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Revision Issue Revision Inserted Page(s)

1 Research Design: Descriptive Study 20
Case Study
2 Terminology (make Terminology 10-18
into part 1,2,3) 1. Automotive
Youtube Video
2. Speaking Skills
3. Learning Media
3 Research Question Open-ended Questions Appendix 1.
(Dont use yes/no consist of 15 questions.
4 Learning Strategies Learning Media 18
part (it does not (automotive youtube
related into any part video as the media)
of the proposal)
5 Elaborate the 3
especially in how
automotive can
improve students’
speaking skills.
6 Data Collection Question and Interview 23
Techniques (make (15 questions and 7
the simple teqniques) interview questions)
7 References (there are APA 6th style 27
some semicolons)
Bela Mustika Wati
No Suggestions
1. The writer needs to outlining the speaking skills part and put the speaking
components, in the research background part the writer needs to elaborate the
research proposal points which are consists of speaking skills, automotive
youtube video, and learning media. Then, the writer must elaborate the results
of the observations that have been done by the writer.
2. In the participants part the writer needs to elaborate why the writer choose the
students of SMKN 7 Pontianak as the subject of the study.
3. Research design suggested to change into Descriptive study because the
writer could not find the uniqueness of this study.
4. In the terminology part the writer needs to elaborate the automotive youtube
video part, clearly.

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