, the cart titan and the Warhammer titan first we start
with the beast titan. The beast titan is a large animal but a titan with some broken power (Bear in
mind that it might only be available to Zeke) that power is the scream, the titan scream can make
anyone who drinks the spine of the beast titan well that’s only for Zeke but other beast titan shifter’s
can odor any titan to do anything (yeah ANYTHING). Now the female titan not much to cover, the
ability of the female is eaten me titans and FAST FAST FAST GOTTA STEP ON THE GAS type stuff, also
the female titan is called that because it has female like body, now the jaw titan is a real fast titan on
all fours a jaw that could breck Annie’s glass cube thing. The founding titan hell nah I just wrote bout
so next. The armored titan or the RENNIER titan a 13m titan with amour plates all over the body,
abilities are move your brain cells to other parts of your body and HULK SMASH. Now the attack titan
or the anger problems titan nah for real though the attack titan is crazy the abilities are hardened
ice, talking to himself in the past and seeing the further when counted with royal blood of Ymir, also
Eren is a bunch of titans all in one. Now the cart titan or the hot titan IM TALKING ABOUT PECK
anyways the cart titan is just a titan that can talk, carry cargo, real fast, can transform to titan 50
times in a day. Now one of my favorite titan is the Warhammer titan or the op/broken titan, can
create anything with the Warhammer building well known for the Warhammer, the ability to have a
storge area for the titan shafter. And that’s it well no but I can’t be fucked going thought the wa…
wa… wall lore. OK never mind I have to write bout the walls and the island wow this is goanna be a
long siting. Paradis island was a small island that nobody knew about till Karl Fritz the founding titan
at the time run off to when the 9 titan (not including the war hammer being kept by the Tybur
family) all tried to put an end to Karl Fritz’s life, while having the founding titan the 9 titans with the
right team work can in fact slater Karl Fritz’s, after fritz’s finding out about the plan to kill him he
when to the Tybur family and made a plan about how he would take all the titans (except the 9) to a
island named Paradis island were he would make the three walls, the foundations be dozens of
colossal titan’s being harden at all times from here King Fritz’s would make an empty stamen about
FLATENING THE EARTH WITH 50KM HIGH TITANS while the Tybur family knowing he won’t act on it
(even being able to act on it) when the world heard this this they stepped down. On Paradis Island all
titans would live here outside the walls also where most of all Eldains lived, here people didn’t know
there was more than the walls the people of Paradis knew nothing about the outside world or the
truth about Paradis not even knowing that they were on an Island. Girsha Yeager was born in Marley
which isn’t on Paradis, he had a mother, father and a little sister all were subjects of Ymir which
limited their rights. One day Girsha and his sister went out of there authorized area (subjects of Yimr
or Eldinans have only so much living area) to go and see a blimp to not get caught they put away
their badges what would show that they are subjects of Ymir, when they got there saw the blimp
two soldiers confronted them about the badges (one of the soldiers being Eren Krueger the owl aka
the attack titan) Girasha was given a beating for going out of the area and his little sister was took in
by the other solders to feed to his dogs he had no shame for this after all she was a subjects of Ymir,
when Girsha founded out about this he told his parents without thinking twice his dad start to be
sulked by his dad he explained the rules and the history of Ymir, he screamed at his father about his
sister but this time his father explained that we subjects of Ymir where born as devils Girsha was
shocked by his father response he built to hate the marly empire. Girsha in his 20s become a doctor.
Girsha finds a group of subjects of Ymir who leader was royal blood her name was Dina Fritz’s being
royal blood she had the real history and told the group including Girsha, later in life Girsha and Dina
got married and had a child named Zeke Yeager which he had royal blood, Girsha would tell Zeke
becoming a warrior is his goal and his only Zeke would always come last in everything with becoming
a warrior he would be told be the teachers rember he was only 12 at the time so all this wight on he
shoulders to become a warrior inherit one of the nine titans, while Zeke was wondering around he
stabled across a man throwing a baseball that man had inherited the beast titan him and Zeke
become like father and son, one day the man Tom told Zeke to rat out his parent’s to marly so they
wouldn’t have any of his grandparents or future kids have to Indore the pain he went thought, Zeke
tells marly about how his parents know the truth bout the titans by doing this he gain the trust of
marly, his mother was turned in to a titan and sent to Paradis island right before Girsha meet the
same fate as his wife Eren Kerger saves him and revels himself as the owl or the attack titan and kills
of some Marlys before explaining himself, after explaining he give the power of becoming the attack
titan to Girsha. Girsha traveled to Paradis where he continued to be a doctor while he was a docter
he meant Karura he would marry her having a child named Eren Yeager. Girsha never brainwashed
or pushed his believes on him something that happened to Zeke. Five years later Girsha found the
Resse family which a cover up for the royal blood Fritz’s family hide out his mission was to convince
the founding titan to erase the titans as he was going to enter the hide out, he felt like it wasn’t time
to go with the plan. In the Yeager family household, there was a basement none of them knew what
was inside but what was in there were three books about the real history of the titans, the outside
world and his past life. One day Girsha took Eren to the Ackerman household for a check up when
they arrived they found both parents of Mikasa killed Eren finds a man with a knife he kills him at the
age of 9 save Mikasa’s life which activated the Ackerman loyalty to Eren Yeager give her will power
to kill the other man who killed Mikasa’s mother Girsha finds Eren covered in blood which would
make Girsha start tell Eren how he can’t risk his life so careless Eren fights the fact that he was just
protecting Mikasa he sighs and told him that he should think mor next time Eren looks at Mikasa and
gives her his scarf which she would keep for the rest of her life. Girsha adopts Mikasa making her a
part of the Yeager family here she would live with Girsha, Eren and Karura. Eren and Mikasa meet
Arim Alert creating a group of great friends. One day Arim come up to Eren explaining that there is
more than the walls outside from the

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