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Judit Paez & Álvaro Fernández

Jud: Hi Álvaro, How are you doing?

Álv: Oh Judit! Why are you here? Well I’m looking for my watch, and I didn’t find it.
Anyway, did you like the party?

Jud: Well I’m here to help you find the watch. Of course it was the best party of my
entire life, however I didn’t mean to lose your watch!

Álv: Do you remember where you last saw the watch?

Jud: No, did you go to the DJ area?

Álv: No, I didn't go because there were a lot of people and I had a headache.

Jud: Okay, did you go to the chill out area?

Álv: Yes, did you see the spectacular sunset?

Jud: Obviously, it was so beautiful! Maybe when you gave me the watch, it fell to the
ground and now is there.

Alv: Yes, I think so!

Jud: Okay, so do you want to go to the chill out area to see if we can find it?

Alv: Let’s go!

(a few hours later)

Alv: Well we didn’t find it, and honestly I think that we won’t find it!

Jud: I’m so sorry about that, next time I won’t lose your watch! I promise you!
Álv: That’s all right!

Jud: Tomorrow, I will buy you a new one!

Álv: No! Never mind, it’s a stupid watch

Jud: Well, I will do it!

Álv: Okey!

Jud: Bye Álvaro, see you tomorrow!

Álv: Bye Judit!

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