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Resume Guidelines

Objective or Profile

Introduce yourself briefly in a 1 or 2 sentence introduction which highlights the following:

• Key skills
• Career interest area


• Name of school
• Area of specialization
• Expected date of graduation
• Special academic achievements, awards, grades

Skills – may be listed under separate categories as referred to below

2 Step Skill Statements

1. State skill
2. Prove your skill


I am highly responsible (step 1), as I babysit for several families in my neighbourhood, caring for children
aged 3 – 8 (step 2 - proof of skill)

I am highy creative (step 1 – skill), as I schedule art activities and physical play activities for the children I
care for as a babysitter (step 2 – proof of skill)

You can break down skills section according to specific types of experience as follows:

Work Experience

2 Step Skill Statements

Include any activities in which you work either paid or unpaid such as:

• Household chores
o Landscaping / Gardening
o Maintenance / Cleaning
o Shovelling snow
• Babysitting
• Part-time job with company or organization
• Training for special skill
o Sports
o Art such as painting, playing an instrument, dancing, singing, acting, writing
o Other specialized activities

Volunteer Activities

2 Step Skill Statements

Include any activities in which you provide assistance to others in the community such as:

• Neighbours
• Church
• School
• Clubs/sports associations
• Businesses
• Charities
• Community events


This section provides a brief glimpse into unique aspects regarding the type of person you are. It is an
opportunity to show how you stand out regarding your personal interests.

• Hobbies
• Sports
• Activities
• Talents


Use 2 non-family references as follows:

• Name of reference
• Title or position
• Email
• Phone
• Simply insert “Available upon request” in resume and be ready to provide them if requested

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