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Lateral ventricles
The ventricles are structures that produce cerebrospinal fluid, and
transport it around the cranial cavity. They are lined by ependymal
cells, which form a structure called the choroid plexus. It is within the
choroid plexus that CSF is produced.
There are 4 ventricles, 2 lateral ventricles and a third and fourth
● The lateral ventricles are C shaped cavity situated in each
cerebral hemispheres
● Most of the CSF in the brain are produced by two lateral
● Each ventricles are connected to each other by septum
● Both ventricles are connected to the third ventricles
Floor of fourth ventricle
Fourth ventricle is a tent like cavity of the hindbrain
Lined with ependyma and filled with CSF
It is situated in the posterior cranial fossa infront of the
cerebellum and behind the pons and upper part of medulla
The cavity presents a triangular outline in sagittal section and
rhomboidal outline in horizontal section
It is continuous inferiorly with the central canal of the lower part
of Medulla oblongata
It is superiorly continuous with cerebral aqueduct of hind brain
3. The medial eminence is bounded laterally by sulcus limitans.
In the medullary area the sulcus imitans is marked by a
depression called inferior fovea. Descending from fovea, sulcus
limitans divides medial eminence into hypoglossal triangle
medially and vagal triangle laterally
Inlet of larynx
Clinical anatomy

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