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1. To Book:
- Translation : Забронювати
- Definition: To reserve or make arrangements for something in advance.
- Example: I need to book a flight for my business trip.
2. Booking:
- Translation : Бронювання
- Definition: The act of reserving or arranging something in advance.
- Example: The booking for the hotel is confirmed for next week.
3. Car Registration Number:
- Translation : Номер реєстрації автомобіля
- Definition: A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a vehicle for identification.
- Example: The car registration number is required for parking.
4. Car Registration Plate:
- Translation : Номерний знак автомобіля
- Definition: A metal plate displaying the car's registration number.
- Example: The car registration plate was damaged in the accident.
5. Confirm:
- Translation : Підтвердити
- Definition: To verify, ratify, or acknowledge the accuracy of something.
- Example: Please confirm your attendance at the meeting.
6. Confirmation:
- Translation : Підтвердження
- Definition: The act of verifying or confirming.
- Example: I received a confirmation email for my flight.
7. Deposit:
- Translation : Депозит
- Definition: A sum of money paid as a security or partial payment.
- Example: You need to make a deposit to secure the reservation.
8. License Plate:
- Translation : Номерний знак
- Definition: A metal plate with a unique code attached to a vehicle.
- Example: The license plate helps identify the car.

9. Reservation:
- Translation : Резервація
- Definition: The action of reserving something in advance.
- Example: I have a reservation for a hotel room tonight.

10. Reserve:
- Translation : Запас
- Definition: To keep or set aside for a particular purpose or use.
- Example: Please reserve a seat for me at the conference.
11. Accept:
- Translation : Приймати
- Definition: To agree to receive or undertake something offered.
- Example: I accept the terms and conditions of the agreement.
12. Acceptance:
- Translation: Прийняття
- Definition: The action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.
- Example: The job offer was met with immediate acceptance.
13. Actual:
- Translation : Актуальний
- Definition: Existing in reality; not just potential or possible.
- Example: The actual cost of the project exceeded our estimates.
14. Adult:
- Translation : Дорослий
- Definition: A person who is fully grown or developed.
- Example: Only adults are allowed in the casino.
15. Bank Account:
- Translation : Банківський рахунок
- Definition: A financial account held at a bank, typically used for transactions.
- Example: I need to transfer money from my savings to my checking bank account.
16. Be Subject To:
- Translation: Підпадати під
- Definition: To be under the authority or influence of something.
- Example: The project may be subject to further review.

17. Clearance Requirements (to Cheques):

- Translation: Вимоги до здійснення
- Definition: The specific conditions or criteria that must be met for a check to be processed.
- Example: The bank has certain clearance requirements for large transactions.
18. Enjoyable:
- Translation: Приємний
- Definition: Providing satisfaction or pleasure.
- Example: The vacation was very enjoyable, with beautiful scenery and good company.
19. Extend (Welcome):
- Translation: Продовжити (Ласкаво просимо)
- Definition: To make someone feel welcome for a longer period.
- Example: We extend a warm welcome to all our guests.
20. Fee:
- Translation : Плата
- Definition: A payment made for professional services or a privilege.
- Example: There is an admission fee for the museum.
21. Fill In:
- Translation: Заповнити
- Definition: To complete a form or document by adding requested information.
- Example: Please fill in your name and address on the registration form.
22. Guest Registration Card (Form):
- Translation: Картка (форма) реєстрації гостя
- Definition: A form where guests provide their personal information when checking in.
- Example: The hotel requires guests to fill out a guest registration card upon arrival.
23. Infant:
Translation : Немовля
Definition: A very young child or baby.
Example: The pediatrician specializes in caring for infants.
24. Intend:
Translation: Мати намір
Definition: To have a plan or purpose in mind.
Example: I intend to start a new project next month.

Translation: Відпочинок
Definition: Free time when one is not working or occupied.
Example: Weekends are my time for leisure and relaxation.
Translation: Мюслі
Definition: A breakfast dish made from rolled oats, dried fruit, nuts, and seeds.
Example: I prefer to start my day with a bowl of muesli and yogurt.
27. On Behalf:
Translation : Від імені
Definition: In the interest or for the benefit of someone.
Example: I am writing this letter on behalf of the entire team.
28. Overseas:
Translation : За кордоном
Definition: In or to a foreign country, especially one across the sea.
Example: The company has branches overseas.
29.Poached Egg:
Translation: Яйце пашот
Definition: An egg that has been cooked by simmering in water without its shell.
Example: She enjoys her toast with a poached egg for breakfast.
30. Porridge:
Translation : Каша
Definition: A dish made by boiling grains or legumes in milk or water until thick.
Example: Oatmeal is a popular type of porridge for breakfast.
31. Retire:
Translation: Вийти на пенсію
Definition: To stop working, typically upon reaching a certain age.
Example: After many years of service, she decided to retire.
32.Scrambled Eggs:
Translation: Яєчня стріччю
Definition: Eggs beaten and cooked in a pan, often stirred as they cook.
Example: He makes the best scrambled eggs with cheese for breakfast.
33. Settle an Account:

Translation: Розрахуватися по рахунку

Definition: To pay the outstanding balance or resolve financial matters.
Example: I need to settle my credit card account before the due date.
34. Shredded Wheat:
Translation: Подрібнена пшениця
Definition: Cereal made from whole wheat that has been shredded and processed.
Example: A bowl of shredded wheat with milk is a healthy breakfast option.
35. Skimmed Milk:
Translation: Знежирене молоко
Definition: Milk from which the cream has been removed.
Example: Some people prefer the taste of skimmed milk for its lower fat content.
36. Hard-Boiled Egg:
Translation: Варене в круту яйце
Definition: An egg that has been boiled until both the white and yolk are solid.
Example: I like to have a hard-boiled egg as a snack.
37. Soft-Boiled Egg:
Translation (Ukrainian): Яйце варене (рідке)
Definition: An egg that has been boiled for a shorter time, with a partially liquid yolk.
Example: Soft-boiled eggs are great for dipping toast.
38. Stewed Fruit:
Translation: Тушковані фрукти
Definition: Fruit that has been cooked slowly in liquid until soft.
Example: Grandma makes delicious stewed fruit with cinnamon for dessert.
Translation: Перевага
Definition: A condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable position.
Example: Having a flexible schedule is an advantage in certain jobs.
40. Arrange:
Translation: Організувати
Definition: To organize or make plans for something.
Example: We need to arrange a meeting to discuss the project.
41. Arrangement:
Translation: Угода
Definition: The action, process, or result of organizing or planning something.
Example: The seating arrangement for the event was carefully planned.
42. Be in One's Bad (Black) Books:
Translation : Бути у чорному списку
Definition: To be in disfavor or out of someone's favor.
Example: After the argument, I'm afraid I'm in the boss's bad books.
43. Be in One's Good Books:
Translation : Бути на гарному рахунку
Definition: To be in someone's favor or good graces.
Example: Completing the project ahead of schedule put me in the manager's good books.
44. Be to One's Advantage:
Translation: Бути на користь
Definition: To be beneficial or advantageous for someone.
Example: Learning a second language can be to your advantage in the job market.
45. Booking Office:
Translation: Квиткова каса
Definition: A place where tickets or accommodations are reserved or purchased.
Example: Visit the booking office to purchase tickets for the concert.
46. Closed Book:
Translation: Невідома галузь, справа
Definition: Something that is not open to examination or understanding.
Example: Advanced calculus is like a closed book to me; I find it very challenging.
47. Complete:
Translation: Завершений
Definition: Having all necessary parts; finished.
Example: Please ensure that the application form is complete before submitting it.
48. Consider:
Translation : Розглядати
Definition: To think about carefully; contemplate.
Example: We need to consider all options before making a decision.
49. Consideration:
Translation: Розгляд
Definition: Careful thought or attention.
Example: The proposal is under consideration by the board.
50. Content (Adjective):

Translation: Задоволений
Definition: Satisfied with what one is or has; pleased.
Example: He was content with the outcome of the negotiations.
51. Content (Noun):
Translation: Зміст
Definition: The substance or material dealt with in a speech, literary work, etc.
Example: The content of the article was informative and well-researched.
52. Contents:
Translation: Вміст
Definition: The things that are held or included in something.
Example: The contents of the package were carefully packed.
53. Dependence:
Translation: Залежність
Definition: The state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something.
Example: The country's economy showed a dependence on oil exports.
54. Dependent:
Translation: Залежний
Definition: Contingent on or determined by something else.
Example: The success of the project is dependent on timely funding.
55. Depending (On, Upon):
Translation: Залежно
Definition: Relying on or influenced by something else.
Example: The schedule may change depending on the weather.
56. Hesitate:
Translation: Сумніватися
Definition: To pause before saying or doing something because of uncertainty.
Example: I hesitate to make decisions without all the facts.
57. In This (One, Many) Respects:
Translation: У цьому (одному, багатьох) відношенні
Definition: In this aspect or regard.
Example: The two products are similar in many respects.
58. Include:

Translation: Включати
Definition: To bring into or as part of a whole.
Example: The package includes a user manual and software CD.
59. Included:
Translation: Включено
Definition: Contained as part of a whole.
Example: Breakfast is included in the hotel room rate.
60. Inclusive:
Translation: Включно
Definition: Including everything or everyone.
Example: The vacation package is all-inclusive, covering meals and activities.
61. Independence:
Translation: Незалежність
Definition: The state of being free from outside control.
Example: The country celebrated its independence day.
62. Independent:
Translation: Незалежний
Definition: Not subject to control by others; self-reliant.
Example: The teenager wanted to be more independent and make decisions on her own.
63. Obtain:
Translation: Отримувати
Definition: To get or acquire something through effort.
Example: You need to obtain a permit before starting construction.
64. Pay One's Last Respects:
Translation : Віддати останню шану
Definition: To show respect for a deceased person, typically at a funeral.
Example: Family and friends gathered to pay their last respects at the funeral.
65. Performance:
Translation: Виступ
Definition: The execution or accomplishment of a task or action.
Example: The band gave an outstanding performance at the concert.
66. Put Up a Good (Poor) Show:
Translation (Ukrainian): Показати добре (погано) виступ
Definition: To perform well (or poorly) in a specific situation.
Example: The team put up a good show and won the championship.
67. Respect:
Translation: Повага
Definition: A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something.
Example: The students showed great respect for their teacher.
68. Respectively:
Translation: Відповідно
Definition: In the order given; separately or individually.
Example: John and Jane arrived at the party and were seated at table 1 and 2, respectively.
69. Respects:
Translation: Відносини
Definition: Consideration for or regard to something.
Example: In all respects, the project was a success.
69. Selection:
Translation: Вибір
Definition: The action or process of carefully choosing something.
Example: The store offers a wide selection of products.
70. Show Around:
Translation: Показати все варте уваги, знайомити
Definition: To guide or give a tour of a place to someone.
Example: The new employee was shown around the office on their first day.
71. Show of Hands:
Translation: Голосувати
Definition: A method of voting or expressing an opinion by a raising of hands.
Example: Let's decide by a show of hands who is in favor of the proposal.
72. Show Off:
Translation: Хизуватись
Definition: To display one's abilities or possessions in a way that attracts attention.
Example: He always tries to show off his new gadgets.
73. Show Somebody Somewhere:
Translation: Провести когось кудись
Definition: To guide or lead someone to a particular place.
Example: Can you show me the way to the nearest bus stop?
74. Show to Good (the Best) Advantage:

Translation : Показати на кращому світлі, підкреслювати щось

Definition: To present someone or something in the most favorable light.
Example: The photographer knew how to show the model to her best advantage.
75. Show Up:
Translation: З'являтися
Definition: To appear or arrive, especially when expected.
Example: I hope he will show up at the meeting on time.
76. Take Advantage Of:
Translation: Скористатися
Definition: To make the most of an opportunity; to exploit for personal gain.
Example: She decided to take advantage of the discount and buy the item.
77. Turn to Advantage:
Translation: Використовувати на користь
Definition: To use a situation or circumstance to one's benefit.
Example: Despite the setback, they managed to turn it to their advantage.
Translation: Змінювати
Definition: To change or alter in form, appearance, or content.
Example: The menu at the restaurant varies depending on the season.
79. VAT (Value Added Tax):
Translation: ПДВ (Податок на додану вартість)
Definition: A consumption tax added to the value of goods and services.
Example: The displayed price does not include VAT.
80. Accustom:
Translation: Звикати
Definition: To make someone or something familiar with or used to something.
Example: It took some time to accustom the new employee to the company's procedures.
81. Anybody's Guess:
Translation: Спробуй вгадай
Definition: Something that is uncertain and not known by anyone.
Example: The outcome of the game is anybody's guess at this point.
82. At the Crack of Dawn:

Translation: На світанку
Definition: Very early in the morning.
Example: We had to wake up at the crack of dawn to catch the first flight.
83. Be at Someone's Wit's End:
Translation: Бути на краю відчаю
Definition: To be extremely worried and not know what to do.
Example: After hours of searching, they were at their wit's end trying to find the lost keys.
84. Clue:
Translation: Підказка
Definition: A piece of evidence or information that helps solve a problem.
Example: The detective found a crucial clue that led to the suspect.
85. Confess:
Translation: Визнати
Definition: To admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or truth.
Example: Faced with evidence, he decided to confess to the crime.
86. Conversation:
Translation: Розмова
Definition: An informal talk between two or more people.
Example: We had a pleasant conversation over a cup of coffee.
87. Crack:
Translation: Тріщина
Definition: A narrow opening or fissure; to break or cause to break.
Example: There was a crack in the wall after the earthquake.
88. Crackdown:
Translation: Наступ, круті заходи з боку офіційного уряду
Definition: A series of severe measures to restrict or control something.
Example: The government announced a crackdown on illegal activities.
89. Cracker:
Translation: Крекер
Definition: A thin, crisp biscuit often eaten with cheese or other toppings.
Example: She enjoyed some cheese and crackers for a light snack.
90. Crackers:
Translation: З’їхавший з глузду, несповна розуму
Definition: Slang for someone who is considered crazy or eccentric.
Example: After the prank, everyone thought he was crackers.
91. Cross-Question:
Translation: Перехресний допит
Definition: To question someone in a detailed or searching manner.
Example: The lawyer decided to cross-question the witness.
92. Deceive:
Translation: Обманювати
Definition: To mislead or cause someone to believe something that is not true.
Example: He tried to deceive his friends with a clever trick.
93. Event:
Translation: Подія
Definition: A planned or significant occurrence.
Example: The wedding was a joyous event celebrated with family and friends.
94. Eventful:
Translation: Багатий на події, що матиме важливі наслідки
Definition: Full of events or incidents.
Example: It had been an eventful year with many changes and challenges.
95. Eventual:
Translation: Кінцевий, остаточний
Definition: Ultimately or finally occurring.
Example: Despite setbacks, the eventual success of the project was achieved.
96. Eventually:
Translation: Кінець-кінцем, в кінцевому рахунку, зрештою
Definition: In the end; after a period of time.
Example: Despite the delays, they eventually completed the construction project.

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