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Part I. Profile of the Respondent

Direction: Below is a checklist form for gathering the profile of the respondent which will be

used in the study of advantages and disadvantages of using Question.AI application on academic

achievement among grade 11 students. Please put tick (/) in the box which corresponds to your


Name (optional): ________________

Year and Section: ________________

Age: 15-19 years old 25-29 years old

20-24 years old 30 years old and above

Sex: Male Female

To the Respondent

Please take time to carefully respond to each question. Your responses will help in create

awareness about the advantages and disadvantages of using Question.AI application on academic

achievement. Your response will be kept completely private. Thank you so much, and God bless!


Part II. Advantages and disadvantages of using Question.AI application in terms of:

Direction: Put a tick (/) mark for the appropriate number according to your answer for each

statement. Each statement contains a 4-point scale where 4=Strongly Agree, 3=Agree,

2=Disagree, 1=Strongly Disagree.

A. Advantages

Items Strongly disagree Agree Strongly

disagree Agree

Question.AI application can enhance the

student’s personal learning experience.

Question.AI application can control

student’s behaviour and guide them

towards the most relevant topics.

Question.AI application can improve the

efficiency of the educational system.

Question.AI application can provide

periodical reviews and notices for parents

and students.

Question.AI application can process too

much data and can convert them into

useful information.

Question.AI application can reduce

dependency on teachers in providing the

educational content.

Question.AI application can enhance social

interaction and encourage students to

communicate and cooperate effectively.

Question.AI application can facilitate the

management of task, duties, report related

to students and teachers.

Question.AI application can improve the

accuracy of guiding students towards the

suitable academic paths.

Using Question.AI application in

education leads to missing traditional

B. Disadvantages

education jobs.

Using Question.AI application in

education can leads to missing the human

relationship in classroom.

Using Question.AI application in

education can leads to impaired critical

thinking skills.

Overreliance on Question.AI application

may foster dependency on technology,

potentially hindering traditional learning


ver-reliance on Question.AI application

may hinder the development of students

critical thinking and problem-solving


Part III. Academic Achievement of the Respondents

Direction: Put a tick (/) mark which corresponds to your academic achievement.

Outstanding (90-100)

Very Satisfactory (85-89)

Satisfactory (80-84)
Fairly Satisfactory (75-79)

Did Not Meet Expectation (75)

Part IV. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Question.AI application on

academic achievement among grade 11 students?

Enhanced Learning Engagement: Question.AI promotes active learning by

encouraging students to ask and answer questions, fostering a more engaging

educational experience.

Adaptive Learning Resources: The application adapts to students' evolving needs,

suggesting relevant resources and materials to support their understanding of specific


Technology Dependence Issues: Regular use of Question.AI could contribute to

students becoming overly reliant on technology, potentially hindering their ability

to learn independently without digital aids

Risk of Superficial Learning: Students might focus on surface-level understanding

to answer questions quickly, potentially neglecting deeper comprehension and critical

thinking skills.

Others, please specify:____________

Thank you for your cooperation.

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