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Research Article

Simple Visualization of Universal Ferroelastic Domain

Walls in Lead Halide Perovskites
Bo Zhang, Shuo Sun, Yinglu Jia, Jun Dai, Dhanusha T.N. Rathnayake, Xi Huang,
Jade Casasent, Gopi Adhikari, Temban Acha Billy, Yongfeng Lu, Xiao Cheng Zeng,
and Yinsheng Guo*

1. Introduction
Domain features and domain walls in lead halide perovskites (LHPs) have
attracted broad interest due to their potential impact on optoelectronic Lead halide perovskites (LHPs) have
emerged as a promising class of solution
properties of this unique class of solution-processable semiconductors.
processable semiconductors, showing
Using nonpolarized light and simple imaging configurations, ferroelastic outstanding performance in optoelec-
twin domains and their switchings through multiple consecutive phase tronic applications including photo-
transitions are directly visualized. This direct optical contrast originates voltaics,[1,2] solid state lighting,[3,4] and
from finite optical reflections at the wall interface between two composition- photodetection.[5–7] Ferroic behavior in
ally identical, orientationally different, optically anisotropic domains inside LHPs as well as its potential impact in
optoelectronic performance of LHP-based
the material bulk. The findings show these domain walls serve as internal devices has been a topic of on-going
reflectors and steer energy transport inside halide perovskites optically. debate.[8–11]
First-principles calculations show universal low domain-wall energies and As halide perovskites transition into
modest energy barriers of domain switching, confirming their prevalent the low symmetry phases, equally stable
appearance, stable presence, and facile moving observed in the experi- orientational variants can be produced
at different locations as twin domains. If
ments. The generality of ferroelasticity in halide perovskites stems from
these atomically coherent twin domains
their soft bonding characteristics. This work shows the feasibility of using can switch from one to another facilely
LHP twin domain walls as optical guides of internal photoexcitations, in response to external stress in a non-
capable of nonvolatile on–off switching and tunable positioning endowed by diffusive manner, the material is fer-
their universal ferroelasticity. roelastic.[12,13] In the ferroelastic phase,
the mobile and atomically coherent
twin domain walls have attracted much
attention due to its unique symmetry and
structure, potentially providing access to distinct material prop-
B. Zhang, S. Sun, Y. Jia, J. Dai, D. T.N. Rathnayake, J. Casasent,
G. Adhikari, T. A. Billy, X. C. Zeng, Y. Guo
erties such as flexoelectricity.[13,14]
Department of Chemistry Polarized light microscopy has long been the commonly
University of Nebraska-Lincoln chosen optical method to detect twin domains, which entails
Lincoln, NE 68588, USA orthogonal polarization states of light in illumination and
E-mail: imaging optical paths.[12,13] Polarization-selective imaging con-
X. Huang, Y. Lu ditions such as crossed polarizations, are considered necessary
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Nebraska-Lincoln to generate optical contrast from the twin domains’ bulk bire-
Lincoln, NE 68588, USA fringence.[10,15–23] Here, we show that ferroelastic twin domains
J. Casasent in LHPs can be directly visualized using simple and prevailing
School of Natural Sciences imaging optics under nonpolarized light. Such direct visualiza-
St. Edward’s University tion allows us to observe multiple domain wall switching events
Austin, TX 78704, USA
across consecutive phase transitions in both hybrid and inor-
X. C. Zeng
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
ganic LHPs, indicating the generality of ferroelasticity across
City University of Hong Kong the LHP family. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations
Kowloon 999077, Hong Kong indicate universal low domain-wall energies and modest energy
barriers for domain wall switching, and soft bonding charac-
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under
teristics, which explain the origin of the prevalent appearance,
stable existence, and facile coherent switching of ferroelastic
DOI: 10.1002/adma.202208336 domain walls.

Adv. Mater. 2023, 35, 2208336 2208336 (1 of 7) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Figure 1. Nonpolarized light imaging of ferroelastic domain wall switching in halide perovskites across multiple phase transitions. a) Schematic
of imaging optical path. b) Appearance and switching of ferroelastic domain walls in MAPbBr3 during cooling. c) Switching and disappearance of
ferroelastic domain walls in CsPbBr3 during heating.

2. Results and Discussion surface topography of orthorhombic phase CsPbBr3 crystals.

Conspicuous striped domain features were observed using
2.1. Direct Visualization of Domain Walls in Consecutive tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM), as shown in
Phase Transitions Figure 2a. The surface topography exhibited a peak-to-valley
height difference on the order of 10 nm, as shown in Figure 2b.
Figure 1 and Figure S1 in the Supporting Information show Although the surface topography correlated well with optical
the twin domain walls in halide perovskites can be directly contrast, the surface height difference as small as 10 nm in
observed using trivial imaging configurations illuminated by one continuous homogenous crystal is not expected to gen-
nonpolarized light. Figure 1b,c shows the images of MAPbBr3 erate sufficient optical contrast in simple bright-field imaging
and CsPbBr3 crystals going through their phase sequences, conditions as employed here. Indeed, epi-illuminated, bright-
respectively, as observed under nonpolarized epi-illumination field imaging showed the domain wall contrast depends on the
(Figure 1a). MAPbBr3 exists in the high-symmetry, isotropic depth of focus as determined by the numerical aperture (NA) in
cubic phase at room temperature. As it is cooled down and use. The domain walls were visualized more readily under low
transitions into lower-symmetry tetragonal, incommensurate, magnification, low NA conditions with a large depth of focus,
and orthorhombic phases, respectively. At each of the sym- rather than under high magnification, high NA conditions
metry-lowering structural phase transitions, we observed con- with a shallow depth of focus (Figure S7, Supporting Informa-
comitant formation and switching of striped twin domain walls tion). High NA and shallow depth of focus imaging conditions
(Figure 1b and Movie S1, Supporting Information). CsPbBr3, on resolve and emphasize surface features yet showing dimin-
the other hand, exists in the low-symmetry orthorhombic phase ished optical contrast of twin domains. These observations sug-
at room temperature. In a subset of as-grown CsPbBr3 crystals, gest the domain wall optical contrast originates from the crystal
we directly observed striped twin domains under epi-illumi- bulk interior rather than the crystal surface.
nation using nonpolarized white light. As it is heated up and The domain wall is an atomically coherent interface between
transitions into the tetragonal phase, we observed domain wall two twin domains of identical composition and different orien-
switching similar to those observed in MAPbBr3. As CsPbBr3 tations. Reflection and transmission at the interface between
transitions into the cubic phase, the striped domains disappear isotropic materials are well understood using the Fresnel equa-
(Figure 1c and Movie S2, Supporting Information). The orien- tions. If the materials at the two sides of the interface share the
tations of the twin domain walls are referenced to the crystal same refractive index, the reflection coefficient drops to zero
planes indexed by X-ray scattering at room temperature and and the transmission coefficient goes to one. The interface is
they match well between experimental observation and simula- not optically visible in such cases. However, in low symmetry
tion (Note S1, Figures S2–S6, Supporting Information). optically anisotropic materials, reflection and refraction can
still occur at the interface between identical materials, if their
optical axes are not in alignment across the interface.[24] Ferroe-
2.2. Origin of Domain Wall Optical Contrast under lastic twin domains’ crystal axes and optical axes are related by
Nonpolarized Light the twin law (often a mirror plane) and thus not in alignment.
We hypothesize the optical reflections and refractions at the
To differentiate whether the unexpected optical contrast origi- domain wall interface give rise to the optical contrast observed
nates from the surface or bulk of the crystals, we measured the under nonpolarized illumination.

Adv. Mater. 2023, 35, 2208336 2208336 (2 of 7) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Figure 2. Origin of optical contrast from ferroelastic twin domain walls. a) Optical micrograph of CsPbBr3 twin domains under nonpolarized epi-
illumination, overlapped with correlated AFM surface topography of selected areas. b) CsPbBr3 twin domain surface topographical profiles of line
cross-sections indicated in (a). c) Schematic of imaging optical path for dark-field imaging of tilted samples. d) Dark-field imaging of tilted CsPbBr3
crystal twin domains showing orientation-selective intensity of subsets of twin domain walls. e) Optical modeling of the reflection coefficients at the
twin domain wall as the interface between two identical but mirror-oriented biaxial crystals. Inset: diagram of the high incident angle imaging condition.

To test this hypothesis of optical contrast origin, we employed linearly polarized light will be generated from nonpolarized
epi-illuminated dark-field imaging, as shown in Figure 2c. The incident light, which was confirmed by experiments (Note S3,
sample plane was tilted with respect to the illumination optical Figures S14–S18, Supporting Information). The agreements
axis such that specularly reflected light was directed out of the between the model and experiments confirm our hypothesis of
collection cone of the imaging optics. Under this condition, any the optical contrast origin, i.e., optical reflections occur at the
local structural features that reflect or scatter light back into the domain wall interface inside the crystal bulk due to the twinned
collection cone will be imaged against a dark background. We orientation of the optical axes.
observed optical contrast modulation of twin domain walls as Our results indicate internal reflections at the ferroelastic
the crystal is rotated inside the tilted sample plane, as shown twin domain walls impact the photophysics of LHPs opti-
in Figure 2d (complete dataset shown in Figure S8, Supporting cally, rather than electrically. Photon recycling has been iden-
Information). The two sets of domain walls both show a con- tified in LHPs to be crucially enabling high energy conver-
trast modulation period of 180o with a phase offset of 90o as sion efficiencies and enhancing photon management.[25,26]
expected of the 90o domain walls. Internal emissions near the twin domain walls can impinge
To understand the origin of the optical contrast, we modeled onto the interface with large incidence angles and experience
the optical reflections at the twin domain wall, following the significant reflection. This renders the twin domain walls as
method developed by Landry and Maldonado (Note S2, Figures internal reflectors guiding recycled photons along the inter-
S9–S13, Supporting Information).[24] Figure 2e shows the pre- face, allowing efficient directional transport of optoelectronic
dicted finite reflection coefficients at the twin domain wall inter- excitations. Moreover, to probe possible electrical polarization
face and pronounced reflection at large incidence angles. This at these interfaces,[8–11] we performed second harmonic genera-
behavior explains the orientation-selective intensity in the above tion (SHG) imaging on the CsPbBr3 and MAPbBr3 crystals at
dark-field imaging. Furthermore, this optical model predicts cubic/tetragonal/orthorhombic phases (Note S4, Figures S19

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and S20, Supporting Information). The twin domain walls are epi-illumination (Figure 3b,c). When illuminated with light
SHG silent, indicating an absence of net electrical polariza- below the bandgap, the domain walls are easily visible. When
tion, which suggests these twin domain walls are electrically illuminated with light near or above the bandgap, the domain
inactive. wall optical contrast greatly reduces to become invisible. Inter-
estingly, under broadband white light illumination, the domain
wall features are visible only in the red and green channels,
2.3. Wavelength Dependence of Domain Wall Optical Contrast and invisible in the blue channel of RGB images of the halide
perovskite crystal (Figure 3d).
Wavelength-dependent optical contrast has been found in The wavelength-dependent optical contrast of twin domain
the twin domain wall of halide perovskites, as shown in walls, revealed from ground state reflections, has broad impli-
Figure 3. We imaged the CsPbBr3 crystal using nonpolarized cations for other imaging modalities probing photoexcited
white light (Figure 3a) and spectrally narrowband light under species. Figure 3e,f shows one-photon photoluminescence

Figure 3. Wavelength-dependent optical contrast and emission of ferroelastic twin domain walls. a) CsPbBr3 microcrystal exhibiting twin domain
features under nonpolarized epi-illuminated white light. b) Overlay of CsPbBr3 absorption spectrum with the emission spectra of LED light sources.
c) Pseudo-colored images of CsPbBr3 under 405, 528, 631 nm illumination showing illumination-wavelength-dependent optical contrast of CsPbBr3 fer-
roelastic twin domain walls. d) Pseudo-colored images of split RGB channels of a showing imaging-wavelength-dependent optical contrast of CsPbBr3
ferroelastic twin domain walls. e) One-photon photoluminescence (1PPL) of CsPbBr3 over one domain wall. 1PPL intensity, position, width mappings
show no contrast of the twin domain walls. f) Two-photon photoluminescence (2PPL) of CsPbBr3 showing clear contrast of twin domain walls. g) 2PPL
intensity modulations at red and blue dots in (f) as a function of excitation polarization direction.

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(1PPL, excited at 532 nm) and two-photon photoluminescence 2.4. Universal Ferroelasticity in Halide Perovskites
(2PPL, excited at 800 nm) mapping images, respectively. In
1PPL mapping over a region containing a visible domain wall, In our study of the all-inorganic CsPbBr3 and hybrid MAPbBr3,
the 1PPL intensity, peak position, and peak width all show the all the low-symmetry phases that could in principle be twinned
absence of domain wall contrast, in agreement with the pre- showed reversible twin domain formation and switching behav-
vious report.[16] In 2PPL mapping (Figure 3f and Figure S21, iors (Figure S22, Supporting Information). To understand the
Supporting Information), the domain wall features are readily structure and prevalence of domain twinning and switching
visible and show polarization-dependent intensity modula- behaviors observed throughout consecutive phase transitions
tions, further confirming our analysis of the internal reflec- for both the organic–inorganic hybrid/all-inorganic perovskite
tion of the twin domain walls. This wavelength dependence families, we employed the DFT and the solid-state nudged-
of domain wall optical contrast applies to other photo-exci- elastic-band (ss-NEB) method (Note S5, Supporting Informa-
tation imaging methods such as photocurrent or photocon- tion) to investigate the reaction pathway (i.e., along reaction
ductivity mapping.[27] These findings reconcile the previous coordinate) for the twin domain switching (i.e., domain-wall
report[16] and highlight the necessity of accessing the domain moving) and compute the corresponding energy barrier. First,
wall inside crystal bulk when investigating its optoelectronic the domain-wall energy of CsPbBr3 (Figures S23 and S24, Sup-
properties. porting Information) in the tetragonal phase is calculated to be

Figure 4. Universal ferroelasticity in hybrid and inorganic halide perovskites. a) Atomic structures along the reaction coordinate of domain switching
(i.e., domain-wall moving). b) Calculated energy profiles of domain switching for CsPbBrx (X = Cl, Br, I) and those for the benchmark ferroelastic
perovskites CaTiO3 (Pnma) and SrTiO3 (I4/mcm) by using DFT ss-NEB method. c) Schematic of optical path to image ferroelastic domain-wall moving
behaviors. d,e) Movements of CsPbBr3 twin domain walls upon the application of stress. f) Hysteresis curve of domain wall movements in CsPbBr3.

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≈4 mJ m−2, on the same order of SrTiO3 (6 mJ m−2)[28] with the polarized light illumination originates from the intrinsic reflec-
I4/mcm space group. In the orthorhombic phase, the domain- tions at the domain wall interface between two mirror-oriented
wall energy of CsPbBr3 (≈3 mJ m−2) is much smaller than that optical anisotropic domains. Strong internal reflections, made
of the known ferroelastic perovskite CaTiO3 (16 mJ m−2)[29] with possible by these coherent interfaces, indicate twin domain walls
the Pnma space group. These small domain-wall energies allow in 3D lead halide perovskites impact the optoelectronic transport
the twin domain walls to form easily and prevalently. DFT cal- processes optically, rather than electrically. Furthermore, the fer-
culations have also shown the domain-wall width of CsPbBr3 roelastic twin domain wall optical contrast strongly depends on
is 4.35 Å (Figure S25, Supporting Information). Second, we the electronic band structure and the illumination and imaging
calculated the atomic displacements (Figure S26, Supporting wavelength, highlighting the necessity of probing interfacial
Information) and electrical polarization profile (Figure S27, optoelectronic response inside the perovskite bulk. Universal
Supporting Information) at the domain wall. The interfacial small domain wall energies and low energy barriers for ferroe-
polarization is negligibly small, consistent with the absence of lastic domain switching were predicted by DFT calculations,
SHG activities observed in experiment. Third, we constructed which explain the stable presence as well as facile switching
the reaction pathway for domain switching in the Pnma and behavior of the twin domains. This work shows the feasibility of
I4/mcm phases, in consistence with the experimental observa- using LHP twin domain walls as optical guides of internal pho-
tions (Figure 4a). Here, the reaction pathway of both Pnma and toexcitations, capable of nonvolatile on–off switching and tun-
I4/mcm phase involves deformation of the PbBr bonds, and able positioning endowed by their universal ferroelasticity.
slight displacement of the Cs atoms, while the reaction pathway
of I4/mcm also requires the rotation of the PbBr octahedra.
The energy profiles along the reaction pathways, from the ini- Supporting Information
tial state (0) to final state (4) of the Pnma and I4/mcm phases of
Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or
CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) and those of the benchmark ferroelastic
from the author.
perovskites CaTiO3 (Pnma) and SrTiO3 (I4/mcm), were com-
puted using the ss-NEB method[14,30–32] (Figure 4b). The upper
and lower limits of the energy barriers for all Pnma and I4/
mcm CsPbX3 are between those of Pnma CaTiO3 and I4/mcm Acknowledgements
SrTiO3. The low energy barriers associated with both tetragonal This work was supported by the National Science Foundation/EPSCoR
and orthorhombic phases imply that the ferroelastic domain RII Track-1: Emergent Quantum Materials and Technologies (EQUATE),
switching is highly likely in the CsPbX3 family at room tem- Award OIA-2044049. D.T.N.R. acknowledges support from the Nebraska
Public Power District through the Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences
perature. Compared with oxide perovskites, all LHPs exhibit
Research at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). J.C. acknowledges
much larger octahedral rotation angles and more extensive support from NSF REU Grant 1757957. Y.G. acknowledges support from
bond deformations (see Note S5e, Supporting Information), a the startup funds from UNL. The research was performed in part in the
manifest of the soft bonding characteristics of LHPs. Nebraska Nanoscale Facility: National Nanotechnology Coordinated
The prediction from DFT calculations is supported by experi- Infrastructure and the Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience
mental observation of the domain switching induced by external (NCMN) and Nano-Engineering Research Core Facility (NERCF),
stress. Under nonpolarized epi-illumination (Figure 4c), we which are supported by the National Science Foundation under Award
ECCS: 2025298, and the Nebraska Research Initiative. DFT and optical
observed the movements of twin domain walls (Figure 4d,e and modeling were done in the UNL Holland Computing Center.
Movie S3, Supporting Information). External stress was applied
by compressing the CsPbBr3 crystal sandwiched between two
glass slides. As external stress increased, the twin domain walls
moved, then partially disappeared (Note S5e, Figure S28, Sup- Conflict of Interest
porting Information). An elastic hysteresis curve of domain The authors declare no conflict of interest.
wall movements in CsPbBr3 is shown in Figure 4f and Figure
S29 (see detailed description in Note S6, Supporting Informa-
tion). This is consistent with the DFT predictions of relatively Author Contributions
low energy barriers for domain switching, which rationalizes
B.Z., S.S., and Y.J. contributed equally to this work. Y.G. conceived the
the generality of ferroelasticity in the halide perovskite family.
research. B.Z., S.S., and Y.G. designed the experiments. B.Z., G.A., and
We envision dynamic tuning of twin domain walls as an effec- T.A.B. carried out sample growth. B.Z., S.S., and J.C. carried out optical and
tive approach to engineer the internal optics and energy trans- AFM imaging, and spectroscopic measurements. X.H. carried out 2PPL
port in LHP optoelectronic devices.[33] and SHG measurements under the supervision of Y.L. Y.J. and J.D. carried
out first-principles calculations under the supervision of X.C.Z. D.R. carried
out optical modeling of the twin domain wall biaxial–biaxial interface. B.Z.,
S.S., Y.J., X.C.Z., and Y.G. analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. All
3. Conclusion authors discussed the data and contributed to the manuscript.

In this work, we directly visualized ferroelastic twin domain

walls in halide perovskites using nonpolarized light. Multiple
ferroelastic twin domain switching events were observed in con- Data Availability Statement
secutive phase transitions in both organic–inorganic hybrid and The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
all-inorganic halide perovskites. This optical contrast under non- corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Adv. Mater. 2023, 35, 2208336 2208336 (6 of 7) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH

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