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Reflection about the Dispositions

All ten dispositions need to be developed in order to be a professional

teacher. I have worked on some of the ten dispositions and I think I am doing
well in some of them and I really need to keep on working in the others.
In my opinion I am doing very well in REFLECTIVE, because I am
always questioning the things I did and I try to find the way to improve myself.
I also think I am doing well in RECEPTIVE TO FEEDBACK because I like to
know other people’s opinions and I try to improve the aspects they mention.
The last one I think I am doing well, is AFFIRMING OF DIVERSITY, because
as I am also going to The Newcomers School I have learned to be open
minded to cultural differences and also I have learned ways to integrate the
different cultures in the classroom and how to create a respectful atmosphere
in the classroom.
Now, I am going to talk about the ones I need to keep working on. For
example I need to be more INCLUSIVE because I tend to stick too much to
the lesson plan and it is hard for me to change it in order to help others
students. I also need to work on SELF-EFFICACIOUS because sometimes I
am insecure of my own preparation and I get nervous very easily. And the last
one is COLLABORATIVE because I need to learn how to assume the
leadership in some activities, I am a collaborative person if other person tells
me what to do but it is hard for me to take the leadership of the situation.

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