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Term Paper


The Marketing Plan of SharePie

Course Name: Strategic Marketing

Course Code: MKT – 515

Submitted To

Razia Begum


Department of Marketing

Faculty of Business Studies

University of Dhaka

Submitted By

Group Name: Clover

Date of submission

22nd May 2023

Group Profile

Serial Group Members Roll E-mail Address

No. Name No.

1 Farhana Sultana 114

2 Noshin Jahan 126

3 Mehrin Ali 132

4 Rehnuma Hasin 156

5 Sumaiya Mehjabeen 170

6 Mst Azra Shadia 172


Section - B

Batch – 24th

Department of Marketing

Faculty of Business Studies

University of Dhaka

Marketing Plan

Date: 22/05/2023

Business Name: “SharePie”

Phone: +880##########



Confidentiality Agreement
This agreement is to acknowledge that the information provided in this business
plan, other than the information available in public domain is unique and
confidential in nature. Any disclosure or using the information without permission
may cause serious harm or damage to our business. Therefore, anyone reading this
business plan agrees not to disclose any information without the express written
permission of the "SharePie" owners.

Upon request, the 3rd party will immediately return this document (along with any
copies or duplicates) to "SharePie" office address.

3rd Party’s Name_________________________

Signature ____________________________

Rehnuma Hasin

On behalf of “SharePie” owners


Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Good things happen when people can share, Opportunities appear, open up, become reality.
We've seen our neighbor’s tree overloaded, left to the birds, falling to the floor and going to
waste. And we have too. That's why, we started an app "SharePie" as a platform for connecting
sellers and buyers. Share pie a web app that connects people through the food we each grow
ourselves.”SharePie” solves the age-old gardener's problem of having too much good stuff to
handle when the garden is really producing, and the eater's problem of where we can find good,
ripe, fresh food. We gave boxes away to friends and family. With “SharePie” we can share with
the community and find other people doing the same thing. It's bringing us together in the best
possible way. The app is easy to use and provides customers with information to help them to
make decisions and get ahead. We collaborated with sellers and buyers people around the world
to build it.

"SharePie" is an online buying and selling platform of home farming goods and works as a
middle man to producer and buyer. It’s an online platform where producers can sell and buyers
can buy home farming goods through “SharePie” mobile app. All kinds of people of all ages will
be our customers who will use the app to sell their spare farm foods planted on their rooftop or
yard. But for our better marketing plan, we have decided our target customer and divide them
into two categories, seller/producer and buyer. Sellers will be those customers who cultivate
vegetables and fruits and buyers will be those customers who are health conscious and want to
get fresh organic non-adulterated food. We will be the middleman of buyer and seller of any
organic, chemical free food, vegetables, fruits etc.

“SharePie” will be a partnership business owned by its 6 founders. As 6 of us are going to start
this app and business together with our limited resources we are going to register this as a
partnership business. All of us will be general partners so everyone will be liable for business
liabilities. We want to confine our market area within Dhaka city since we are in the beginning
period. As soon as time goes by we have a plan to expand our market in Bangladesh.

Our business will generate assertive revenues by the 9th month of year one. We will require an
initial investment in capital to finance the marketing campaign and launch strategy as well as

additional investment to fund additional Web development, sales and marketing efforts and
general operating expenses.

Our brand, “Share pie” will focus on achieving an unique value proposition in the market which
is providing fresh and pure food to our valuable customers. We want to increase the consumption
of fresh and pure foods in the market. Besides this, we want to create value for our customers by
making the experience of buying fresh food as easy as possible by providing excellent customer
service, with dedicated customer service representatives, adding the nutritional information with
every food item for our health concerned users.

Our promotion expenses will be taken from gross sales at 5% initially. However, in future,
depending on the market conditions and feedback from customers, the budgets for promotion
will be changed.

Company Description
Business History

The thing that inspired us most to come up with the idea is to provide non adulterated food to the
people of Bangladesh. For many years we have seen how much scandals happened in the food
industry and how people suffered by consuming adulterated food. And we realized the pain point
of people, not people not getting fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Besides, we also want spare
home farming food to go in wastage. That is why we came up with this kind of business idea.

Nature and Size of the Business

“SharePie” is going to be a virtual business conducted through the internet. The nature and size
of our business is partnership and small size enterprise accordingly as our required fund falls
between 5 lac to 1 crore and there are 6 members in business.

Background of Entrepreneurs

Name of Entrepreneurs Background

Sumaiya Mehjabeen BBA, Major in Marketing at University of

Dhaka. Responsible for the project
management operation.

Mehrin Ali BBA, Major in Marketing at University of

Dhaka. Responsible for Business Analysis

Noshin Jahan BBA, Major in Marketing at University of

Dhaka. Responsible for software development


Farhana Sultana BBA, Major in Marketing at University of

Dhaka. Responsible for software development

Mst. Azra Shadia Mimi BBA, Major in Marketing at University of

Dhaka. Responsible for sales management.

Rehnuma Hasin BBA, Major in Marketing at University of

Dhaka. Responsible for customer service

Company Locations and Facilities

“SharePie” will work through the online website and mobile app. “SharePie’s” website will be available at all times, but customer service
representatives, answering email requests, will only work 7 days a week, from 9AM to 6 PM.

Office Equipment & Personnel

Office Equipment

This will be minimum configuration:

1. 6 PC's/ laptops , 1/2 test systems (Linux/Windows configuration on same PC's)

2. One server with source control system

3. WI-FI high speed internet

4. two or three models of mobile (for each platform)

5. Download mechanisms for each mobile device

6. If you are interrelating any hardware with App or mobile, need that set-up also

7. Add tester/quality/Computer specialist for repairs or tech support

8. Cross platform tools (quick search, gave)


Positions No. of Position Holders

Founders 6

App developers 4

Full-time employees 9

Total personnels 19

Financial considerations

Funding Required 8,64,000 TK

Assets 2,14,000

Liabilities 0

Total Capital 2,14,000

BEP amount 2,00,000

Strategic Focus & Plan


“Share Green & Live Green”

Our mission is to create a platform to provide organic and locally grown produce, chemical and
preservative free groceries, eco-household products. Besides, producers can also earn money by
selling spare foods.

“ SharePie” commits to the following philosophies:

● It's all about organic and chemical free products.

● Create an easy platform to get healthy and chemical free foods.

● Utilize spare foods and free time to make them economically efficient.

Business Philosophies & Vision

Our vision is to create an app where a person planting home farm vegetables and fruits gets a
chance to share it with another person who requires organic fresh as well as non adulterated

Business Goals & Milestones

We will focus on these term to be successful:

● Ensured to provide healthy goods


● Customer friendly and customer oriented service

● Reward and fine system to control


Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

To get rid of food adulteration is a crying need for Bangladesh and it is very difficult to find a
sector of the food industry which is free from adulteration. Here, SharePie comes to solve the
problem. So, the distinctive point is SharePie’s competitive advantage. The following points will
explain the key competitive advantages of SharePie –

- Solution to adulteration problem: More than 660 million people get sick due to
consuming adulterated food while 400,000 people die everyday. In Bangladesh, more
than 4.5 million people in Bangladesh are at health risk for consuming adulterated food
every day and 60% of the population are kidney patients. Now “SharePie” may do
something about that by sharing organic, chemical free foods like vegetables, fruits.
- Reducing food waste: “SharePie” is looking at tackling food wastage. It is estimated that
more than 40% of all food produced around the world goes for a waste.
- Contributing to unemployment problem: This app will create and boost local
economies. Anyone with a garden can earn at a namely cost. Thus how it will create a
positive impact on the unemployment problem.
- Reducing environmental pollution: The app will encourage people to grow greens and
to sell their surplus foods that may reduce cutting down trees, air pollution etc.

Situation Analysis
The reason behind our wanting to establish this startup is nothing but the situation demanded of
our country. A broad analysis of the situation for our venture is given below:

Background of Venture

We all know that food adulteration is a very common problem in our country. We see many
news and reports on this issue almost everyday. Bangladesh tops the list among South Asian
countries for food adulteration. In South Asia, almost 150 million people are suffering from
various diseases related to food adulteration. The poisonous residues in food items that are mixed
with chemicals are not only damaging vital human organs like liver, kidney, and heart along with

affecting children's mental and physical wellbeing but also causing fatal diseases like cancer, and
hepatitis B. According to the Health Directorate of Bangladesh, sixty percent of the population
are kidney patients (Source : Dhaka Tribune). Adulterated food is harmful for everyone but
children and old people face the consequences mostly. So people now try to avoid those foods
which may contain formalin or any kind of chemical. But it’s very difficult to find food or
vegetables which are fresh entirely. So we felt the need for fresh food in the market as a basic
necessary for all the people around us.

Here comes our idea of providing fresh and pure food from authentic sources so that people can
believe easily. But what we mean by authentic sources is we will collect the food or vegetables
from those people who do home farming in their house. Basically home farming means a little
garden on the balcony or on the rooftop. Some people plant trees of flowers or some people
produce vegetables and fruits. Our focus will be those vegetables or fruit plantations. As they do
it primarily for their family purpose, the produced food or vegetables would be pure, no doubt at
all. Our aim is we will collect the extra food or vegetables from those home farming owners and
sell them to those who want fresh food from reliable sources. We give the name of our venture is
“SharePie” which means sharing your extra produced food from your garden with those who are
looking for fresh foods.

SWOT Analysis of SharePie

Industry Analysis: Trends in Organic Food Market

In industry analysis, we are going to describe a few essential points regarding our new venture
which are the following:

Future Outlook and Trends

If we see from the perspective of international trends then our marketing plan falls on
“METAMORPHIC DESIGN” trend among the five global trends for 2020 according to The trend means focusing on the concept of personalization by providing

consumers with services that constantly adapt to their changing needs. In 2020, consumers have
transformed their needs by adapting digital services and smart physical spaces.

Through our app, we want to bring metamorphic change in customer’s needs in terms of buying
farm-fresh goods digitally along with constraining physical spaces.

And on the other hand, if we think nationally or consider trends on GNP then our new venture
falls on the trend of technological evolution.

Now in Bangladesh people want to get fresh, organic fruits and vegetables by staying at their
home because of the pandemic. That is why now there is a trend of ordering food by staying at
home. People also want to get fresh vegetables and fruits to improve their immune system so
they do not want to have stale or adulterated food anymore. And our business idea met all of the
demands of people along with the following trend by delivering fresh farm veggies and fruits out
of their door.

Competitor Analysis

Our nearest competitors are wholesalers, retailers and some organic food seller companies. Some
of our customers will find it convenient to go to “Hats and Bazaars” which is close to their home
as well as serves low prices instead of using the app. But recently our competitor’s sales are
declining because of this pandemic occurring worldwide.

We are giving a guarantee that our business operation will be better than of our competitors as
we are ensuring our customers that we are giving them adulterated-free farm fresh veggies and
fruits which may not be found in “Hats and Bazaars”.

The strength and weakness of our competitors are following:


- They are not bound to give any delivery charge as they do not have middlemen.
- They need to sell their products on a daily basis so there is no chance of fruits and
veggies to get damaged.
- There is no online payment processing fee for them.

- In certain seasons like the winter season plenty of vegetables grow so it is easy for them
to offer lower prices.


- Customers may get adulterated food as they use pesticides and medicines in vegetables
and fruits to preserve them for a longer time.
- They cannot sell all different types of veggies and fruits at the same time as well as in one
- In the case of organic food sellers, they can only be producers or sellers. But in our app
producers can be buyers and buyers can be producers at the same time so that both parties
can earn the profit.
- Customers do not get the food out of their door.

We have recently found through industry analysis that on February 09, 2019, in India, an app has
already launched which is similar to ours named “Food Pulsar”.

But there are some differences in terms of their activities and ours. They are the following:

- Their product includes food, groceries, household essentials but we are focusing only on
home farming goods like fresh fruits and vegetables from people’s rooftop or backyard.
- They are not using middleman but we are hiring middleman to connect buyers and

Competitors in the organic food market

In our competitor analysis section we broadly discussed about our competitors. Here we are just
giving a short summary – Basically our main competitors are the local bazaar, organic food
sellers such as – ‘Khass food', ‘Meena Bazaar', ‘Proshika’, ‘Shashya Prabartana' 'local bazaar'

Strength and weaknesses of our competitors are given below:


1. Pioneers in organic food selling

2. Financial strength

3. Easy access to local bazaar


1. Based on Facebook mostly

2. Limited product line

3. Hard to find fresh food in Local bazaar

Company Analysis

“SharePie” App Details and Prototype

“SharePie” app is mainly for 3 groups. So, the features of the app are distinguished according to
the users like consumer application for client, courier application for delivery personnel and
business application for sellers.

➤ The following features for customer application:

Registration: Users have to get registered from the sign-up page with minimum details.

Profile Management: After registration, consumers should be able to customize their profiles.

Search field: After profile setup, they get access to the data and require a configured search
option to navigate.

Order placement: By clicking the option ‘Book Now’ they will be able to make an order.

Payment: Here, it has three options for them – ‘E-payment’, ‘Self-service’ & ‘Cash on
Delivery’. For e-payment systems , customers can use any of them like Bkash, Nagad, Rocket or
they can pay in cash using the ‘Cash on Delivery’ option. In the ‘Self-service’ option, they will

be able to take self-service instead of delivery service and for this they have to activate the e-
payment option.

GPS system: They can set locations and are able to order from their desired location.

Order tracking: The tracking feature becomes more than handy as can easily find out when the
order will reach the customers.

Order history: A list of previous orders is another feature working on great user experience.

Notifications: This option for notifying users about order status.

Rating and Reviews: The option for engaging customers by offering them to evaluate their

➤ The following features for delivery application:

Registration and profile setup: Same way as customers, delivery personnel should have their
own profiles for identification.

Order management: After registration, they will be able to access all relevant information
along with the list of nearest orders. They can also accept or decline customers’ requests.

Status updates: For customers’ convenience, they have to update their statuses along the way.

Delivery history: A list of delivered orders is another feature for delivery personnel’s

Daily earnings and balance: Here, they can see their daily earnings, total balance, transactions

➤ The following features for business application:

Registration and profile management: It works the same way as with customers and delivery

My ads: By creating ads, businesses will attract customers and it is a must to update details to
prove that the products are free from adulteration like by adding pictures of their trees or garden.

Order management: Here, businesses can screen their orders with the option of order
acceptation, order cancellation, order completion and delivery status.

Payments: After the confirmation of clients about successful delivery, businesses will receive
their payments.

Order history: A list of delivered orders is another feature for businesses’ convenience.

Customer Analysis

We want to confine our market area within Dhaka city since we are in the beginning period. As
soon as time goes by we have a plan to expand our market in Bangladesh.

Generally, all kinds of people of all ages and income will be our customers who will use the app
to sell their spare farm foods planted on their rooftop or yard. So, we did not feel the need to
classify our customer demographically. But for our better marketing plan, we have decided our
target customer and divide them into two categories, seller/producer and buyer. Sellers will be
those customers who cultivate vegetables and fruits and buyers will be those customers who are
health conscious and want to get fresh organic non-adulterated food.

We also want to conclude that our customer profile will differ from our competitor’s customers
as we are focusing mainly on the health concerned people who want to have fresh non-
adulterated food and as well as stay healthy during this pandemic.

Customer Seller
s s


Customer Service

It will be either self-service where the buyer and seller meet up after communicating through the
app or through delivery men if they make a request for home delivery.

Product Market Focus

Marketing and product objectives

Our brand, “Share pie” will focus on achieving an unique value proposition in the market which
is providing fresh and pure food to our valuable customers. We want to increase the consumption
of fresh and pure foods in the market. Besides this, we want to create value for our customers by:

- Making the experience of buying fresh food as easy as possible.

- Providing excellent customer service, with dedicated customer service representatives.
- Adding the nutritional information with every food item for our health concerned users.

We have some other objectives in our mind which is given below:

- To create 20% of brand awareness among the target customers in Dhaka by September,

Target Market

We will target those customers who are highly conscious and concerned about their health and
want to get fresh organic chemical free food at their doorstep.

Customer Value Proposition

The key customer value propositions are catered to the following areas -

1. SharePie will provide organic, chemical free foods like vegetables, fruits etc. to health
conscious people.

2. SharePie will serve those who love to share their spare produce to earn and to save the
foods from wastage.

Points of Difference

The key points of difference of SharePie includes the following -

- Fresh organic foods: More than 660 million people get sick due to consuming
adulterated food while 400,000 people die everyday. In Bangladesh, more than 4.5
million people in Bangladesh are at health risk for consuming adulterated food every day

and 60% of the population are kidney patients. Now “SharePie” will solve this problem
by sharing organic, chemical free foods like vegetables, fruits.
- Prompt delivery: Prompt delivery will be another point of difference for SharePie
because SharePie knows that vegetables can’t be more tastier when it’s freshly produced
and cooked. By enabling prompt delivery, SharePie will ensure the freshness of its
organic foods that customers more likely to prefer.

Marketing Program
Product/Service Strategy

Initially our service is to deliver fresh foods produced in the home garden of the people in Dhaka
city. But in the long run we will introduce some other services as well, such as:

1. selling processed food using home grown vegetables and other food items.

2. We will help our customers to grow their own home garden in future.

The most important features of our service:

1. Providing fresh and pure food at the doorstep of our honorable customers.

2. Promoting green nature and environmental sustainability.

Product Quality

To ensure the quality of the products that the sellers are selling, that is to ensure the sellers are
selling organic home produced formalin free food, they will have to provide enough proof that
they are required. And there will also be a review system where buyers can write about a
product’s quality. If the buyer gives a negative review, the seller's product will be inspected and
if it turns out to be true the seller will have to pay a punishment fee or will be banned from the

Price Strategy

We decided to keep the price similar to market price, means that one can buy our fresh
vegetables with the same price instead of buying vegetables from the local market which may
contain formalin. But as we will give home delivery, one has to pay the delivery charge which is
okay to maximum customers because they are getting fresh food by seating at home. Discounts
will be given to regular customers from time to time and also coupon code will be provided to
every new customer so that they can share the code with their friends and family. We will free
the delivery charge at the time of any major occasion of our country such as Eid, Durga Puja,
Pohela Boisakh etc.

Promotion Strategy

Our promotions strategy to reach the target market we initially selected includes:

 Public Relations

We will contact social media influencers, health and cooking sections of leading newspapers of
Bangladesh, and some popular television channels to acknowledge our potential customers about
our aim of providing fresh foods to every house corner in Bangladesh.

 Word of Mouth

Word of mouth will be another way for our marketing strategy. We will meet the needs of our
consumers efficiently and engage with them through after sales service so that they feel
encouraged to share their experience with our business to others. It will encourage others to use
our service and thus our customer base will broaden up.

 Search Engine Optimization

We will create a website later on to update our services time to time and also attract more
customers by the website. We will develop the website to develop as much traffic from search
engines as possible. On going Search Engine Optimisation of this type will be executed by an
experienced SEO firm contracted on a monthly basis.

 Social Media Marketing


We will use different types of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube to promote
the products and services. In addition to this, the company will send PR packages to different
bloggers and influencers who are famous in social media and who have a large fan base so that
they can use the products and give reviews in social media to recommend our company. In this
way, we can attract our consumers because now-a-days people are easily influenced by social
media influencers.

Distribution Strategy

Our app “SharePie” which we will develop to connect the both parties will be our place of
distribution. As our business is going to be online based through an app we will not have any
physical office or headquarter. Customers will be able to get the service or use the app from any
place that our app is available in and as long as they are connected to the internet.

Financial Data and Projection

Industry and Market forecasts:

We hope that our startup will grow rapidly as it is the era of technological or digital evolution.
And we also know that during this COVID-19 pandemic economy will not regain its previous
position for a longer period. So, all the economic activities are going to be digitized. Since our
venture is app-based, people will not need to step out of the door just because they can buy
goods through the app. However, we expect that we will bring a new change in the food industry
by providing fresh organic food door to door which can be rarely found in the industry before.


The promotion expenses will be taken from gross sales at 5% initially. Here we are giving an
estimate of our promotional expenses :

● $5 per month for Facebook page boosting.

● $15-20 will be paid to social media influencers for making content to promote our

However, in future, depending on the market conditions and feedback from customers, the
budgets for promotion will be changed.

Financial Plan

The following are the summarized points from “SharePie's” financial plan. All graphs and tables
supporting these results are included in the appendix at the end of the business plan

● “SharePie’ will generate assertive revenues by the 9th month of year one.

● “SharePie” will require an initial investment in capital to finance the marketing campaign
and launch strategy.

● “SharePie” will require additional investment to fund additional Web development, sales
and marketing efforts and general operating expenses.

“SharePie” will provide a complete producer to seller marketplace. We intend to continue our
advances with more unique and effective business solutions for the market. Based on the
attached financial projections, we anticipate that this venture represents a sound business

Start-up Funding:

In order to implement a marketing campaign and launch strategy, we will need an initial seed
investment and an additional investment will be required for operational expenses, continuing
marketing campaigns, additional website enhancements, maintenance and support as necessary
to establish and maintain Share Pie as the leading online student-to-student marketplace.

Use of Funds

Initial funding will be used primarily for marketing, additional website development and
maintenance. All the equipment needed will be leased or purchased, and included in the
operational expenses. The rest of the funds will be used as working capital to maintain the
operations until revenues generated by Share Pie will be at the point where we can sustain
operational expenses.

Key Financial Indicators

Break-even Analysis

A break-even analysis table has been completed on the basis of amount.

● BEP amount is 200000


Sales Forecast

The charts below show our forecasts for income.

Projected Profit and Loss


The charts below present our forecasted for profit and loss. Monthly figures for one year are

shown. Monthly estimates for the first year are given in the appendix at the end of the plan

Implementation Plan

Business Registration

At first we will have to register our business as a Partnership Business. We will also need to get a
trade license from our local authority to run the business and a partnership agreement after taking
legal advice. Then we will patent our app so that no one can steal the idea and make a similar


We will not produce the products ourselves. We will just provide a communication platform for
the seller to sell food that was produced by them and was extra and buyer to buy organic food
produced by the seller. As we are not going to produce the foods ourselves there will be no
production cost.


We will have to appoint some employees for our business such as Software Development
Manager, who will monitor the works of Software Engineer, Web Engineer and Test Analyst;
Project Manager who will supervise System Analyst and Network Engineer; Customer service
Manager, who will work with Helpdesk Support, Technical Consultant and Marketing Manager;
Sales Manager and Business Analyst. All these employees will work under the supervision of the
6 founding members. We will also need some delivery men who will deliver the products from
the seller to buyer when needed. For this we will make a deal with an available delivery agency.


All the office equipment that was mentioned before will be controlled and managed by the
software manager and engineers. Two of our business partners will be in charge of monitoring

Selling and Purchasing Procedure

We will not sell or purchase any of the food products ourselves. We will just provide a
communication platform for the seller and buyer to do the selling and buying themselves. The
procedure will be like-

1. Sellers upload a picture or pictures of their products with the price they want and their
location will be shown automatically as a feature of the app.

2. Sellers have to post about their products according to their type so that it would be easy
to find for the buyer.

3. Buyer will try finding their needed product according to category and location.

4. If a buyer likes any product from a seller they will contact the seller through the app and
place their order.

5. After placing their order the seller’s post will be removed or marked as sold.

6. Now for the payment system there will be two options. The first one is cash on delivery
where if the buyer wishes with get the product delivered to them they will choose this
option and pay the delivery men with delivery charge and the second option is digital
payment this will be used when buyer and seller will meet up personally, in this case
buyer will not be able to place their order without paying the app first.

Evaluation and Control

To monitor our progress, we will try to gather sales data of our competitors and compare them
with our data. Initially we can’t expect to generate as much sales as competitors get but still we
can link to some extent with their business and understand how we are doing in the real market.
If necessary we will take further steps to adjust with the market requirements.

Safety Measures

To ensure the safety of buyer and seller both all the users of the app will be monitored. Firstly
when they will make an account in the app it will be approved only after answering a thorough
questionnaire about their location, profession, age etc. they will have to provide their NID card
and picture for identification.


In our business none of the partners are skilled in any field of business or none of the partners
were involved in a business before so there will be a lack of skill and experience. For this reason
we will need to hire some employees who will help us with different parts of business and fill in
these gaps. For example none of us have any idea about software development and control so we
will need to hire people who will manage all work related to Software. We will also need a
project manager for managerial works of business, sales manager for sales planning, a customer
service manager and a business analyst.

The form of ownership of SharePie is partnership so there should be some terms of agreements.
The terms of agreements are given below-

1. As 6 of us are going to start this app and business together with our limited resources we
are going to register this as a partnership business.

2. All of us will be general partners so everyone will be liable for business liabilities.

3. We will have to apply for the filing of the name SharePie and register the name. Also get
a patent for the app. And make a partnership agreement which will state all the
responsibilities, rights and duties of the partners other than that we will have the cost of
making the app and cost of initial promotion.

4. Death or withdrawal of one partner will not terminate the business.

5. One partner can transfer her interest with the consent of all other partners.

6. Distribution of profits and losses will depend on partnership agreement and investment
by partners.

7. All partners will have equal control and majority rules.

Risk Management

After evaluating, now comes about the plans to minimize these risks:

- Delivery risk: According to goods, the delivery service areas will be restricted. For
perishable goods, the transactions will occur among near areas.

- Market price risk: In such a situation, we will provide better user service.
- Technological risk: We will build and maintain a good and secured network by skilled
- Fraud risk: According to client’s reviews and ratings for goods misstatement and other
dishonest deception, the fraud party is going to be responsible and obligated to pay the
- Competitors risk: We will take comparative competitive advantage.
- Legal risk: We will seek the government support in such issues because the app is going
to prevent people’s health risk due to adulteration.

Contingency Plan

While careful planning was involved in setting the strategic goals for “SharePie”, it may be that
these goals are not met. For both sales and financial objectives, a 10% negative deviation from
expected sales and projected returns on assets will be accepted. However, if sales objectives and
returns on investment are less than 90% of projections, certain actions will be taken. These
actions include:

For unavailability of the buyers during the first year: “SharePie” will combat by creating
awareness through marketing strategies and during the promotion time we will make a deal with
super stores like Agora, Shwapno because such super store’s organic, vegetables section is not
qualitative enough for bringing them from distant places. So, we can connect the sellers with the
super shops.

For unacceptable sales levels in Dhaka city: After 6 months of marketing about the service of
“SharePie” in Dhaka city, sales will be evaluated. If not meeting acceptable sales levels,
“SharePie” will consider contracting with local marketing specialists in Dhaka city for the
promotions. This contractual relationship will be based upon sales commissions ( to be
determined by the specialists and “SharePie”), thereby providing incentive for the specialists to
generate sales of the service.

Total required funding

Sales Forecast and Income Statement

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