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Faith Baptist ACADEMY

The fallacies behind evolution and the

insurmountable evidence with creationism.


Karina Mosqueda






Puebla, Pue.

March 31, 2023

In this paper, every OPINION from someone else has been
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someone else, I have enclosed that information in quotation marks If I
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Signed: __________________________

The fallacies behind evolution and the

insurmountable evidence with creationism.


Is Evolution really as infallible as it seams? And what evidence

is there of Creationism. To discover this we will look at the

viewpoints of each and the reasons as to whether they are false

or true.

I. Evolutionism

A. Viewpoint

B. Reasons as to why it is false

1. Complexity

2. Natural Selection

II. Creationism

A. Viewpoint

B. Reasons as to why it is true

1. Can explain the beginning

2. Bible
The fallacies behind evolution and the
insurmountable evidence with creationism.
Oxford Language de nes evolution as, “The process by which kinds of living organisms
are thought to have developed and diversi ed from earlier forms during the history of the
earth.” Both evolutionists and creationists look at the same earth and the same universe but
they both come to di erent conclusions. The reason for this is that they have di erent world
views. Let us look at the earth from an objective point of view and see what conclusion we may
nd. Firstly, we nd that the earth and the universe have order and information. Secondly, we
discover that the earth can perpetuate life and keep it going. Also, animals and plants alike
reproduce into their own kind. We nd that the earth has all the right factors to keep life going.
And we are just beginning to understand the complexity of life.

From an evolutionary standpoint, it looks at the diversity of life and the similarities
between them and states that they all must have come from a common ancestor. It looks at the
complexity of an eye and says "this must have been from chance" it looks at a beautiful
universe and states that this was all dumb luck. Evolution has no right or wrong. The only thing
that is, is. We are just beings coming from natural processes and to imagine an intelligent
design is unfathomable. It states that all bad actions are society's faults and that humans are
naturally good. All this supposed science came from a man called Charles Lyle who published
a book called Principles of Geology. This book in uenced another man by the name of Charles
Darwin who after reading it concluded that all plants, animals, man, and the universe have
come from natural processes. Charles Darwin rst gave his example of evolution in the book
called the Origin of Species. This book claimed that a special type of nches had developed
the ability to mutate themselves and change their beaks to be able to live more e ciently. But
in reality, this is just a natural process we see in everyday life called speciation. This is why a
chihuahua and a Great Dane do not look the same. In Charles Darwin's book Origin of Species,
he used the phrase I suppose over 800 times now you can hardly call that scienti c evidence.
Evolution was based on a fantasy of a man and grew like the imagination of a child. If you were
to ask an evolutionist how the eye was made the only thing he could give you would be a
"probably after millions of years." The eye has over 137 million rod and cone cells working
together to create an image for your mind. Evolutionists might tell you it could have "probably"
started from a gell-ish substance. But how in the world does that substance convert light into
electrical impulses for your brain? To tell you that 1 percent of an eye is better than no eye is
not true. You need the whole thing all at once to work. That by natural selection it just kept on
getting better randomly is like saying, "I will write a book by jumbling letters around randomly."
I might get some words from that out of sheer luck, but it will not work without context. One
word leads to the next one. And this phrase leads on to the next. It is the same principle with
the eye. All of it had to be laid out with a de nite purpose. Here's another problem with
evolution. It is said to be based on scienti c evidence and law, but what if I told you? It
contradicts even the basic laws of science. Science tells us about the universe using the
second law of thermodynamics. It is also called the law of entropy. This states that all orders
and all complexity are degrading down slowly into nally becoming dust. But the theory of
evolution completely contradicts science by saying that something came from nothing, that
order came from chaos, and complexity from simple substances. In science, there is also
something called the law of biogenesis. Which simply states that living matter cannot come
from nonliving matter. But in the theory of evolution, we all had a common ancestor that came
from nonliving proteins and nutrients. As we can see evolution gives us incomplete answers to
life and it cannot even cover why we have morals, philosophy, and logic.
But what about Creationism? Taking Creationism from the Christian perspective it takes
all its claims from the Bible. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heaven and
the earth.” Both evolutionists and creationists have come to an agreement that the universe
had a beginning. The evolutionary hypothesis says that everything came from a singularity but
it does not speci cally address why we have time. And the incredible thing about Genesis 1:1
is that it explains this from the start. “In the beginning” which is time. God created heaven
(space) and the earth (matter). So from the beginning, we can nd out how we have all three.
Creationism also explains why we have morals, philosophy, and logic. Because God created us
in his image to be able to communicate with him, He did not make us like robots. He made us
to be able to feel, think, and have a relationship. So creationism from the very rst chapter can
explain two of the biggest questions in our existence. Another reason to why Creationism is
true is the Cambrian explosion. Evolutionists have been perplexed as to the reason why in the
fossil record there is a sudden explosion of life. Thousands of animals seemingly coming out of
nowhere having no evidence of their evolution from simpler organisms. Creationism explains
this very simply and easily. All these animals did come from nothing and they had no evolution
from simpler animals because God created them. Many evolutionists claim that since animals
have very similar body structures they must have evolved from the same animal. But in reality
their having similar body structures actually gives more evidence to a Creator. As a painter
having a particular style in his paintings, so does God have with His animals. God needed to
create millions of animals to live in harmony and many of them having the same diets. So it
makes sense that some of these animals would be similar in its own way. Another example
would be that in July 4,1994 scientists discovered preserved blood vessels from a supposed
70 million year old T-rex. Now proteins under ideal circumstances can be preserved for up to
around 50 years. But after that it can still be preserved but it will be degrading slowly. To say
that these proteins were preserved for 70 million years is not even logical by normal standards.
It is downright make-believe to say this.

And nally, last but not least the Bible is our biggest proof towards creationism than any
other idea. The Bible gives us our basis to understand the universe and the correct way to
interpret the facts around us. It shows us that because of the fall of man and the curse thereof
we have harmful mutations, violence and death. It shows us that God gave animals the ability
to reproduce to their own kind but still look di erent. It shows us that because of the Flood we
nd many fossils preserved the way they are. It shows us why we have fear, compassion, and
love. It shows us why our beautiful planet has life and the only one that will ever have it. It
shows us that humans are not just animals, but incredibly complex and intended to have a
relationship with HIM.

Bible, Genesis 1:1

Christian Wikipedia :

Creationism , Oxford Biographies :

rskey=aqED5S&result=1&q=Creationism# rstMatch

Evolution Wikipedia :

Fossil Record, Britannica :

Gods NOT Dead, Rice Brooks

Oxford Language de nition of Evolution :

The Case For Christ, Lee Strobel

First Draft
The fallacies behind evolution and the insurmountable
evidence with creationism.

Oxford Language de nes evolution as “The process by which kinds of living organisms are
thought to have developed and diversi ed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.”
Both evolutionists and creationists look at the same earth and the same universe but they both
come to di erent conclusions. The reason for this is because they have di erent world views.
Let us look at the earth from an objective point of view and see what conclusion we may nd.
Firstly, we nd that the earth and the universe have order and information. Secondly, we
discover that the earth can perpetuate life and keep it going. Also, animals and plants alike
reproduce to their own kind. We nd that the earth has all the right factors to keep life going.
And we are just beginning to understand the complexity of life.

From an evolutionary standpoint, it looks at the diversity of life and the similarities between
them and states that they all must have come from a common ancestor. It looks at the
complexity of an eye and says "this must have been from chance" it looks at a beautiful
universe and states that this was all dumb luck. Evolution has no right or wrong. The only thing
that is, is. We are just beings coming from natural processes and to imagine an intelligent
design is unfathomable. It states that all bad actions are society's faults and that humans are
naturally good. All this supposed science came from a man called Charles Lyle who published
a book called Principles of Geology. This book in uenced another man by the name of Charles
Darwin who after reading it came to the conclusion that all plants, animals, man, and the
universe have come from natural processes. Charles Darwin rst gave his example of evolution
in the book called the origin of species. This book claimed that a special type of nches had
developed the ability to mutate themselves and change their beaks to be able to live more
e ciently. But in reality this is just a natural process we see in everyday life called speciation.
Which is why a chihuahua and a Great Dane do not look the same. In Charles Darwin's book
"Origin of Species" he used the phrase I suppose over 800 times now you can hardly call that
scienti c evidence. Evolution was based on a fantasy of a man and grew like the imagination of
a child. If you were to ask an evolutionist how the eye was made the only thing he could give
you would be a "probably after millions of years." The eye has over 124 million rod and cone
cells working together to create an image for your mind. Evolutionists might tell you it could
have "probably" started from a gell-ish substance. But how in the world does that substance
convert light into electrical impulses for your brain? To tell you that 1 percent of an eye is better
than no eye is not true. You need the whole thing all at once to work. That by natural selection
it just kept on getting better randomly is like saying ,"I will write a book by jumbling letters
around randomly." I might get some words from that out of sheer luck, but it will not work
without context. One word leading on to the next one. And this phrase leading on to the next. It
is the same principle with the eye. All of it had to be laid out with a de nite purpose. Here's
another problem with evolution. It is said to be based on scienti c evidence and law, but what
if I told you. It contradicts even the basic laws of science. Science tells us about the
universe using the second law of thermodynamics. It is also called the law of entropy. This
states that all order all complexity is degrading down slowly into nally becoming dust. But the
theory of evolution completely contradicts science by saying that something came from
nothing, that order came from chaos, and complexity from simple substances. In science there
is also something called the law of bio-genesis. Which simply states that living matter cannot
come from nonliving matter. But in the theory of evolution we all had a common ancestor that
came from nonliving proteins and nutrients.
Second Draft
The fallacies behind evolution and the insurmountable
evidence with creationism.

Oxford Language de nes evolution as “The process by which kinds of living organisms are
thought to have developed and diversi ed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.”
Both evolutionists and creationists look at the same earth and the same universe but they both
come to di erent conclusions. The reason for this is that they have di erent world views. Let us
look at the earth from an objective point of view and see what conclusion we may nd. Firstly,
we nd that the earth and the universe have order and information. Secondly, we discover that
the earth can perpetuate life and keep it going. Also, animals and plants alike reproduce into
their own kind. We nd that the earth has all the right factors to keep life going. And we are just
beginning to understand the complexity of life.

From an evolutionary standpoint, it looks at the diversity of life and the similarities between
them and states that they all must have come from a common ancestor. It looks at the
complexity of an eye and says "this must have been from chance" it looks at a beautiful
universe and states that this was all dumb luck. Evolution has no right or wrong. The only thing
that is, is. We are just beings coming from natural processes and to imagine an intelligent
design is unfathomable. It states that all bad actions are society's faults and that humans are
naturally good. All this supposed science came from a man called Charles Lyle who published
a book called Principles of Geology. This book in uenced another man by the name of Charles
Darwin who after reading it concluded that all plants, animals, man, and the universe have
come from natural processes. Charles Darwin rst gave his example of evolution in the book
called the Origin of Species. This book claimed that a special type of nches had developed
the ability to mutate themselves and change their beaks to be able to live more e ciently. But
in reality, this is just a natural process we see in everyday life called speciation. This is why a
chihuahua and a Great Dane do not look the same. In Charles Darwin's book "Origin of
Species”, he used the phrase I suppose over 800 times now you can hardly call that scienti c
evidence. Evolution was based on a fantasy of a man and grew like the imagination of a child.
If you were to ask an evolutionist how the eye was made the only thing he could give you
would be a "probably after millions of years." The eye has over 137 million rod and cone cells
working together to create an image for your mind. Evolutionists might tell you it could have
"probably" started from a gell-ish substance. But how in the world does that substance convert
light into electrical impulses for your brain? To tell you that 1 percent of an eye is better than no
eye is not true. You need the whole thing all at once to work. That by natural selection it just
kept on getting better randomly is like saying, "I will write a book by jumbling letters around
randomly." I might get some words from that out of sheer luck, but it will not work without
context. One word leads to the next one. And this phrase leads on to the next. It is the same
principle with the eye. All of it had to be laid out with a de nite purpose. Here's another
problem with evolution. It is said to be based on scienti c evidence and law, but what if I told
you? It contradicts even the basic laws of science. Science tells us about the universe using
the second law of thermodynamics. It is also called the law of entropy. This states that all
orders and all complexity are degrading down slowly into nally becoming dust. But the theory
of evolution completely contradicts science by saying that something came from nothing, that
order came from chaos, and complexity from simple substances. In science, there is also
something called the law of biogenesis. Which simply states that living matter cannot come
from nonliving matter. But in the theory of evolution, we all had a common ancestor that came
from nonliving proteins and nutrients. As we can see evolution gives us incomplete answers to
life and it cannot even cover why we have morals, philosophy, and logic.

But what about Creationism? Taking Creationism from the Christian perspective it takes all its
claims from the Bible. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the
earth.” Both evolutionists and creationists have come to an agreement that the universe had a
beginning. The evolutionary hypothesis says that everything came from a singularity but it does
not speci cally address why we have time. And the incredible thing about Genesis 1:1 is that it
explains this from the very start. “In the beginning” which is time. God created heaven (space)
and the earth (matter). So from the beginning, we can nd out how we have all three.
Creationism also explains why we have morals, philosophy, and logic. Because God created us
in his image to be able to communicate with him, He did not make us like robots. He made us
feel, think, and have a relationship. So creationism from the very rst chapter can explain two
of the biggest questions in our existence.

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