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Netherlands 16th century

The Duke of alba (1507-1582)

- Spanish Governor General of the Netherlands (1567-73) appointed by Phillip II
- Mission was to “restore order” against the rebellion with his army of Spanish troops
- Set up the council of troubles to force Catholicism, and the compliance of the Dutch to the
Spanish authority (thousands were imprisoned or put to death without due process)
- Taxed the Dutch
- Protestant countries described him as cruel and a religious tyrant

- Was Roman Catholic until the reformation
- Dominant religion of the Dutch was Calvinism
- Caused conflict as they were under the rule of the Catholic Habsburg monarchy of Spain
- Dutch themselves were tolerant of other religions (Jews who were kicked out of Spain and
Portugal came to the Netherlands)

- The key city was always the one where the imports took place through the rivers
- It was Bruges until 1500 because it silted up
- Antwerp until 1585 (overtaken by the Spanish’
- Amsterdam until 1600s (dominated trade in Europe)


“Fernando Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, 3er Duque de Alba.” Encyclopædia Britannica.

Accessed September 29, 2023.

The Netherlands and France in the 1500s. Accessed September 29, 2023.

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