Tug As

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In a sma|| house there ||ved a g|r| who se|f he has good fr|ends |n schoo| and

some are bad

In the morn|ng prompt|y at 700 pm ana arr|ved at schoo| and he sat at the
front desk sudden|y came |n front of Ana kezky
kezky who to|d you to s|t here

Ana My own

8ezky CuL of Lhe way l wanL Lo slL

Ana why do l have Lo sLep aslde many empLy Lables

8ezky Lhls because my desk (8y hlLLlng Lhe Lable)

Ar|f sudden|y spoke |n a |oud vo|ce to|d kezky moved from the tab|e

Wlse you have Lo move from Lable

8ezky (wlLh a very angry face he moved) okay l am movlng

After that Ar|f returned to h|s seat and fr|end Ana was ta|k|ng

8eauLlful youre noL okay Ana

Ana lm noL okay

8eauLlful 8ezky are evll

Not too |ong after the be|| rang s|gna||ng the break and 8eaut|fu| Ana
s|tt|ng |n front of the c|ass

8eauLlful Ana Arlf was very cool SLand up for your Llme
(WlLh Arlf was pralsed ln fronL of Ana buL no response aL all)

8eauLlful Ana Ana Ana
(WlLh surprlse Ana answer)

Ana ?eah whaL ls lL?

8eauLlful you do noL hear whaL l sald earller

Ana (wlLh a confused face)
emm ... you say?

BeautiIul: Ana ... no nothing, to the canteen yuk

Ana: You are going

BeautiIul: (with a little Iorce)
yuk, you want it pliss

Rezky suddenly passed in front of Ana and the Beautiful and keep in
pegangnya Aqua glass.

Rezky: uuppzzz ... sorry

BeautiIul: hey you (while standing)

Ana: is not nothing
(While holding the hand beautiIully)

after the incident Rezky then met with Arif who was sitting.

Rezky: AriI, you're not into the canteen

Wise: do not

Rezky: Stand up Ior what you were poor and slum children's

AriI: who you think is poor

Rezky: Ana, she's really poor children

Wise: you who are poor
8ezky whaL you mean
(ln a loud volce and angry)

Arlf yes you are poor poor llver
(WlLh a very angry and saL ln Lhe chalr)
!usL beware you Ana

1hen outs|de Ar|f met w|th Ana and the 8eaut|fu|

8eauLlful Pl Arl f

Arlf Pl Ana
(8egardless of Lhe beauLlful)

Ana Pl ls also wlse
(WlLh a sad face)

Arlf ?ou whaL?

Ana lLs okay

Jh||e wa|k|ng to c|ass and soonhour |esson at the start

Arlf you do noL correcL anyLhlng

Ana yes

Arlf and lnLerrupLlng beauLlful Ana

8eauLlful Pey lm here

Concurrent w|th Ar|f and Ana answered

Arlf and Ana maap beauLlful (ln a low volce)

8eauLlful yes lL does noL maLLer (wlLh less enLhuslasm)

And they went |n the c|assroom and fo||ow the |esson a few hours |ater the
be|| rang s|gna||ng any home and they went home together


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