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Compares = illustrates=depict =demonstrates=indicate=represent

Compares= illustrates=depicts=demonstrates=indicate=represent

Compares= illustrates=represent=demonstrates=indicate=depict






Information on/about =data on/about information on/about=data on/about

Information on/about=data on/about

Information on/about=data on/about

Information on/about= data on/about

Information on/about=data on/ about

Information on/about=data on/about

Information on/about=data on about

Information on/about=data on/about

Figure : so lieu : number / amount /Quantity Percentage=rate=proportion=share (%)

Figure : so lieu : number/amount/quantity Percentage =rate=share=proportion )%)

Figure : so lieu number/amount/quantity percentage = proportion =rate=share

Figure : so lieu number/amount/quantity percentage= proportion = rate=share

Figure : so lieu number/Amount/quantity/ percentage = share= proportion=rate

In three countries = in different/various nations

In three countries = in different/ various nations

In three countries = in different/ various nations

In three countries/ in different / various nations

In three countries= in different / various nations

From year to year = between y and y

Within a (k/c nawm ) year period= during the period between y and y

Over a period of y : qua bao nhiu nawm at the beginning /end of period shown

Over a period of y : qua bao nhiu nam at the beginning/end of period shown

At the beginning/ end of period shown at the beginning / end of period shown

Over a period of y qua bao nhiu nawm at the beginning/end of period shown

During the researched / observed period over the span of y

During the researched / observed period over the span of y

Over the span of y over the span of y over the span of y over the span of y over the span of y

During the researched/ observed period

During the researched/observed period

During the researched/observed period

During the researched/observed period

During the researched / observed period


Tat ca co cung tang hay cung giam hay khong?: the number of ,B and c all increased during the
research period

Tat ca co cung tang hay cung giam hay khong : the number of A , B and C all increased during the
research period

Tat ca co cung tang hay cung giam hay khong : the number of A, B and C all increased during the
research period

Tat ca co cung tnag hay cung giam hay khong : the number of A,B and C all increased during the
research period

Tat ca co cung tang hay cung giam hay khong : the number of A,B and c all increased during the
research period tat ca co cun tang hay cung giam hay ko : the number of A,B and c all increased
during the research period

Cos dduowngf naof luoon cao nhaats hoawcj thaaps nhaats hay khoong : the number of A wwas by
far highest/lowest during the research period

Cos duong nao luon cao nhat hay thap nhat hay khong : the number of A was by far highest/lowest
during the research period

Co duong nao luon cao nhat hay thap nhat hay khong the number of A was by far highest /lowest
during the research period
Co duong nao luon cao nhat hay thap nhat hay ko : the number of A was by far highest /lowest
during the research period

Co duong nao luon cao nhat hay thap nhat hay khong : the number of A was by far highest/lowest
during the research period.

Duong nao thay doi nhieu nhat The number of B experienced the most
dramatic/significant/noticeable change

Duong nao thay doi nhieu nhat The number of B experienced the most dramatic /
significant/noticeable change

Duong nao thay doi nhieu nhat The number of B experienced the most
dramatic/significant/noticeable change.

Duong nao thay doi nhieu nhat The number of B experienced the most
dramatic/significant/noticeable change

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