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Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice shame on me.

What Can We Learn from 1948 Tragedy?

About the book
How cruel can Israel be?
In our own country, some get tricked (intentional?)
What can we learn?
● To build empathy and belonging to this issue as a moslem
● To better equipped yourself with knowledge to escalate Palestinian issue and
confronting anyone who try to cover/twisted the facts (intentionally / not)
Phase 1 - During British Occupation (1922-1947)
Key Events:
● Ottoman Empire defeats in WW1 ends Empire
rules to Palestine and transfer the ownership to
Britain. Palestinian were not threaten at first
because they are used to political transfer, they
don’t think this will bring any differences.

● Prior to war, Sir Balfour secure financial and

manpower helps in exchange for Britain helps to
support the birth of Jewish nation-state in
Palestinan land. Hence the birth of Balfour 1917.

● Jewish (mostly European) starting to purchase

land in Palestine, without triggering any doubts
from Palestinian.

● Influx of Jews to Palestine is required to have

dominant forces in Palestinian land.
Phase 1 - During British Occupation (1922-1947)
Key Events:
● In 1930’s and early 1940’s - there are regular
revolts between British and Leaders of
Palestinian Resistance. A lot of their leaders was
exiled and forbid to return to Palestine. The lack
of leadership was one key to ease Zionist
occupation in Palestine later in 1940’s.

● Another key project that was done by Zionist is

to do an advanced mapping of Palestinian
situation at that time. This information was used
for later military attack prioritization in
Phase 1 - During British Occupation (1922-1947)
Phase 2 - British Surrenders and Transfer to UN (1947)
Key Events:
● Post WW-II, Britain no longer feel their presence
in Palestinian economically justified. Therefore,
they transfer the Palestinian ownership to the
newly created UN in Feb 1947.

● UN coming up with controversial partition plan in

Q3 1947. Despite owning only the land for 5%
and having less than ⅓ of Jewish population,
Jews were entitled for 56% if the land. Pape
argues this to compensate Jews for the

● The mandate were about to be implemented in

May 1948, however Zionist dishonour the
agreement. They begin expelling Palestinian
from all Jewish and Palestinian land.
Phase 3 - Ethnic Cleansing Begin (1947-1949)
Key Events:
● In their own version, Zionist denies the ethnic
cleansing operation. They narrate it was the
Palestinian who voluntarily transferred. But as shown
by Pape, the true intention is Ethnic Cleansing as
found in the diary archieves of Zionist leader.

● Since the beginning, Zionist had been a hypocrite. In

series of early attack in 1947, Zionist leadership
denied the attack from one of them deeming they are
not knowing (despite it was the plan). They start by
attacking / bombing facilities or small vilages as a

● Zionist shows no mercy - in many villages they

massacre everyone - man, woman, child, baby.
While in some village they exclude woman or
children under 10 - but still it was unimaginable.
Phase 4 - The Aftermath (1949)
Key Events:
● Israel was born in 1948, and claiming 78% of the
land, or 22% more than what was entitled to
them from the UN Partition plan.

● Initially, West Bank and Gaza was planned to be

included in part of Greater Israel, but Zionist
leader make pact with King of Jordan to gave
West Bank to Jordan, while Gaza was safe due
to the help of Egyptian army.

● An estimated of 750k (>50% Palestinian) were

expelled from their land, and Israel continue to
refuse the right to return. The harmony between
three major Abrahamic religion were ended due
to Zionist.
What can we learn?
● The intent of Israeli’s leadership was clear from the beginning - to
perform ethnic cleansing and control all Palestinian land. They believe that
security of Jewish people will not be there until all Arabs is out of their lands.
● Zionism had know for their hypocrisy and allowing everything, including
powerful lobby, fact twisting and mass massacre including woman and
children to achieve their objectives.

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