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Day 10 Lesson Plan Outline


Standard Code Standards

CC.2.1.8.E.4 Estimate irrational numbers by comparing them to rational numbers.

Estimate the value of irrational numbers without a calculator (limit whole number radicand
to less than 144). Example: √5 is between 2 and 3 but closer to 2.


The students will be able to justify their reasoning for their choice of methodology for estimating irrational numbers.

Classroom Arrangement Materials Needed

Students’ desks will be arranged in a circle. Student notebooks, whiteboard, dry erase markers


Students will respond to the following in their notebooks:

Bell Ringer: Estimate √10. Explain the method you used.


Setup: The board should read:

“Which method is best for estimating irrational numbers: number line or formula?
My claim is…
My warrant is…”
Students will volunteer to share their claims and warrants. They may have the same claim
but not the same warrant. This procedure will encourage students to volunteer sooner.
The teacher should keep track of claims and warrants on the board.
Alternate (more complex, may be aimed at advanced classes):
Students will be grouped equally into four groups and assigned a position. They will have
time to develop their arguments in their groups before sharing with the class in a debate-
style with opening arguments (including creating an example problem that illustrates the
advantages of the method), direct argumentation (argument for), (cross argumentation
(dispute possible claims against the method), and closing arguments (summary with a
return to the example problem created).

Anticipated Responses: Prompting Questions:

Claim: The number line method is best for estimating If students are unsure of their position or do not know
irrational numbers. where to start, the teacher may ask the following
Possible warrants: questions:
● It is easier to use. ● Is there a certain type of problem that would be easier
● It is easy to see visually. with one method than the other? Why?
● It is fast. ○ Ordering irrationals that are close together?
Claim: The formula is best for estimating irrational ○ Ordering irrationals like 𝜋 and 𝑒?
numbers. ● Is one method easier to use sometimes but not other
Possible warrants: times?
● It is easy to use once you’ve memorized it. ○ Larger numbers? Greater than √144?
● It is more accurate. ● Is the accuracy of the formula always necessary?
● It is fast. Worth the work?
Claim: The best method for estimating irrational numbers ● What if you forget the formula?
depends on the context. ● If you could only use one method, which would you
Possible warrants: use? Why?
● They both have advantages and disadvantages. ● Is it necessary to learn both of these methods? Why?
● The number line method is faster, but the formula is
more accurate.
● If you need accuracy, the formula is best.
● If you need efficiency, the number line is best.

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