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My Faith Journey

Who Am I?
My name is Dylan, I feel as if my vocation is something within the
technology field of work. My reasoning behind this answer is due to the fact
as if I almost grew up around technology and use them daily. Another
reason behind my answer is that the future will be mainly based around
technology, and I think it will open a lot of good new opportunities.
The quote that best describes my life journey is“ A journey of a thousand
miles begins with a single step”. The reasoning behind why I chose this
quote is because I feel as if my journey is only beginning and there are
many miles to come within my future. I also feel as if it this quote best
describes me because I live an athletic lifestyle and it’s almost like saying
you can only get better with time to come.
A song that can describe my life is the song “Don’t stop believing”. The
reasoning behind why I think this song describes me is because it’s
encouraging and maintains hope that better things will happen despite the
challenges. I also feel as if this song is a reminder that good things come
with time, and you must be patient.
A symbol that describes my life journey is the “Yin Yang”. My reasoning
behind this is because the symbol to me represents good and bad “the
balance between opposites”. Within life there is not good without bad.
Without the bad we wouldn’t be able to experience the good things.
A sign that describes my life journey is my zodiac sign the reason why I
believe my zodiac sign describes my life journey, Is because people
born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign are seen as adventurous, people
who seek new experiences and embrace new challenges as well as
open minded people. I feel as if all these descriptions directly describe
me and the things I have done throughout my life such as during the
summer I’d explore places I’ve never thought of before such as
abandoned places and more.
• I believe the sacrament that holds the most value in my life currently
is reconciliation the reason why is because throughout my early years
of life I make mistakes and commit sins, with reconciliation I am able
to confess my sins and get them off of my chest allowing me to learn
from my mistakes as well which is why I believe it holds the most
value in my life currently.

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