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ID UGR/27184/14
1.Why do see a blue sky inday time?
Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases
and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered more than the other colors because it
travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.
In the visible spectrum of colours, blue light is scattered the most as its wavelength is
the least. Due to this, the sky appears blue.
The sky appears blue to the human eye as the short waves of blue light are scattered
more than the other colours in the spectrum, making the blue light more visible
At noon, when the Sun is overhead it appears white. This is because the light travels a
shorter distance through the atmosphere to get to us; it's scattered very little, even the
blue light. During the day the sky looks blue because it's the blue light that gets
scattered the most. The sky isn't always blue. When the sun is low in the sky, at sunrise
or sunset, it can take on a red hue. This is explained by the same physics — Rayleigh
scattering — as the blueness of the sky at other times
2.Why do we see reddish sky at sunset?
• We see a reddish sky at sunset because of the same phenomenon of atmospheric
scattering that causes the blue sky during the day. However, during sunset, the
light from the sun has to travel through a much thicker layer of the Earth's
atmosphere before it reaches our eyes.
• As the sun sets, its light has to pass through more of the Earth's atmosphere, and
the light is scattered more. The blue and green light with shorter wavelengths is
scattered more strongly, leaving more of the longer-wavelength red, orange, and
yellow light to reach our eyes. This results in a reddish or orange tint to the sky. In
addition, during sunset, the light also has to travel through more of the Earth's
dust, pollution, and other particles in the atmosphere. These particles can scatter
more of the blue and green light, making the sky appear even more red or orange.
The specific colors and intensity of the sunset can also be influenced by factors
such as the location, temperature, and humidity of the atmosphere.

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