Muhamed Qotab-3100 Vacation Request

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VACATION APPLICATION FORM Granch Dept Designation CONSTRUCTION — FIELD ENGINEERING Employee's Name & Number MUHAMED QOTAB -3100 Vacation Date - From Vacation Date - To Working Days Used Return to Work Date NO RETURN Note: NON PAID VACATION RW Preside NO Bat REET Ve vac Mer NO Ticket for Employee —CSC*C*~R EE NO Ticket or Dependent TES =| satary Through End of on thers (Specity) (YeaTWo) You Are Assignea 3 FP car, (Yes/No) Employee Recelvng Cash Housing Allowance or others ols * Please compete The Form At The Back Of This Sheet (Yes/No) Do youhave K'S.A Driving License? (yes insure that ‘There afe no ae velaton Gams, check note No.2) 16-JAN-2024 Date, THIS SECTION TO BEFILLED BY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Vacation Accumuiation as of Ticket due on: ‘ Working days Ticket Route: Tengih of ployment Ye Mos. Midpoint Contract Expy Date Contract Renewal Resident Permit Expiry Date Employee Only NOTES. Depencents Dae Vacation Carano Dae Parsonnel Aesouant THIS SECTION TO BE FILLED BY SUPERVISOR Employee who will be responsible to his work during his leave: Note: Leave poriod must conform to the department-saffing schedula ‘Approved by Employee's superisor DATE ‘Approved by Asst. Vice President DATE COMMENTS: ‘Approves By: VACATION MANAGER DATE Approved EVPISVPNP DATE 7. No vacation willbe approved i occurring before 6 month ‘within month of fenmination, or during the porlod ‘aquired for renewal of work parmit, which Is established by the Saudi Arabian Government [No ExivRe-ontry wil be granted to employso with unpaid traffic violation. Tickets are to be purchased with confirmed bookings In conformance with approved vacation dates. Unauthorized extension of vacation wil be penalized by loss of 2 earned vacation days for each unauthorized day. Vacation extensions will be authorized only If the employee notifies his supervisor in advance and provides accoptable verification for reason, upon his return ‘The omployee is totally responsible to pian his vacation, handle his home country exiientry visa, and arrive at his job during the approved period itis the employee's responsibility to submit a complete filed form. Employee Assigned @ ZFP Car Plearefil-up the form on the back, Employee Assignes a ZFP Car. Please filp this form, Doc. Ref: IDVIADFOBIS Page 1 of Issue Date: 25-Dec. 2002

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