Why Serve God

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I have seen many young people eager to serve God. Most of them get involved in various
church activities ranging from working in a church unit or department to volunteering for a
ministry/outreach run by the church. These people always seem super-charged and
zealous for the things of God, but in no time, begin to run low on energy, get frustrated or
even conclude that nothing is coming out from their service to God.

This leads me to ask a rather pertinent question: why are you serving God? It also brings
to mind a group of people, who Apostle Paul described as zealous, but not in the right

“For I testify about them that they have a certain enthusiasm for God, but not in
accordance with [correct and vital] knowledge [about Him and His
purposes].” Romans 10:2 AMP

One would think it is a good thing to be zealous for God, and it is. However, without the
appropriate knowledge, it is pointless--pretty much a fool’s errand. We soon burn out and
consider our venture unprofitable, whereas it is not.

So many people are eager and enthusiastic about serving God, but if this eagerness and
zeal towards God is borne out of a temporary excitement to please, then we have missed
the point. Focusing on ourselves and the manifestation of works with the hope that people
will see us and God will reward us for how hardworking we are is not what service to God
is about.

The purpose of our service to God is worship. It is important for us to thoroughly examine
ourselves and our motives. When we say we work for God, is it really for him? Are we
really serving because we want to dedicate our lives to him or pour our lives out in service
to him? Or is it because of people? Is the goal to be seen and recognized as a worker? Do
you consider yourself to be working for a boss that you have to prove yourself to and work
hard with the hope of getting promoted to be seen as the most hardworking member of
staff? Or do you see yourself as a child of God, pouring out yourself to your maker on the
altar of sacrifice, in worship as response to he who offered up himself on the cross?
God Made The First Move

He came down in flesh to be among men. The Bible describes the glory of God as “so
bright that no man could approach him” but he set this aside to interact with men
one-on-one, visiting them in their homes, eating with them, feeding them, touching and
healing them and even suffering and dying for them? All for what? LOVE.

“Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto;
whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting.
Amen.” 1 Timothy 6:16 KJV

God loves man so much and he realized that for man to be able to reach him, he would
have to reach out first. God knew man would be frustrated trying to reach him so in order
to have communion with us, his creation, he had to initiate contact and that is what he did
in the person of Jesus. To prove his love for us, he took on the likeness of man to interact
with him.

“Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made
himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in
the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and
became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Philippians 2:6-8 KJV

If this isn’t a proof of how much God loves us, I don’t know what is. With all his glory,
power and might in heaven and earth and under the earth, he humbled himself and even
suffered scorn at the hands of those he came down to the earth for. WHAT A LOVING

God’s love towards man is often described as reckless. The more we study and get to
know God, we better understand why he gave Jesus up to death on the cross even
though it seemed like a reckless investment. To God, it did not matter that not all men
would appreciate or accept his offering, he just went right ahead, to prove his boundless
love for man. He made the greatest sacrifice of all time to reach out to men through Jesus
Christ, knowing well man would still choose his own way and claim it’s better. Love
propelled God to act, even in the face of the possibility that his sacrifice could be blatantly

“For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For
scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some
would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood,
we shall be saved from wrath through him.” Romans 5:6-9 KJV

It is rather rare for someone to die for another person and at that, it probably only makes
sense to die for someone who is worthy; but God shows us the extent of his love while we
were still wallowing in sin, struggling with our addictions and doing whatever we wanted.
When man sinned and fell, God provided a solution, taking it upon himself through Jesus
to bear the sins of the whole world. Jesus, a sinless, blameless man was the sacrifice and
proof of our heavenly father’s indescribable love. when we think about this and imagine
the sacrifice on the cross we can only but bow.

“By this the love of God was displayed in us, in that God has sent his [one and] only
begotten son [the one who is truly unique, the only one of his kind] into the world so
that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved
us and sent his son to be the propitiation [that is, the atoning sacrifice, and the
satisfying offering] for our sins [fulfilling God’s requirement for justice against sin and
placation his wrath]. I John 4:9-10 AMP

Our Response to God’s Move - In Service

In our every-day relationships, it may seem unbelievable that someone would make huge
sacrifices for us and want nothing in return. This makes it somewhat difficult for many
people to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. You mean all I have to do is believe? Jesus
Christ does not want anything from me?
As a result of how the human mind is wired when it comes to relationships, many people
find it difficult to live like loved people and are constantly looking over our shoulders.
Instead of accepting God’s love and living in the fullness of it, we are struggling to get God
to love us and be pleased with us, or to earn his favor through our service. I mean with
how hard some of us work for God in our churches and in ministries we shouldn’t be
where we are right? It should be us over everyone else? It doesn’t work that way.

For some of us, it is to be seen, we want our pastors and church leaders to identify us as
the most hardworking and maybe that way, God sees too and rewards us. I have heard
people say they have been trusting God for something and not received it, considering
how hard they work in church. While God can bless us through your service to him in the
church or ministry, it is not a shortcut to breakthroughs or blessings.

Reflection: is your service to God because of what you can get from him, or as a
response to his love and sacrifice? Do you serve him diligently from a place of love or
because of what you want in return?

When the scriptures say in Matthew 6:33 that we should first seek the kingdom of God
and everything else will be added, the translation is not for us to seek God so all those
things can be added. If you are seeking him only for the things that can be added then you
are not genuinely seeking God. It is impossible for us to bribe God through our service. He
is already pleased with us because of the sacrifice of Christ on that cross and nothing we
do can make him more pleased than seeing that we accepted his offering.

If God did not need your service before he died for you, he certainly does not need it now.
He did not need your dedication or hard work to decide that you were worthy of his
suffering and death. We don’t serve God because we want him to see how hard we have
worked and as a result of that, deserve salvation. He made the first move and that sealed
the deal. You don’t have to work extra-hard to be in his good books.

“What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can
ever be against us? Since he did not spare even his own son but gave him up for us
all, won’t he also give us everything else?” Romans 8:31-32 NLT
Understanding what Christ did for us out of love makes it easy to serve him because you
now understand that everything you do for him is as a response to his love. You have a
new mentality, one of because of how much God loves me and has proven it to me I will
work to make sure other people can get to experience that love through my service.

Imagine working with a boss who constantly hypes you up, supports you and looks out for
you, the work becomes enjoyable, doesn’t it? Nobody likes working in a toxic office space
or serving under a boss who does not like them, always overburdens them, never says
anything positive and is so hard to please, but thankfully that’s not our God. Serving God
is not some gruesome task.

Am I Getting Anything In Return? – The Trade by Barter Mentality

We have spoken quite a lot about this in the preceding section so we are just going to get
right into it. Why do many workers easily tire out and get weary in service to God? Why do
they work in church like it is a burden, forcefully and with agitation? Why are they doing it
in the first place? For God? For man? Or the most common reason--for themselves?

There is something to learn from our heroes of faith in the scriptures--UNWAVERING

FAITH. The way these men and women served God with so much passion and drive is
something to emulate. Most of them knew they were even going to die without receiving
the promise but they followed God regardless. All they had was hope that there was
something greater worth serving God for, and even if their eyes could not see it and their
hands could not hold it, they served God so valiantly. They served God even in the face of
death, destitute, without clothes and food sometimes. I bet what comes to mind is that if
these men had absolutely no material or selfish gain from following Jesus, why then did
they serve him?

The hope that there was something greater was what propelled them. For the apostles, it
was about souls getting saved and lives being transformed so that men may come into
the knowledge of and experience what they had. They wanted the world to hear of this
great news so bad that it was worth serving God unto death. These days, the spread of
the gospel is so much easier, through our church and the various ministries.
Reflection: is the ease of spreading the gospel a good reason for you to serve
diligently even if you are unknown or unnoticed? Would you still serve him faithfully if
nobody knew your name and you were getting absolutely nothing in return? No public,
recognition, nothing. Would he still be worth it? Is knowing that in whatever small or
huge form you were serving in his kingdom, you were in some way assisting for more
men and women to come into the love you have received and the faith in which you
believe, enough reason to serve him fervently with all you have?

If yes, then congratulations you’re on the right path. If you checked and realized this is not
why, don’t feel bad or feel like God must be disappointed with you, or that this is a good
time to hand in your robe, or leave your church, or just become a member; it is a time to
re-arrange your focus and priorities. I want you to realize that now that you know there is
a greater goal, you can align with this goal and work, bearing in mind that you’re serving a
God that doesn’t call you out on inadequacies and judge you for them. He is a father who
encourages you to do better with such a peaceful tap at the back.

Coming into the realization of this it then makes it easier to serve God. It makes it more
pleasant to work in a unit or under a ministry because whenever it’s time to serve even on
days that you don’t feel like it, you do it enthusiastically knowing that you are playing a
part to propagate the spread of the gospel. It is no longer I help in the church and God
rewards me with money or if I work in the church and then people will know me and like
me or why won’t God do this for me after all I work so diligently in the church and other
similar thoughts. It becomes because he loves me I work so diligently and because I
desire to see other people experiencing this same love, I will work to see that happen, to
help out to make it work. If every worker could learn this, we would have less grumpy

The Consecration of the Believer – Sacrifice

Consecration means “to be set apart for a purpose.” The Bible says the believer is holy
and consecrated, set apart for a different use. In the old testament, several things were
called consecrated unto God, or holy and to be used in temples by priests and temple
workers. Only priests who had performed many sacrifices and were, according to the law,
holy enough, could handle such items and enter the inner courts of the temple called the
Holy of Holies where they believed God resided in. When Moses saw the burning bush
and approached it, God told him to take off his shoes for he was on holy ground. There
are several other examples like that, but in I Peter 2, we see a different view of this
holiness and consecration as regarding believers.

“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy
nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of
God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9 NLT

This Bible says we are a holy nation, but what makes us holy? We are holy because we
belong to God and are no longer in darkness but now in light. We are God’s own
possession set apart from darkness called forth to show his goodness. If in the times
before Jesus, anything that God touched or they said was set apart for God’s use was
termed holy and consecrated, how much more you, who God actually lives in and whose
sins are forgiven and is now a suitable host for the spirit of God.

Your holiness as a believer is not as a matter of what you can or can not do well, or what
you did and did not do well. It stems from who you are in Christ. God has literally put the
same spirit in him inside of you, washed you clean by the blood of Christ and forgiven all
your sins, all of them! You are now the righteousness in Jesus Christ.

“For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s
sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation...For God
made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be
made right with God through Christ.” 2 Corinthians 5:19, 21 NLT

Therefore, you are holy because of Gods sacrifice, whether you feel like it or not. The
importance of emphasizing this is so that you know who you are and no longer struggle in
your service to God. Many people struggle to dedicate themselves to serve in a unit or a
workforce because they don’t feel holy enough to serve God and feel unworthy. Again, it
is not a matter of how you feel; what makes you worthy is Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the
cross for you, the blood shed for you and the spirit you have received.
Now that you are aware that you are worthy and right in God’s eyes, it only makes sense
that you live that way. The light you now have is a glorious one that distinguishes you from
the world so you must live differently. Your conduct must show that you have been called
to a different purpose, out of darkness into marvelous light. You cannot dabble into sin
and expect that your service in some unit or a position in church will cover it up. Let your
life and your conduct everyday be a sweet smelling sacrifice to God, understanding that
you carry light and the world needs to see that light. As a result of your identity in Jesus
Christ, the world is always looking at you so you must live absolutely conscious of who
you are, a representative of Jesus Christ.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of
faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily
trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this
by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.
Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now
he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” Hebrews 12:1-2 NLT

For the race you are running, you need to understand that you cannot blend into the world
or be involved in their lifestyle, if you must live a life that pleases God. If you must actively
serve God, you must live like consecrated person--someone who is called out, set apart
for a different use. You can no longer do things just because you can, but because you
have a different purpose.

“Now in a large house there are not only vessels and objects of gold and silver, but
also vessels and objects of wood and of earthenware, and some are for honorable
(noble, good) use and some for dishonorable (ignoble, common). Therefore, if
anyone cleanses himself from these things [which are dishonorable—disobedient,
sinful], he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified [set apart for a special purpose and],
useful to the Master, prepared for every good work. Run away from youthful
lusts—pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those [believers] who call on
the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:20-22 AMP

You live a consecrated life not because you are trying to be holy and righteous but
because you already are. Many people struggle with this because they believe it’s
impossible to be holy except you are God, but all those who are joined with Christ are holy
because we have the holy spirit in us and are daily transformed into the image of God.
Other people struggle because they think they are trying so hard yet do not feel holy or
think they are holy. Again, it is not about how you feel or what you think but rather who you
are. You are holy and you must live a consecrated life like a vessel of gold, set apart for an
entirely different purpose.

The Man God Uses - Kingdom Priesthood

Every believer has a responsibility. We have not been saved to just feel good about it,
even if it does feel great. We have been called to a much greater purpose--to bring men
into salvation just as we were brought into salvation. It is not merely about gloating about
it even if we must boast of our realities in Christ Jesus.

We are not just saved and called sons, we are also called priests. Priests stand as
servants of God to the people and are in charge of bringing people near to God. Jesus is
called the perfect high priest because he stands in the middle and, everyone comes to
God through him (John 14:6). The journey does not end at salvation, it extends to the
other people who are not are not saved. As we receive Jesus, we become responsible for
the salvation of the souls of those around us.

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special
people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into
His marvelous light;” I Peter 2:9 NKJV

The Bible refers to us as a chosen generation, a royal priesthood and a holy nation
because we became God’s own people at salvation. We are now charged with showing
the goodness of God we have now received to other people. That is what God expects of
us. Jesus called us lights and told us we can’t hide our light. We are not lights to just show
off and shine in one small corner, we are called to shine our lights in a dark world. Light is
not just to be seen but to help others see everything, your life is a light that helps everyone
else to see”
“and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.”
Revelation 5:10 KJV

Saved to Save Others

The spirit of God in us is not for self-edification, self-preservation, or looking good, but for
the edification of the church and others. In his letters to the church in Corinth, Paul
emphasized on the real and true essence of spiritual gifts. The reason many believers
don’t see the manifestation of gifts in their lives is because their motives are wrong.

Spiritual gifts lose their essence when the motives are wrong (I Corinthians 13,14). The
apostle dedicated a whole chapter to love because of it’s importance. Without love, you
cannot edify others; the concern for the edification of other believers stems from genuine
love. Without love, there is nothing and the gifts we have become a waste.

You were adopted into the family of Christ for service and priesthood. The spiritual gifts
you have serve a purpose--service. Priesthood is the ambassadorship of Jesus Christ, we
have been given the word and the ministry of reconciliation.

“Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ,
and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, ...Now then, we are ambassadors for
Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf,
be reconciled to God.” II Corinthians 5:18, 20 NKJV

You are not called the image of God just to write it in bios, as captions or on t-shirts for the
fun of it, or to be seen by men. It is a responsibility to boldly declare that because I am
here, my generation doesn’t need to look too far to see God. You are his exact image, just
as Christ was on earth you are. It is a charge to go around doing good, healing the sick
and oppressed of the devil, and saving souls for the kingdom of God. We are to be as
compassionate and kind as he was, as desperate to fulfill God’s will over ours. The exact
spirit lives in us both and that is really what imago dei means. It would be
IRRESPONSIBLE of us not to shine our light in this dark world and bring others into that
same light.
“For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me;
yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!” I Corinthians 9:16 NKJV

Paul the apostle is an example of someone who really lived the “saved to save others” life.
He truly understood what it means to serve and dedicate your life to the spread of the
gospel. He also understood his human limitations and the possibilities that exist with the
holy spirit. Paul was not forced to preach but he could not but tell others about what he
had experienced. He was a priest unto God, a vessel of honor and God could trust him.

“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in
heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them
to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even
to the end of the age. Amen.” Matthew 28:18-20 NKJV

Reflection: can God trust you? When he looks around the earth for men he can send,
can he find you? Can you be responsible with the mandate that Christ has given us?

Jesus didn’t give us this instruction as a suggestion. It is a mandate to run with, a vision to
inscribe on our hearts and the very purpose of our adoption--priesthood. You will see
more of God when your whole life is dedicated in service to him and enjoy more of his
power when your life is poured out in surrender to him. The gifts of the spirit and the
calling of God are without repentance and not for selfish purposes but for edification. You
are called a priest unto him, take up the uniform.
I sincerely hope that you read this article with an open heart and a spirit filled mind. I hope
it stirred you up to pick up your uniform and get in line, because there is so much work to
be done. You are a solider, not a civilian and many people are counting on you. I hope it
stirs you up to offer your life as a sweet smelling sacrifice on the altar of service to be used
tremendously by God. The clock is ticking, souls are perishing and there are still tons of
territories to conquer and kingdoms to take for Christ.

Maybe you have hidden your light because you do not believe you have what it takes, but
you have the spirit of God, the exact same one in Christ so you definitely have what it
takes. I am so proud of you because I know you will take conscious steps to sharpening
your swords in study and prayers. You are equipped so come on, let us go and
depopulate the kingdom of darkness. See you on the field, fellow soldier!

Lanumi Lois.

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