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Theoretical Framework

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ( 1943 ) is a psychological motivational theory that demonstrates

the five levels of human needs . Maslow developed this theory to explain how individuals are

driven to satisfy their needs in a hierarchical order . The five features are physiological safety ,

love and belonging , esteem , and self - actualization , in that order . The hierarchy progresses ,

beginning with the most basic to the most advanced requirements . The ultimate goal is self -

actualization , which is situated at the top of the hierarchy . Maslow stated that lower levels

must be met before higher - level demands can achieve the desired outcomes . The basic

physical necessities at the bottom of the pyramid include the requirements for food , air , and

water these are basic physiological needs for all animals , including humans . This theory relates

to the study on the basis of the idea that this hierarchy of needs can be applicable to the

human body's needs for food to stay alive , which could be considered the most basic of all

physiological needs.

The Theory of Reasoned Action (1967) states that individuals' intention to

perform a behavior (their behavioral intention) determines what they do, and it is based

on two things: their own attitudes about the behavior and perceived social pressure

from people whom they want to please (technically refered to in the theory as

subjective norms). It relates to the study in the sense that if the members of the group

think positively about eating unhealthy foods, then almost everybody in the group is

likely will have no objection to eating unhealthy foods. As a part of a group, they will

try to fit in with the group norm.



This chapter presents the methodologies employed in the study. This includes

the research design, respondents of the stuiy, research

instruments, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatnment.

Research Design

The quantitative research approach, specifically non-experimental, will be used

in this study. Researchers have adopted a descriptive method using the survey protocol.

According to Vijayamohan, descriptive method deseribes the characteristics of the

problem, phenomenon, situation, or group under study. Its goal is to explore the

background., details, and existing patterns in the problem to fully understand it. The

researchers chose this research design specifically because it meets the needs of the

study and has the ability to make the study clear to others while conveying information.

Population and Sampling

The overall population of respondents at Zarraga National High School

specifically Senior High School student, consist of thirty (30) respondents. In this study,

purposive sampling was used to determine how the banana pandesal with pulot will be

accepted in Zarraga National High School. Purposive sampling was used in this
study to identify and select participants who are knowledgeable enough to assist the

researchers in their search for information that will lead to better insights and more

precise research results.

Research Instruments

In gathering data for this study, the researchers prepared questions, and the

instrument used was a paper survey that was approved by the research adviser in

accordance with their survey questionnaires; by using this, they were able to provide accurate

answers and data that were needed to accomplish this study. The researchers

also used the 9-point Hedonic Scale as it is the only scale that will allow the researchers

to distinguish between the respondent's overall preference and the detailed descriptors

of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture that are included in the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

After getting the approval of the research adviser, permission was sought to

conduct the study. The researchers also sought permission from the respondents to

ensure that they were fully informed about the study's procedure and purpose. Banana

Pandesal with pulot was processed and selected respondents tasted the pandesal made from

Banana with pulot . After the respondents tasted the pandesal, a sensory evaluation sheet was

given to the respondents for them to evaluate the given samples. This sensory evaluation sheet

served as the means for gathering data and determining the level of acceptability of Banana

Pandesal with Pulot in Zarraga National High School.

Statistical Treatment

The collected data were interpreted using the following statistical techniques

from the study's participants.

1. Weighted Mean

Using this statistical approach, it was possible to determine the weight of the

questionnaire replies provided by the respondents during the actual data collection

collecting process. The weighted formula is as follows



WM Weighted Mean

E=Summation symbol


F=Frequency for each option

W= Assigned weight

N=Total number of frequencies

2. 9-point Hedonic Scale

9-point hedonic scale was used to identify the level of acceptability of the

respondents on Banana Pandesal with Pulot.

Table 4. 9-point Hedonic Scale

Rating 9-point Hedonie Scale Interval Interpretation

9 Like Extremely 8.01-9 Extraordinary

8 Like Very Much 7.01-8 Outstanding

7 Like Moderately 6.01-7 Very good to barely>average

6 Like Slightly 5.01-6

5 Neither Like nor Dislike 4.01-5 Average, soundly made, little

4 Dislike Slightly 3.01-4 Distinction

3 Dislike Moderately 2.01-3 Below average, not-able

2 Dislike Very Much 1.01-2

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