B Daniels 2018 Articles

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rfrnan Herald F*ge 3C


A junior golf camp u'as held recently at the newly reiurhistrred Rusted Rail Golf Course in
Crandall.lt is set to open with a chamber of c*rnrlercfl terurnamentAug. s and open for play
the follorring dar:

Rusted Rait sffifr €w epen soon

By B:-.-:r'D-rNtrr.s ihur;gi: tilr: l{usted ltail iras shor,vn some
ir:lprii:ssivr ri:n*vations ttl its outdoor
porticn, tire ilcrv s\,"ent center is equally
Crandall's golf course has faced many i;r*nlhiakirig.
plights orer the vears benreen varying Al! fl*tm l:ilv* l;een replaceci with
':*inrrierciai grniie virtyl, and every
ownelship and lack oi maintetiance. rvall has
\{Ihat started as -something great sloi,,,'l_v s*aks:d i-lp a il{J\l'cr}at of paint. The new
deteriorated or-er irlre. Lrut neu' oitmersi:ip acl*jirir:ns stretch ali the r,va-v from lvindolv
and a touch of hard rtork has rerramped anri ririol repince*rents to new fixtures and
the course into one oi dre proudest csdar wi,.*d in rh* event hall to separate
gr r){}r}1 ;;nd liridal r{)oilrs for preparation
establishments in Crarrdall. 'L:cil$.r"r:
Over a \rear ago. the torrn received r,r'orct a l,l,edC in g"
that the golfcour:e nad been purchasecl by l ire sinitil*r eriL:nt roont has iarge bay
nelv owners and there r,;ere big plans in place l,l jntlr;ws and a television for any needs,

to redesign the location. tu:ri {ire l:rrgcr *vent hall is conlplete lvith
Amv Barber ar-rd iamilv took on the greai clianclsli*rs, ;r trlevision anil sound systenl,
task and har,-e since pertormed u'onders rlisric trarrels, and a staircase titat descends
on the facilin. The opening date for tjre directll, frt.:tn tire hridal room.
Rusted Rail golf course is \ug. 4 and there T'he indoiir projects liave also included
is a Chamber of Commerce tourilament on il r:r:inpletei',, il*r,v kitchen unit, bathroom
Aug.3 that is open ior signups. Though, for in:prorremonts, and nelv outlets with USB
anyone iooking to geI some practice in aheari prirf stations.'.i'lrt renovations team has
of time, the driring range is already open. trlucir*rtr *r1 rlvcrv aspect of the building
Witli so much to adjust and a creatir,,e and t!-x.: colrrse to give it a nelv life, and the
palette itr front of thern. clealup Has step r:i;ang*s ric not stap tlrere"
one of tire journer to success. Th* *ra,t:ers have a phase two in place
Tlrey started br cleaning the course and tr: tackle in rouglrl_v tire next year. This
knocking dourn the oid pro-shop building includes arlcting a new lienlre entrance and
to open up the space. From there, the team a Lrreezerva.v to ihe event hall for rainy days
{ixed the irrigation. erperienced bunker and rlurr:kr:r acce$s.
renoration, iaid ner','pavement to level out Br.rt on top of huilding a cart bartt and
the drive, and put dorm nerv patches of prrssihlv ir nr'u' nraiutenance building, there
Bennuda grass; ald for an aesthetic toucit, are plar-is te Gpen a neul restaurant off U.S.
each hole is labeled rrith a railroad tle. Highu,al- 175 that wiil be a part of the golf
A ner,r,fleet of golf cans u'as also cor-1r'se propert','. The uen, restaurant will
purchased, u,ith USB pons inch-rded for irar-e a rr ood fire grill essence, bringing a
whenever the cell phone dies taking picnrres pincir oi Da1}as to dre boundaries of Crandall
of the nerl- greells. inside, there is also a ttert- 1)l.ri)lt;lr* r- .rji1 i1l its earlr-sta.ges but ir is
pro-sirof i,lrat is expi:ndiirg, irrlri a illlc i:rrl'r r;.,.,, .i,i1 f ,i:r,, rii,itr;lii-', ritr-tr.;gir Rristed R.ail
sen'ing up some lunchtime classics. al ,,i llirnie is sr-rrtte i,trit:g l'vorth anticipating.
T'he Kaufirran Herakl
Fa6e 4*

Crandall anticf,pating nevr ffire, I ilreas h*tvo'r-'en t{eartl and neu' facility will elittliilate n];
Bv Bellr:v DaNtEt-s citvrvide vote in Novcmher
anrl Scurr\,', so bY keePing the thi-s problem and Possihl,v
20i8, thLrs delaYing Plojects
bulklinss in Cr:andall, thei- open a gatelvay fi:r lri*re io-trs
and increasing costs. So' CLi:
are cenii'all.v Jocaterl for all in the communiry
the city council voted on I
Kaufman CountY has seen comniunitY neetis. The fire station additiotl
alternatirrely using a tax nnte \
tremendous growth over l'hc rtid i:oiice station rrill also lre a huge asset' L.1l
at the June 2018 meering.
the last couple years, and sri trfl$iird r,t ith having to The current fire statian sits spe
The tar note allows the citY r'r :
a staple ofevery successftil cart ittn:inais tlrrough cin- on grounds owned lrv thc
to file a type of loan tbr the tht
corninunitY is a solid Police hall and risking the safen- t-rf RLrs"ted Rail, and u'ith thc
municipal buildings. L.ui
and fire station. those r.,lir: rtrorked there- The neu' golf course ownei:s
The frre statiott will t'ott'r
The CiW of CrandaLll has
heen deveioping Plans for
new ntuuicipal buildings
for some time, and theY are
finally falling into Place for
For the last Year the citY
has been working through :r
the early stages of this
project by securing land and \
securing plans.
The clty has sPent about
$220,000 6n the Project and
projects the total cost to land
at about $4 million uPott
fhe mayor of Crandall,
Mike Parker, said that
the oolice station will be
paid in full by the ciry of
Crandall and the fire station
will be a ioint paymenu
the city will paY for half of
dle construction and the
Linergency Services Distdct
rvill pav for the remaining
,,rrount. The citv has all
funds in place tri cover the coming vear with the construction of
The downtown area of Crandall w.itt he transformed in the

cost of the buildings'

The new structures will in the architect's renderings.
be built on the oPen lots
betrveen Crandall's Main
Street and HighwaY 175,
otherr,r,ise known as the old
Cotton Fest grounds.
As for the tate of the
Cotton Fest, the Chamber
of Commerce is discussing
nlans either to move the
iestrval to a new location or
do awaywith the celebration
The city's original Plan
had beenio vote on the sale
of certificate of obligation
bonds during the APril 2018
rneeting. These bonds would
not nee-d voter aPProval, and
the council could choose
to push forward with the
But, during the meeting,
a city resident Presented
the board with a Petition
to take a vote from the citY'
- ..t:..]-i-

Yhursd;ly, .!uly 26, 2019

xkeril ffire, pe[f;ce stations

nerv facility rvill eliltrinate makirig i r:nor,'atinns, thev
this problem antl pr.rr;i;ih11 "
exi;anding ilre space for the J
n:ay need the land soon lire de.partrnent.
pPen a gate\va]' fnr rnr r|e jobs which cor:ld eliminate the
rn the cornrnunirrr. 0vera11, the new additions
current fire station entirelr,.. promise to boost morale for
i'he fire station adciition By relticaling the fire the oflicers, firefighters and
will also be a huge asset. station, the citv can free the [l)e communitv as a who]e.
The current fire station sits space and i:uiid on land Residcnts can iest assured
on grounds owned trv the r irat:lrey ow,n,
Rusted Rail, anti r,t4tli thE ltreventing that theyhave valuable
the fire stati0n tlorrr bein! facilities to host those rvho
new golfcourse oivners built farther awrni a.nd keep tllern saf'e.


year with the constructiou of new" fire

and police facilities, on adjacent sites, shown here
The Kaufrnan Herald'tsAILEY DAMELS
at OuI Merciful Saviour Episcopal
Participants in the annual feliowship tea and luncheon
Churci in Kaufman Iune 30.

ted&es enjoy annual church tea

o^'::: lffiJHTf," ffiq" fflilal: il'i:.Jlt ,:1,'i%&"{:
;H;ffi*i ;;;;i;;ih;-" Mexican-American table that
celebrated both cultures as
A group of ladies gathered ilffj:llgb.t" attapattt
"tea on-e: ard a patriotic table in
at otrr Merciful #ffi; ::5r.p_"^11,5deco-rationsto
t"lP1f;:"'f,j[$? il"r'#i"'-:i*""nt"$f":i"Yn'-
Episcopar crrurch in Kaurman ;;;.,
on Saturday, itrne 30 to enjoy ,f,*" ni,u*rfr[."'-ipp"*ra the e'ent and each of the
a rich celeiration of history ffi*r;h;;;'iio* tf,;.iiapti" tables r'vere Mother Diana
---i11gi . . ii,i*J,'iJ"- nJi"itivi,iipt*a Freeman, RoseAnnRoberts, ward,
guthered for their ^'"*'"-- Dali ocura, YutY
un""ui F"etioivship Tea and "e"%rpi*i*lu'"J*i'"1"iporc Schnditer and
""-rGoti'"tia'bleswereequal Charlotte
il;;h;"" to hot'ot the chen4\\\rme'
The fues^t speaker. was
church anri the connectiolrs in comparison luith themes - -- County District
thev have u,.irh one another. including ;; ;L-g tuntu, Kaufman
"':i*i,i"*'";rr"ii#J"i i"t* io-pr"tE.. *ir't iEcorative Attornev Norville
six tables, each ;A li; garden
all tlpes; a wiler''

Fnxxadraiser to aid kidney patient i rvill also be donated'

A benefit fundraiser for "--,{"transplanr f sales
car show will be fl
Kenny Kosar, d;i#r; rvill involve Jh" I

resid6nt in need of a kidr-rey lost *'u[".,'- iott.

for held from 6-9 p'm' for every I
tlansport and model' including
transplanr, r,rtll U"^'i.ii ,i*Ai*ii"i;
tf,liilillv, il"r'^;:e io from tnedical motorcvcles' '
469-632-6993 for x
p.m. in tloumtown fuuimu,-,. and
"',4 more' CaIl
,rrug,ror"a^ioitt The event at*it! !" held infr:rmation.
Kosar rvas
*uy's, st.
101 N. Iackson Donations ma-v
.#;;; noe
also be made qdine at
December2tll93pAhi;if;; ;;Jtld'l;;"ii""ru"ttlons
nlre;posed route for the Farm Road 148 bypass on the east side of Crandall, expected to relieve
traffic throtrgh the city.

, Kelfief in sightfor Crandall

traffic ruith plans for bypass
Bv Barr-ry DaNrrr-s around tor,tm and stop at all the numerous
stop signs. The bypass will grant a third entry
point to Hwy. 175 from the City of Crandall
i\ tlpicd rnorning for most workers and will offer an additional access for smaller
irrrhldes nightmare traffic scenes that can communities nearby such as Warsaw and
cost any'rt'here from an extra 20 minutes to an Scurryresidents to the south.
A public meeting for the project has been
extra hour of tirne. Even the small conflnes of
scheduled Thursday Aug. 23 to allow the
ft:andall experiences these daily struggles. As
public to review the draft environmental
it soiutiiln, there are plans to construct a new
assessment for the project. Displays will
blpass betrveen FM i48 and U.S. Hwy. 175
be available at 6 p.m. at the L.E Raynes
east of tor,tn
Board Room at Crandall ISD, and a formal
The state is in the early stages of planning presentation will follow at 7.
but progress is still being made. The city of The project is estimated at $28.3 million
Crandilll has partnered with TxDOT and the and has a proposed letting date of November
pr:*ject is changing project malagers, but the 202t.
bvpass is confirmed for construction. A separate project will add a service road
Ma\ror of Crandall, Mike Parker, recognizes along the south side of Hlty. 175 behveen FNI
the benefits it will add to Crandall and 148 and the planned intersection of the new
ire belier,es that "it will relieve much bypass. The bypass would connect to 175 via
ofthe current trafflc congestion issues an overpass.
lexperiencedl when school is in session." The bypass would be 1.6 miles long with
'fhe additional access to the highwaywill two l2-foot wide travel lanes rr.ith B-foot
also keep residents from having to detour wide shoulders and turn lanes.
tran Herald
Thursday, tuly 2G,2OL9

Crandall ISD recentlv announced its newest

educators Linda Reeh *d ffi,
elementary campu, *ffi
rcrandall completes HS addition;
elementary to open next year
Bv B q'rrev pe^'pr-s
H:flr#-,fff1;f;$i,xl il?.,:,,##:ng
with the
3 a new-middle
will add '-
For the last year, tht school t*".1111-r.otI, roiirr" construcrion
prar.rdall School oirui, multiole campuses in the
progress, rhe projects differ
has been st"adilv plantr. in status. The nerv hjsh
il;;kft;;ih""'fr.T: 3;H.:tfff:HJil*r;"* *",:,,tr*fffi,li,*,?*o
I completionofthisprrase ffi'#L;'t:"&i,.i:i%1, i:1^e:,*::::,,rr1].1018:,rhs
i"I},"a"i li"pa-city aii,roo iitr,i, a cooperative rearning
*" students and for th-e.rast
vears has bused stua""ir
'" ""crurr.o*,
"i,r.on_"nt. *iu have gtass

Residents have been
,ptg:...- Furniturd il;il;A;;
anticipating trre arrivJ"rtrr"
,,,-many-other be
Irke delivered i" lriv, ,"a irr.
newconstrlctionto6-lLl'J growmgcommunlties,
--^lgy' constructio'ilffi.th;1;
fdpi""'iffisdid;:' t";:'*diff".$#;:,
but with change"of plans, $:.:ff:Tr:ifjiflT,',,X,t
I;;".ff;i; the boomin[
'qo Durus uee'
rhe elemenrary buirdine has
ueraruu untl
been derayed u,L,, the rin or
urc rilr
;;fii;:*' Erin Mccann shared the
v projected popd;ri"r- -
Ai outlined in last with the new camDus
Kaufrnan Herald pro.;rl1t having blueprinrs similar

:S;1*le;f,*Fi',h1la' H:i:lffii"J"?1ffis*,'iTff-
thenlxt s_io'"
bond to tackle construllion iritiy pr"prr.d to open rhe

year. :ft* this projecteo ilTf#i,,ff;:xt*q H,
growth,theconimunity u;fi;iril;;;diJuii*rru,
. sg*"$35millionof wilt most Iikely be facirig
tr,"Ur"i ;iiffiil;: is-teHe""d .;.#;;rt i;; ",
f";fi;;; i.H#; *,i' 1gl"-gq jr.i educatio"nal
incfuAe ttre c"_i-rri..r^T^r golg.mction over the years,
Tlrul_sdaV, Jutl 26. 2S18 The haufmaa Herald

Construc{.i*rr c*lr{i;lllqs s;ir i}:ar}*.1;ril IS}--*"s tiith elernentary sc}rool, just north of the cin off
FM [48. [ts r,r6lrrti*g iraq tr+:*lt sle]iqvr{.l unr.i} 2t}tr9.

The neltesl addiii*-*lri ti: {,r;,rr:dal! i iiii}l Schorll will help that cam;rus to host the district's stu-
dents tilr severai ;rI{r{'e yei}rE. {'hilsr'iu'ri rld last year's sc}rool bond lvili inelude completion of
the hi gh schqrr-ri *xp;rttsir llt..
f he staffof lltlrnnlen, i{r:ttrlrilk: r

dorrrrtortryr s{i}-lare. isrci*:'e d It--

trffi&md&3.,%H-g-,r ffqpxxm&ruc&&qpxs cemtimtres Hendricksorr alrrl lltl:! r,,,,igir

{'*miirturrt i't'tr*; },}ltq*

iit* c{trnfitL;ilii1,. irq
aiill;rl t'i:rr:ii:;!l l;,is i:i,'til
iirai tir.t: r'ier"'r, {ran}pus r,vould l-le nanred for
ii;rrner {-l}Si} erlr,rcators Linda Reecl and funr'
For ffiffi y*a
pusircrl iiirtk. I-it. Joiir. ourii;lr.:d titcsr: sante pr:ojects in
Sirlit'r'irrt.,rritli li',rt..',. ,,.'. .. i r.,i;1,. t t,i i:riieltei i,J tlt{'i-unI}}t!tlin'.
thecciitltlititil-t'illi"i,, 'r,i1r:l:r.;iiii;rF',];cii,:ivs 't)r-irpiiiitistostltd\ranattendance
tulht"ltiiretttsltitJrc:;iritrriri:i( lrllttiiill.ile z.citi.ggiiani-iontSepte.rber20lBt6rough
has fo*mcE I
cornn:,.:rrilai.til t-ir;rl tlrt rirr,: i:.rl:r it; iir'ir'i1, 1i11' l)ec.-iiiLer 20iB," Joili,'s ietter statecl. "in Roivdeii, i i*ridiili::ti:;.
rlpt'lli:1g\i.;r'.1r:r'i,,'jtir'"i f iv,'. ii'ei'i111'si larrulirt l{..ti5i.rrerrili'seekappiOral & ll1'rtrtr, ier'-' i','.',.
rezotririg sluritrtts, r-'irttsitir''i;;tirirt i'*r tlte stafl, znltingplan rs,ith the Boar:d 1t iormed on la::. L 1!]f;,1 as
attri rhe i:t;irir;tilLtil!"1 l.rtr til--rl!:,;l':;. ilt'ilixc', a fuil-serfi cc it:sLu'tit :it:
Janu;rrrr, r,ve rt,ili also nanie the priucipal of
rirent!ciiirrl lhe ilr:ciltrirl it-: tirl;* rlttr it: iiLt' []rr: new sr*ro*1, apcl he or she will spind aigencv. Thc lour fi1!:ii('1l c
lar--k cf r:iiIri[rit-1rlr;i ri1].{-l:r} iilrJ: i:lrlii'1:iii. ihe rpring 5ietlle5ter of the 2018-2l9 school u,ere Iet-r:v Rrirvcitrit, fiiizrr irr'r
1,{r:{-lilrttsr,rir.itir;titl1r.'tll:lrt,r:iii.r.i'r;,,rii1?}tts lrarprcfarillgthesc}ro6l tr:*penaldhiring i Betty) N. Ilenririr-:k:tlt:, i; : : :
did lct ll;tvr: a 5liti'l'ttr;ii.:i. ;11lr.i :1.)rrlilil]t pji't-11r; ifalt'.t' Shipley arld liu:k iilrrtr..
have nai vei l-ri.:r:rr tir:,' +.':i.:1.:'rri. l.lri' :.llsr; ttl;i!erJ 'l Lie distl.icts polirl,r is tr: trave at least Rorvden, Slti;iir",,',,i
tJ:attlir{ri,}}is.itt:i iii.littr)l;:t}}ii!r'':'iili iii:rltr.r :1 i 1ri:rr:t:r.lt,:lst;rff fr:ianer,vschool l-raving Ii,mtet hit'., t-r'; iir,,-1.',,',
br:ing ir,,triLll{j ;r l.Jtiii :,.
Ii11 lt:, ,;..':i.. rr., : ,':rrlri Ir,:.:r:!riiit,i:ti:i'1;rti:i,;iit-r;liSt,.t-fiilte '.'. 1qlrir,gi, r. " :

''- - i :il':ill'lli I

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