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Al-Rowad International School

Science Department \ High School

Weekly Lesson Plans
1st semester 2019\2020 Week 12

Classes Day Date Lesson Classes Day Date Lesson

10 D C B Sunday 17/11/2019
10 B C Monday 18/11/2019
10 D B C Tuesday 19/11/2019
10 D B Wednesday 20/11/2019
10 D C Thursday 21/11/2019
Unit \ chapter: 3.24 25 26 Lesson: Topic: Variation and natural selection: Natural selection : Artificial selection
Curriculum Standard:. 17.5 18.1
Materials: Power point slides, videos, worksheet, book, overhead projector
Beginning Middle End
Introduction Presentation Guided practice Independent Review
Hook, Learning Intentions, objectives Success Criteria, Explicit Skill &/or Small Group/Individual: Connection back to Learning
Prior Learning, Vocabulary, Strategy Teaching includes quality task,
practice Intentions & Success Criteria,
Independent practice of skill
monitored by teacher, teaching clarifying key points, feedback
&/or strategy.
at point of need to & from students
Monitored by teacher, teaching
at point of need
1. Giving students Students will be provided  Students will be Biology for IGCSE,
 To understand the meaning of adaptation, a situation with the worksheets. invited for explanation Williams et al.
and to provide examples of this related to the They will be asked to of some of the topics/ pp 218–220
  To realise that Darwinfs theory topic answer some questions in slides. IGCSE Biology
benefited from the ideas of other scientists 2. Asking from group and some Students will work on their Coursebook, Jones and
To understand how adaptation leads to natural their back questions individually. work sheets under Jones. pp 253–259
selection ground teacher’s supervision.
■ To understand the process of artificial knowledge . 0610 past examination
selection 3. Power point  Students work in papers:
Describe natural selection with reference to: presentation group to answer the Jun 2011 Paper 31 Q6
– variation within populations 4. Topic related question in worksheet Jun 2012 Paper 32 Q6
– production of many offspring videos
– competition for resources Worksheets`
– struggle for survival
– reproduction by individuals that are better

Teacher : Moataz Bedewey HoD : Dr. Sherif

Al-Rowad International School
Science Department \ High School
Weekly Lesson Plans
1st semester 2019\2020 Week 12

adapted to the environment than others

– passing on of their alleles to the next
Describe evolution as the change in adaptive
features of a population over time as the result
of natural selection
Define the process of adaptation as the
process, resulting from natural selection, by
which populations become more suited to their
environment over many generations
Describe the development of strains of
antibiotic resistant bacteria as an example of
evolution by natural selection
Describe selective breeding with reference to:
- selection by humans of individuals with
desirable features
- crossing these individuals to produce the next
- selection of offspring showing the desirable
State the differences between natural and
artificial selection
Outline how selective breeding by artificial
selection is carried out over many generations
to improve crop plants and domesticated

Determine the differences between meiosis

and mitosis division by using samples.
Perfects the using of microscobes in the lab.
Investigate the ready slides by using

Teacher : Moataz Bedewey HoD : Dr. Sherif

Al-Rowad International School
Science Department \ High School
Weekly Lesson Plans
1st semester 2019\2020 Week 12

Teacher : Moataz Bedewey HoD : Dr. Sherif

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