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‫جامعة الجزيرة‬

‫كلية الهندسة والتكنىلىجيا‬

‫هندسة االتصاالت‬
‫واجب عملي‬
‫تحليل شبكاث االتصاالث‬
‫االسم ‪:‬ربا أحمد حليم أحمد‬
‫رقم التسجيل ‪39164:‬‬
Laboratory objectives
1. Use of Matlab in solving binomial problems
2. Plotting of binomial pdf
3. Study of pdf parameters

1. use of matlab in solving binomial problems

Q1: Find the probability of getting exactly 2 heads in 6
tosses of a fair coin ?
The probability = binopdf(2,6,0.5) = 0.234
Exercise: What is the probability that in five rolls of
a fair die, a number 4 appears twice?
The probability = binopdf(2,5,0.166666) = 0.1608
2. Graphicalformula of Binomial distinction
function (PDF)
Generating random numbers following binomial
distribution matlab code:
R = binornd(10,0.5,1000,1);
3. Study of pdf parameters
Case one:
-Set trials value to 5 and change the prob. value
(observe the effect)
-set prob to 0.5 and change the trials value (observe the
Case Two:
- set trials value to 4 and write the higher probability of
success ?
Higher prob. of success = 0.357
-change the trial value to 8 and write the higher
probability of success:
Higher prob. of success = 0.273
.‫تقل اعلى قيمت للنجاح عند زيادة عدد المحاوالث‬

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