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Midterm assignement

Student name ID
Kerolos Rafeek Farouk 20P6682
Question 1

Which of the following options are correct?

1. Cast iron is obtained by remitting pig iron with scrap iron and coke using hot air
2. Pig iron is produced by reducing iron oxide.
3. Pig iron is produced by direct reduction method.
4. Pig iron contains carbon content lower than 1%.
Answer is 2

How iron oxide Fe203; could be reduced to iron below 600 K, at 800
and above 900?

Carbon monoxide can reduce iron below 600 K.

Iron cannot be reduced to 800 K , because it is in equilibrium with carbon.
Carbon can reduce iron above 900 K.
Why are the slopes of many of the lines on the Ellingham
diagram almost identical?? What are the exceptions?
In most Ellingham diagram reactions, gas molecules decrease; as temperature rises, oxygen
burns and oxides form.
Because the entropy of gas is very high, the slope equal -delta S and entropy for oxides and
metals are ignored.
As a result, as the temperature of the gas rises, the entropy decreases.
Only a few reactions increase in entropy as the temperature rises, such as
2C +O2 =2CO

At temperatures above 800°C (1073K) coke can be used to reduce FeO

to Fe. How can you justify this reduction with the Ellingham diagram?
As illustrated in the Ellingham graphic. Coke has lower free energy
above 800 degrees Celsius. As a result, it can be used to reduce iron.

Metal oxides are unstable at high temperatures,

Metal oxides have a very large ∆ G at high temperatures, hence they
will not be stable.

Question 2
Why steel is a rich alloy? Explain giving clear examples?
• Steel is used in every industry.
• Steel is environmentally friendly since its scrap can be recycled.
• Found in infrastructure such as highways and bridges.
• Because steel has a wide range of mechanical qualities depending on composition alloys and
heat treatment, it offers a wide range of applications.

Describe the life cycle of steel showing how the value of steel is
• BF or DR convert iron oxide to pig or sponge iron.
• EAF or BOF converts pig or sponge iron to steel.
• After that, rolling.
• After rolling, we heat treat the product for use.
• It becomes scrab after employing the steel.
• Scrab is recycled and reused as steel.

Describe the difference between the role of thermodynamic and

kinetics in steel making?
Thermodynamics predicts whether a reaction will occur.
If ∆ G is negative, the reaction occurs; if it is positive, the reaction does not occur.
Kinetics describes how rapidly a reaction occurs. It tells us how long the reaction will last.

What is the role of Gibbs free energy in steel

production? Give an example?
Gibbs free energy tells us whether the reaction will occur. In
steel, it is used to demonstrate the best reducing agent at
each temperature.
For this Ellingham diagram for BF
Carbon monoxide can reduce iron below 600 K.
Iron cannot be reduced to 800 K, because it is in equilibrium with carbon.
Carbon can reduce iron above 900 K.

Define enthalpy entropy, exothermic and endothermic reactions?

Enthalpy represents the total heat content of a system, including both its internal energy and
the work required to move its surroundings. It is often used to describe energy changes in
chemical reactions or phase transitions.
Entropy measures the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. It quantifies the
distribution of energy or molecular configurations within a system and is associated with the
tendency of a system to move towards a more disordered state over time.
Exothermic refers to a process or reaction that releases heat to the surroundings. It results in a
decrease in the system's enthalpy as heat is given off, and it is product favor. ∆ H = (-ve)
Endothermic refers to a process or reaction that releases heat to the surroundings. It results in
a decrease in the system's enthalpy as heat is given off, and it is reactant favor. ∆ H = (+ve)

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