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Incomplete dialogue

Number 1-15: choose the appropriate option to complete dialogue!

1. Ani : “Are you sure that we can finish our homework tonight?”
Mia : ”… .I always optimistic.”
A. No, I don’t agree
B. No, I am not sick
C. Certainly, I am sick
D. Yes, I agree
2. Tomi :” Mia is 155 cm tall. Miki is 165 cm tall.”
Nia : “… the tallest.”
A. Must be
B. Should be
C. Will be
D. Would be
3. Kiki : “how was My dancing performance?’’
Tini : “Excellent, …”
A. You are very diligent
B. You are very talented
C. You are very smart
D. You are very busy
4. Mia : “what do you think about Ema?”
Yesi : “She is smart student. … She is diligent.”
A. In fact
B. However
C. Moreover
D. Thus
5. Koko : “Why do you come late?”
Budi : “I come late … There is a car accident on the street.?
A. Because I watch
B. Because I study
C. Because there is traffic jam
D. Because there is an activity
6. Mimi : “Why do you look pale?”
Tomi : “… getting a headache.”
A. As
B. Since
C. Because
D. Because of
7. Toni : “What do you think about my new jacket?”
Budi : … , it is soo small for you,”
A. According to me
B. Congratulations
C. Excellent
D. Certainly
8. Anita : “This bakso is so delicious.?”
Boni : “ …. . It’s too hot for me.”
A. I don’t know
B. I don’t think so
C. I am sure
D. I am certain
9. Tika : “I think we should go to school on foot.”
Ria : “…. . I like to go to school on foot because it can make us healthy.”
A. I am sure
B. I don’t think so
C. I am sure
D. I am certain
10. Kiki : “you should not work slowly.”
Tia : “Why?”
Kiki : “you might … your job.”
A. Loosing
B. Lost
C. Loose
D. Lose
11. Nia : “Ani failed her exam.”
Tuti : “Yes. If she studied hard,…”
A. She would pass the exam
B. She will pass the exam
C. He would pass the exam
D. He will pass the exam
12. Mita : “What do you do every Saturday night?”
Ria : “I usually … at home . I like comedy movie.”
A. Watch
B. Watches
C. Watching
D. To watch
13. Ami : “I am so tired now.”
Tia : “ … “
A. We must go now
B. We must stay for a while
C. You will drink.
D. You should take a rest
14. Tika : “Our classroom is really dirty now.”
Niko : “ … “
A. We will see it
B. We would try it
C. We had better clean it
D. We will go to the classroom
15. Tika : “Why are you so late”
Nia : “I have trouble with my car.”
Tika : “ … “
A. You should check it regularly
B. You must go now
C. You will use it
D. You would buy it

Question 16-20 based on the following text!

The football competition

When I was in the junior high school, I joined two clubs. They were the
football Club and the Karate Club. I joined thus Clubs because I love sports,
especially football and karate. I had football on Sunday mornings and Karate on
Mondays at 4 p.m.
One day my football club joined a football competition. There were eight
clubs joining the competition. At the first, our club won the match. Then, we had
to defeat one club to get to the final. Remarkably, we won again. After those two
matches, we had lunch in the cafeteria nearby. We were so inpatient to play in the
last game. It was the hard one because our opponent was very tough. Finally, we
won the game with a nice score of 3-2. We were very happy and proud.

16. When does the writer practice the football?

A. On Sunday morning
B. On Monday
C. At 4 p.m.
D. On Sunday
17. What kind of sport does the writer like?
A. Football and Karate
B. Football and Volleyball
C. Football and Swimming
D. Football and Badminton
18. How many clubs does the writer join the competition?
A. Five clubs
B. Six clubs
C. Seven clubs
D. Eight clubs
19. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Karate and football competition
B. Football competition
C. Karate competition
D. School competition
20. “… Because I love sports, …. “ . What is the closed meaning of the word love?
A. Have
B. Need
C. Want
D. Like

Question 21-25 based on the following text!

Most washing machines work in a similar way and they are easy to use if you do the
following things:
- First, find out plug of electricity and get the voltage appropriate.
- Don’t forget to put detergent into the water and plug the shocked.
- Then set the timer of the washing machine, turn on the wash action according to the
- After setting the wash time, you set the wash action. Chose gentle, normal or heavy
based on the number of washes.
- Next when you finish washing, open the valve selector; wash, rinse, or drain.
- After spinning, you dry the wash under the sun light.
- Finally, iron the dry wash as you want.

21. What does the text tell you about?

A. About washing machines.
B. About the way
C. About detergent
D. About the water
22. How step to use washing machine?
A. Six step.
B. Seven step.
C. Eight step.
D. Nine step.
23. What should we do after bleaching with clean water?
A. Wind spin timer
B. Turn on the wash
C. Set the wash action
D. Put detergent
24. “… Work in a similar way. The synonym of similar is ….
A. Small
B. Big
C. Far
D. Same
25. “ …. Iron the dry wash as you want. The antonym of dry is ….
A. Hot
B. Wet
C. Big
D. Fat

Question number 26-30 based on the following text!

A doctor uses many kinds of medical devices when he works. He always puts
stethoscope on his neck. When he examines his patients, he put it on the patients’
chest. It will tell how fast the heartbeats. If the heartbeats are alright, then he checks
out the temperature of the patients’ body.
Sometimes a doctor wants to see the internal organs of the mouth of the patient.
He usually uses torchlight. To know whether the patient’s view is alright or not, a
doctor tests it using an eye test chart. The patient’s is asked to read a group of letters,
from to small ones.
When the surgeon does the operation, he wears a masker. It covers his mouth
and nose. He also uses some pairs of scissors. He uses them to pick out the tumor
inside the patient’s body

26. What does the text tell about?

A. Medical devices
B. Doctor duty
C. Patient duty
D. Internal organ
27. What does the doctor use to check heartbeat?
A. Mirror
B. Stethoscope
C. Torchlight
D. Masker
28. How many are medical devices in the text?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
29. “It covers his mouth and nose.” the word it refers to ,…….
A. Patient
B. Chart
C. Masker
D. Scissors
30. “It will tell how the fast the heartbeat.” the antonym of fast is …..
A. Cool
B. Slow
C. Big
D. Hot

Question 31-35 based on the following text!


Destination Bus Depart Arrive

Pontianak-Darit Via Ria 08.30 a.m. 11.30 a.m.
Pontianak-Ngabang Via Ria 09.00 a.m. 01.00 a.m.
Pontianak-Sanggau Via Ria 08.00 a.m. 02.00 p.m.

31. What does the text tell about?

A. Bus schedule
B. The time
C. Departure
D. Bus destination
32. How many busses are in the schedule?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
33. What many hours do the bus arrive at Ngabang?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
34. What time does the bus arrive at Sanggau?
A. 14.00
B. 13.00
C. 12.00
D. 11.00
35. What is the closest meaning of the word arrive?
A. Sit
B. Read
C. Come
D. Study

Close Test:
Number 36-40 based on the following text

How to record on the cassette player

- First you have to (36) … in the cord
- Then you (37) … in the tape on it
- After that you (38) …. Connected the microphone
- And then test the voice level recorder
- Then you can (39) …. To record it
- Finally pressed down the record and (40) …. button

36. …
A. Plug
B. Put
C. Take
D. Use
37. …
A. Give
B. Sit
C. Stand
D. Put
38. …
A. Put
B. Use
C. Connect
D. Wear
39. …
A. Take
B. Play
C. Make
D. Give
40. ……
A. Take
B. Play
C. Make
D. Give
Number 41-45 based on the following text!

When I was young, I did not really like traveling. I preferred playing games (41)
….the computer. I never traveled abroad (42)……the plane until 1998. (43) …..that
time, I was 21 years old. My first trip was a 5 –day trip to Singapore. Before I came
to the airport, I did not know how to check in. all procedures were so new (44)
…….me. I remembered I was so excitedwhen the plane took off. I really enjoyed my
trip (45) …..the time. After that trip, I also traveled to Korea, France, Germany,
Switzerland, Italy, and Australia.

41. …
A. Among
B. Under
C. On
D. At
42. …
A. On
B. At
C. Among
D. Between
43. …
A. Under
B. Beside
C. On
D. At
44. …
A. To
B. Of
C. From
D. Until
45. …
A. Among
B. On
C. In
D. At

Number 46-50 based on the following text!

Smoking should be banned in all (46)…..places. it will help us have healthy human
It is (47) … that smoking causes lung cancer that leads to death. It has also been
proven that cigarette smoke can (48) …..non-smokers when they are around people
who smoke. Statistics show that there is a (49) ……possibility for non-smokers to
suffer from lung cancer that people who don’t have any contact with cigarette at all.
Considering the facts, it seems (50) …….to ban smoking in all public places.

46. ………
A. Humble
B. Public
C. Narrow
D. Small
47. ……….
A. Beautiful
B. Comfortable
C. Expensive
D. Well known
48. ……
A. Big
B. Cool
C. Harm
D. Small
49. …
A. Smaller
B. Greater
C. Narrower
D. Cheaper
50. ……
A. Clever
B. Narrow
C. Logical
D. normal

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