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Using the Flashcards with Anki on PC/Mac

I recommend star-ng with the flashcards on a mac/pc, and then once setup, you can install
them on your mobile

Navigate to h<ps://

Hit Download

Once installed, you should have a window that opens like this:

Hit Sync to set up your

account (this will
ensure your flashcards
stay in sync between
your PC / mac and
You’ll be prompted to create an account on ankiweb, unless you already have one:

Next, navigate to where the flashcard file downloaded to and double click the file: ‘Get Into
Radiology - MSRA Flashcards.apkg’. This should start the import to Anki, which looks like
Once it’s finished impor-ng, your main Anki page should appear like this:

When you start studying,

the cards you’ve marked as
This is the deck we’re going to difficult will show up here
be studying. Click the -tle and as either cards you don’t
it will open the deck to start know and need to ‘learn’,
studying it. This is how many ‘new’ and cards that are due for
cards you need to study review.
Alterna-vely, if you hit the ‘+’ today. You can change the
icon, you can separate the number of new cards Anki
deck into the individual will show you each day in
special-es the deck op-ons (li<le gear
icon), but 30 is a good
number to start with

This is how the individual decks appear:

The deck is
separated into
each specialty
category, as
defined in the
MSRA curriculum

Click each
individual deck to
just study that
specialty group
When you click a deck to start studying it, this screen will open
Anki separates cards into new, learning and to review.
• New = cards you’ve never seen before but are due today. You can change the number
of new cards Anki will show you each day in the deck op-ons, but 30 is a good
number to start with
• Learning = cards you haven’t yet learnt because you’ve marked them as difficult
• To review = cards you might have marked as easy, but it’s -me to review them again
(spaced repe--on)

Click this when you’re

ready to start studying

At the start, most of the cards will be

new. As you progress, you’ll have lots of
cards that need reviewing. Remember,
the more ‘new’ cards you review each
day, the more you’ll have to review a
few days later, so be mindful about
increasing the new daily limit above 30.

If you want to get more

granular with studying just
a single specialty, start a
custom study session, then
choose to ‘study by card
state or tag’. You can then
choose the individual tag
for the specialty you want
to focus on
When you start studying, the flashcards will start being shown to you:

These numbers show how

When you think you know the many new cards, learning
answer, press ‘show answer’ or the cards and review cards you
space bar on your keyboard, which have le\ to cover today in
will display the reverse of the card this deck
to you

This is how the card looks when you’ve selected to show the answer:

Here you can mark the card’s difficulty. When you revise a
card for the first -me, the review intervals are short (review Most cards include a link to
again in 1 minute, 6 minutes, 10 minutes of 4 days). You can further reading, so feel free
change these intervals in the se`ngs, but I recommend to check these out if you’re
keeping them at their default, Anki is popular for a reason! struggling on a topic

When you have seen a card 3 or 4 -mes and are confident

you know the answer, the interval might be 2 weeks, or a few
months (remember, spaced repe--on)
Using the Flashcards with Anki on mobile

This is the link to the official Anki app on iOS:


This is the link to the official Anki app on Android:


If you’ve been through the instruc-ons above, the mobile apps are very similar just on a
smaller scale. Don’t forget to press ‘sync’ when you’ve finished studying so that all your
flashcards stay up to date across all plaiorms.

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