Supervising and Coaching Special Education Teachers

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Supervising and Coaching Special Education Teachers

Catherine Borowski

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD-530: Improving Teacher Performance and Self-efficacy

Dr. Dawn Johnson

December 20, 2023


Supervising and Coaching Special Education Teachers

Conducting a pre-conference with a special education teacher requires thoughtful

planning and consideration of the unique needs of both the teacher and the students. I crafted the

following questions to guide the pre-conference discussion, providing insights into the teacher's

planning, instruction, and support for students with special needs. In addition, the anticipated

responses are provided to help direct the coaching response.

Lessons and Student Needs

1. What are the specific learning objectives for this lesson? How do these objectives align

with the state standards for special education?

Teacher response: "The main objective of this lesson is to help students with diverse abilities

grasp the concept of fractions. I've aligned it with the state standards for special education,

focusing on individualized goals from their IEPs."

2. How have you adapted state standards to meet the diverse needs of your students with


Teacher response: "I've adapted the state standards to cater to the specific needs outlined in the

IEPs. For example, for a student with a specific learning disability, I've modified the language

and provided additional visual aids."

3. Can you describe the instructional activities planned for the lesson and how they cater to

your students' different learning styles and abilities?

Teacher Response: "The activities include hands-on manipulatives, peer collaboration, and

individualized tasks to address various learning styles and abilities."

4. How will you assess student understanding and progress during and after the lesson?

Teacher Response: "I plan to assess understanding through verbal responses, written work, and

observations, ensuring I capture the progress of all students."

5. What materials and resources will you use, and how have you ensured they are accessible

and suitable for all students?

Teacher Response: "I've selected materials that are both engaging and accessible. Visual supports

and assistive technology tools are included for students who require them."

Coaching Approach: During the pre-conference, I would provide feedback on aligning

objectives, standards, and activities with the unique needs of special education students. I might

suggest strategies for modifying assessments and materials to ensure inclusivity.

Differentiated Instruction

1. How do you plan to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of students in your


Teacher Response: "My differentiation plan involves tiered assignments, flexible grouping, and

varied instructional strategies. I consider the accommodations specified in the IEPs, such as

extended time or modified assessments."

2. Can you share some specific accommodations outlined in your students' IEPs, and how

do you intend to implement them during the lesson?

Teacher Response: "For a student with a visual impairment, I'll provide materials in braille, and

for another student with ADHD, I'll allow movement breaks to support focus."

3. Are there specific disabilities or challenges among your students that you are particularly

mindful of in your instructional planning?


Teacher Response: "I'm particularly mindful of the challenges associated with dyslexia and have

incorporated multisensory approaches to support students with this specific disability."

Coaching Approach: During the pre-conference, I would emphasize the importance of

individualized instruction and discuss potential strategies for effective differentiation. I might

provide resources or examples of successful differentiation practices.

Struggling Students

1. In which areas do you anticipate students may struggle during this lesson, considering

their individual needs and abilities?

Teacher Response: "I anticipate some students may struggle with abstract concepts. I've planned

additional concrete examples to address this and will provide extra support during independent


2. What proactive strategies do you have in place to address these potential challenges?

Teacher Response: "I have a set of visual cues and additional resources ready for students who

may struggle. Additionally, I'll collaborate with the special education paraprofessional to offer

one-on-one support."

3. How do you plan to provide additional support to students who may need it?

Teacher Response: "During the lesson, I'll circulate the room, checking in with students and

providing additional explanations or examples as needed."

Coaching Approach: During the pre-conference, I would encourage the teacher to share insights

into potential challenges and collaboratively explore strategies for addressing them. I might offer

suggestions for targeted interventions or resources.


Prior Knowledge

1. How well do you understand your students' prior knowledge related to the content of this


Teacher Response: "I've conducted a pre-assessment to gauge students' prior knowledge of basic

fraction concepts. This information has guided my instructional planning to ensure I build upon

their knowledge."

2. How has your awareness of students' prior knowledge influenced your instructional

planning for this lesson?

Teacher Response: "Understanding their prior knowledge has influenced the pacing of the lesson

and the depth at which I'll cover certain concepts. It helps me tailor my approach to meet the

diverse needs in the classroom."

Coaching Approach: During the pre-conference, I would discuss the importance of building upon

students' prior knowledge and explore strategies for assessing and incorporating this knowledge

into the lesson. I might recommend methods for pre-assessment or formative assessment.

Classroom Management

1. What is your general classroom management plan, and how is it tailored to the needs of

students with diverse abilities?

Teacher Response: "My classroom management plan is centered around clear expectations,

positive reinforcement, and consistent routines. I've also implemented a visual schedule to

support students with autism."

2. Are there any students with specific behavior intervention plans, and how do you plan to

implement them during this lesson?


Teacher Response: "A couple of students have behavior intervention plans. As their plans outline,

I'll follow the specified strategies, such as providing verbal cues or offering a designated space

for a sensory break."

Coaching Approach: I would discuss the teacher's approach to classroom management and

behavior support during the pre-conference. I might provide feedback on proactive strategies and

suggest additional resources for positive behavior reinforcement.



Friend, M., & Bursuck, W. D. (2019). Including students with special needs a practical guide for

classroom teachers (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River Pearson.

‌Tomlinson, C. A., & Imbeau, M. B. (2010). Leading and managing a differentiated classroom.


Villa, R. A., & Thousand, J. S., & Nevin, A.I. (2016). A guide to co-teaching: new lessons and

strategies to facilitate student learning. Corwin.

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