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Ch 5 and 6 Practice Problems and topics

1. know the different aspects of gases

2. be able to convert to the different units of pressure

- need to know 760 mm Hg = 1 atm

-practice problem 5.8, pg. 242

3. know the different gas laws and the equations associated with each one

- practice problems 5.24, 5.26, 5.28, 5.30 (pg. 243)

4. know how to use the ideal gas equation

- practice problems 5.32, 5.34, 5.36 (pg. 243)

5. know how to calculate molar mass and density of gas from the ideal gas equation

-practice problems 5.45, 5.47, 5.49, (pg. 243) , 5.89 (pg. 245).

6. know how to use Dalton’s law of Partial pressures to calculate partial pressures, total pressure and
mole fractions of a mixtture of gases

-practice problems 5.51 (pg. 243)

7. problems involving ideal gas law and stoichiometry

- practice problems 5.53, 5.55, 5.57, 5.156(pg.243 – 249)

15. know what internal energy is and how to calculate the internal energy

-practice problems 6.8,6.10,6.19 pg. 280

16. know the difference between heat and work.

17. understand the law of conservation of energy

18. know how to convert between the different units of energy

-practice problem 6.12, pg. 280

19. know the difference between a state function and path function

20. know the difference between enthalpy and internal energy

21. be able to calculate PV work. Equation will NOT be provided.

22. know the difference between exothermic and endothermic reactions in regards to enthalpy

23. be able to solve calorimetry problems

- equations will be provided

- practice problems 6.37,6.39,6.41, 6.43,6.45, pg. 281

24. be able to solve stoichiometry of thermochemical equations

-practice problems 6.54, 6.56, 6.58, 6.62, pg. 280, 6.103 pg. 285

25. calculate enthalpy of a reaction using Hess’s law

-practice problems 6.67, 6.69,6.71 pg. 282, and 6.102 pg. 286

26. calculate enthalpy of a reaction using the heats of formation

Practice problems 6.83, page. 283

27. know under what conditions that the heat of formation can be determine from a chemical reaction.

Practice problems 6.76, page 283

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