US Geo

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Grand design = national objectives and what resources to achieve it.

Determinate foreign policy = president and their council. Congress can limit this
power/actions = managed budget. They can grant extension to permit the presidential
decision/war. (Majority is needed to grant extension…)

Power to declare a war = congress  last official war= against Bulgarian (1942).
In the constitution, explicit that the president = command in chief = can reunite the military,
ex: Vietnam or Korea.

What make geostrategy important? Energy, territory (for strategy purpose: ships/wars,
commercial/economy, coaling stages), security
Formal empire vs Informal Empire

I. Early Republic to First WW.

1783= Independent from Great Britain w/ help from France.

Problem w/ Security wise  Relation w/ British? and expansion of territory = Canada = BIG
FAIL = Will British will use Canada to invade US.

Not strong central gov = power presidency/legislation minimal.  Solution: State more
power and central power very small = FAIL
 1787= Constitution 1788= forst president = G. Washington establish precedents (= power
for future president). Until 1946, no fixed min term.

USA population = 3 and half million hab. => very small not powerful enough for war.
Establish good relationship with neighboring countries  British. Can’t afford any mishap so
Bisounours.  Entangling alliances should be involved in it. Only commercial treat could be
done = no political treaty as it forces the US in unfortunate situation.

1789= French Revolution difficult for US as changing power.

Pressure to comply with revolutionary or to the dead king = DID NOTHING.

Economic = Alexander Hamilton (Secretary Washington) advise to borrow money.

Washington decided to give a part of national budget to repay war debt to allies. Can
weaken US.
No intention to expand to international relation = too weak, too big player.

Realist perspective stay ‘til WW1 then Wilsonicism by Woodrow Wilson (moral foreign
policy) = near idealism.

Louisiana purchase = to pay the debt = no more French debt.

1803 = big lands, resources but not enough population = land is cheap.
1812= James Madison = Crisis= British sizing everything (ships) for several years as they were
neutral, so they sell to everyone in Napoleon period= stop international trade. = WAR W/
BRITAIN at the same time they went after Canada.
 WHAT DID THEY DO? If we can’t beat them, join them. They trade with them and align
their policy with British, ‘til US was powerful enough or do policy in matter that doesn’t
concern the British. => Find new market in Central-South America as British.

1821-22: discussion to reconquer South America. Monroe decided to establish policy to

make seem as they were allied with British even, they did want to be involve in a war. But US
use the treat of Britain’s power to enforce it.
 MONROE DOCTRINE: doesn’t apply to GB.

Choc btw Mexican Empire vs US= 1846-1848:

Raise funds + men (state militia). President that time could federalize those militias. US gain
territory. (for 23 million people in US) = in this period, 20% of pop was immigrants. 90% of
the territory of today was acquired.

The Us maintain commercial relations with EU countries: Main purpose = ensure economic
property of US.

Slavery = Civil War 1860-1865  Will EU partner allied confederation or … ?

By the end, US has troops and navy. Lincoln ultimatum for France over the truce of Mexico.
1867 = MEXICO IDPDCE. = Military power is needed to secure the hemisphere which they
could do against Mexico.

Indian Wars = 1873-1874. “Be gone savages” with a small militia.

At this period, important economic and demographic growth specially in 1870-1914 :

become the largest industrialization in the world due mainly to immigration and natural.
Pop 1870: 39 million to 1914, 93 million.
 will export their industrial goods = wealth but also power. Don’t need to import as their
domestic prod is enough.
NAVY could have their own as they became wealthy. = Should US expand to international?
By the end 19th, they now have the possibility to expand their economic power by building a
 Alfred Mahan : “The influence of sea power upon history” if they do not build a modern
fleet, the US can’t guarantee that they could secure their nation power against
British/European power.
As EU begin colonization, they became rivals and no longer allies as their interest diverge =
force to build fleet = NAVY to secure their power.
If they don’t do it what are the national taxes are for? Needed to increase dramatically taxes
to build it as their institution/ national budget was not enough to build a NAVY.

1898 - 1901: Spanish – American War: first war as a player in the global competition of the
market place. Acquisition of Cuba, Puerto Rico and Caribbean, Philippines and Guam. And
Hawaii is occupied. They knew that could beat them; they will not have done it w/o knowing
their worth.
Largest market place = China

Us shifted is strategy: want a hand on the world.

 Citizens POV: Teddy Roosevelt (president) favored American expansionism. Take panama.
Install = “Gun boat policy”, US should not have to treat but with their navy power = could be
“BAAAAAM” violence.
Woodrow Wilson antagonist to Roosevelt.

American public didn’t want to have a part in WWI = they wanted to be neutral = “the only
way to have their ships was to “came and get it”. Therefore, they seemed to take a party as
only allies could take their offer.
To have a place in global playground = involvement in WWI.
Wilson convince congress and entered WWI.

Introduce at that time(post war) Wilsonism (moral) : collective security  League of Nations
(LoN) (his baby) peace for everyone by bringing’ everyone together = BIG FAIL as not
republican was present, only democrats= no participate.

Demobilizing Navy is still in the heart of global debate even though LoN was a big fail.

Reduce tariff on import = during the 29’s depression. In this period, great relation w/ China
 jeopardize by Japanese’s threats/tension. The US Navy to secure the relation w/ china,
congress agreed that they should remain abroad w/ a huge fleet = pretext protection
American trade w/ China.
Since 1930’s Navy gain power => ex: convince the congress to ignore the treaty concerning
the volume of a fleet.

Before tension = Japan- USA based their relation on import (from Japan) of oil.
F.D Roosevelt’s strategy, during war w/ Japan  see war as a link btw economy and security
= Embargo of oil on Jap.

II. Second WWar and Cold War

Isolationism: US will pursue their economic interest. Their geostrategy = no power except
economic relation (war debt).

Again, Public don’t want to engage in war.

Transformative of politics, culture and society = change perspective of power (not only eco)
After WWII could US go back to Isolationism?  Begin a “Global geostrategy”.

Alliance US-Britain-URSS. 1945  strategic interests = what post war will look like?
(Churchill-Stalin – Roosevelt) even if FDR don’t want to end it. He wanted URSS and US to
attack Japan(which they will do after).
Yalta conference- Feb 1945 = Reverse their base  Britain to URSS as they are against each

- Zone of interest
- Fact on the grounds

Truman presidency : size up Stalin and their “agreement” => decision to hold the troop in
EU. Nuclear power on their party (atomic power). Troop couldn’t be a sustainable strategy,
they needed a long term strategy. => Establishment of the pentagon and OSS (now CIA) to
monitoring their power, their actions, consequence and relations.
Security threat  spread of communism.
Marshall (secretary of state) :prevent instability and create a stable democratic solution
Marshall Plan : if eco is stable and growth will have a positive impact on society, policy, ..etc
Frustration us department = demand to have coherent global strategy. ===

George Kennan = article  need to implement a stable coherent strategy to counter the
URSS pression. TUS should focus on CONTAINMENT = contain soviet expansion w/ proxies.

CONTAINMENT was and still is a base on their geo strategy. DOC NSC-68 which a
document by national security advisor. Foundation to foreign policy.

Under Truman = Pre-containments ? Debut of this policy: committing troop in Korea. 1950-
53. No sdeclaration of war. – UN sanction military action. Exploit their hard power.
It is before power acts.
Soviet Union acquired nuclear weapon. No more monopoly. Establishment of NATO=
Political and military alliance(1949)

Eisenhower = = cease-fire (still applied).: New Look:

- Need of a strong and viable economy and insure it= to afford to pursue cold war
- Massive retaliation / buildup of nuclear power, arsenal
- CIA expansion/ use of CIA to insure
- Strengthen the relation w/ alliance through economic and military support.
Big growth = 2nd term for him

Kennedy = Flexible respond 1960=> reject the Eisenhower retaliation policy. US will seek to
pursue mutual deterrence Not rely solely on nuclear power however if it comes to nuclear
power = best defense : 2nd strike capability (= if US is attack in a 1srt strike, US should be able
to retaliate) = mutual assured destruction = IT WORKS NO NUCLEAR WAR !


1962 = Missiles silos in Cuba
Johnson= Troops to Vietnam War. Domino effect/theory use to convince congress to grant
an assistance for the war.- keep funding it.
War power act which during the Vietnam war = mandatory to go to congress to do war.
Exposition of the war on the news = Televised war.
Nixon = 1968 = Process Vietnamization = make up for it and withdraw US involvement in
Henry Kissinger = Relation w/ China = squeeze the Soviet Union and work better
containment by build friendship w/ China. Because Nixon is known as a anti-communism =
ALRIGHT proposation. Then by improving this relations, they could rebuild a somewhat
relation w/ URSS.

SALT = Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty  Reduce nuclear weapons in both side
Followed by (ABM) anti-ballistic missile treaty  “

REAGAN Presidency = ANTI-SOVIET  Try to bankrupt URSS. / massive armament.

 STAR WARS = space weapon.  WORKED. 1992 collapse of the SU economy.

SOCIALLY: Cold War seemed to give a sense of security as they faced the unknown.

III. Post-Cold War to Present

Containment still exists = policy that allow flexibility

1988-1992 : George H.W Bush
Caught btw Reagan and Clinton. Peaceful trahison btw cold war and post cold war. Create a
certain stability.
US began to shift = produce of cost on defense= budget

1992- 2000 : William J Clinton

Criticize as he continued the bush policy, he reduced the US armed forces = Money could be
used elsewhere.
Peace dividend = good for economy = benefit of cold war
Security of resource since Kuwait at risks. 1991 Irak invasion Kuwait = FIRST GOLF WAR.
 Multipolar world where there are no longer only two sides.
Desire to focus on domestic policies because there were no external threats anymore which
Clinton profited from. => Doesn’t think that it is useful to worry about geostrategy/foreign
policy = “kick the can down the road”.

Stability created by strong relationship and strong economy.

However, unemployment increased where there were heavy industry => Cheaper labor
elsewhere. (Textile industry…).
Clinton = minimize the international risks as they didn’t want to deal with it and focus on
Primacy of foreign policy.

Russia -US + US-EU = GOOD RELATIONS = US didn’t want to create tension.

Tension w/ China: as lot of industry moved to China. Tension btw their NAVY.

2000-2008 : George W BUSH

Running on domestic agenda. 9/11 push BUSH to do more intensely foreign policy as they
were interested in “redefining grand strategy” and counter the possible threats.
Socially 9/11 = WWII = change perspective of themselves : for example parenting. Transform
American society and culture.
 Beginnin’ of settlement in Afghanistan.

GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR (GWOT) : It was define as a long term commitment.

Security domestic = Patriot Act  MORE IMPORTANT THAN ECONOMY.
The BUSH DOCTRINE: 2003 = commitment of the army and make the difference btw friends
and enemy. Doctrine of preemption = insure the security of the homeland.
 CIA is given the right to do what is needed to insure the national security = FISHY. As gov
could focus on Afg.

2003 : Irak. Dirty bomb and powerful weapon = Threat = Fear = GOV didn’t want to take the
chance to give them an occasion. After all= No weapon of mass destruction. (2011: The
HERO OBAMA withdraw troops)

Democratization could create security and stability = but secondary.

 Second term : economy consequences of the policy = collapse in 2008 SUBPRIMES =
Major/massif recession.

2008-2016: Barack OBAMA

 Dramatically different policy and specially in term of foreign policy.

BUSH alienate allies + bankruptcy = worsen the us situation => Obama will introduce a fresh
OBAMA Adm want to focus on domestic affair not only because of the economy . But only
for the policies and within democratic party. Certain willingness to separate the vison of gov
to the Clinton.

International affairs neede to be dal with to

Lead from behind = maintain the international alliances = reduce us commitment globally in
tension == Withdraw from Iral and wanted the same for Afg. = which doesn’t goes for
Obama doesn’t go against geostrategy.
In order to focus on domestic issues = but against congress.
Technology will become important = CIA and drones to address geostrategy. Special forces
will be used for strikes.
 Be more surgical than take a sledgehammer = Fight smart (more drones)= Idea of
improve relation. = Diplomacy and relying on allies = “Lead from behind”

Froze the question to congress = Syria war, chemical weapon.

Reduce cost oversea and domestic policy.
Because the focus on domestic policy and nearly “nothing has been done “in term of foreign
policy = Obama geostrategy is not seen as successful.
This is wh. There is this alienation from those foreign policies.

2016-: Trump

Angry by the Obama policies even within the democratic party.

Trump signal ed they will be different than Obama
No coherent of GEOSTRATEGY.

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