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M. I.

High – Art Attacks

1. What did Frank want to look like? Latino whritlers
2. How long is the holiday? 6 weeks
3. What is Carrie’s last name? steward
4. How many languages does Oscar speak? 14
5. What is happening to the world’s monuments? There covered in
6. How many hours do they have for the job? 6 hours
7. What is Mrs King’s function at St. Hopes’? she is deputy head
8. What are the three R’s according to Mr Flatly? Rythem reading
9. What do young minors need according to Mr Flatly? expression
10. From what distance does the graffiti artist spray? 0.3
11. When will Mrs King continue with the old curriculum? If a
student wins the art compitition
12. Who is Avril painting?
13. What allergy does the graffiti artist have? seefood
14. Why does Cranky thinkit is pretty cool what happened to
the monuments? He is making people stop and think
15. What is the paint doing to the Chinese Wall? The paint is
corrosive and its demolishing the wall
16. Where would the fake Cranky strike next?
17. Why does Carrie need to be careful?
18. Where are they moving the conference?
19. What does Timothy say Avril is?
20. What does Frank say he is doing to Mrs King?
21. Was the UK responsible for the damage to the
22. What does the word ‘critic’ mean?
23. What is the only way to beat a bully?
24. What is the first name of the skul agent who destroyed
the monuments?
25. What has Cranky volunteered?

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