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DAILY Team Meeting Notes Link Here

TEAM Spartans Explore Team Student Concerns/Successes Link Here

GO TO DATE TAB AT BOTTOM Community Resources (via Ms. Wood)
Homework List - Link Here Spartan Team Award Spreadsheet Link Here
Team D's and F's List - Link Here
Date General Items General Attendance: Homework Contacts
Student Reason for absence Student Teacher Contacting Home
Note Taker 1 1 1
2 2
Time Keeper 2 3 3
3 5
5 Day Attendance Contacts 6
Students of Note (Positives/Shout Outs/Recognitions) Student Teacher Contacting Home 7
Student Notes 1 8
1 2 9
2 3 10
5 SEL Topic/Activity

Students of Concern (Grades/Behavior):

Student Notes Follow up by/Next Steps

Referral Data Discussion

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