Matatag Curriculum

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MANILA, Philippines - on August 10, 2023, the Department of Education (DepEd) of the Philippines
launched its new 'MATATAG' curriculum, or revised K–10 program. It's purpose is to develop and
enhancs the reading and literacy, numeracy, language, good manners and right conduct skills.

MATATAG stands for “Make the curriculum relevant to produce job-ready, Active and responsible
citizens; TAke steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education services and provision facilities; TAke
good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusiveness learning, and positive learning
environment; and, Give support for teachers to teach better.

The DepEd is thinking that reducing learning competencies might help not only the students but also the
teachers. It's main purpose is to lessen the overloaded and overburdened lessons, subjects, and other
school tasks and activities that the students and teachers need to accomplish in a short period of time. It
can help the teachers to focus on designing specific lessons and assessments to teach individual
students effectively. And for the students, the curriculum can give them life-long learning skills that
enable them to be productive individuals, ready for the world of work, and contribute to achieving
national goals.

The Department of Education, in addition to the new curriculum, also brought back the mabuhay and
magalang bow way of greeting. In line with DEP Order 88 S. 1991: Guidelines on the implementation of
"ANG MAGALANG, BOW." In order to strengthen efforts towards the restoration of good manners and
right conduct among our schoolchildren. It is done by slightly tilting the head downward in front of the
person being greeted and putting both hands together below the breast.

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