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Making a choice

My career choice
• After thorough research and exploration through career paths I believe technology based pathways
best align with my current life stage and interests

I justify my selection by pointing out the practicality and

growth of the technology field. This choice matches with
my personal values, interests and passion for innovation.
The advantages within this career path include many
career opportunities in the technology based field but I
also do acknowledge the disadvantages within such as
rapid industry changes.
My future within a technology career path
• The high school prerequisites I need are excelling in math and science courses. In my post
secondary education I plan for a degree and to live away from home, this career path way can cost
a few thousands. With the pathway of technology based work there are many opportunities to earn
income during my pathway such as part time positions, and freelance opportunities due to the fact
they are common in the tech field.
• This pathway will take my several years for a degree, this pathway aligns perfectly well with my
interests and passions, as I genuinely have fun using technology, problem solving and staying up to
date with the newest technologies.
• The pathway I have chosen aligns with my skills and talents allowing me to use my critical thinking,
programming abilities to my advantage, my family expectations are met as a career in tech is
usually stable and and offered many opportunities for individual growth and financial stability.
Personal and Professional goals
• Pursuing my dream pathway provides a platform of continuous
learning as technology always changes and improves, career
advancements and contributing in the enolving platforms of

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